- Created a project management board - https://trello.com/b/SI20YppP/wealth-debt-evaluator-wdev
- Idea formation started
- Viable API found https://www.jfree.org/jfreechart/
- Updated Problem Statement
- Compiled User Stories
- Finished base models of UI design
- Edited User stories to identify MVP stories for focused development
- Will now be updating timelog.md to document ALL courses work_
- Week 5 exercise completed. Practice with OneToMany and ManyToMany in hibernate.
- WDev (project) - Class design and Database design in the works
- Pushed an initial db design. For right now, I only have a concept of what I think the db should operate like.
- Directory/Package Structure setup to help visual class system.
- Added Technologies/Techniques to README.md
- Fixed Exercise 5 to use .equals to compare objects more efficiently.
- Added Goal Dates to Trello.
- Changed Professional Dev. Project to LeetCode.
- Initiated Conversation with Peer Review group to set up meeting times.
- Upgraded from Macbook air -> 14 MBP pro; Time taken to re-setup environments (this was a headache).
- Met with Justin, Paul, and Subu to discuss and present our Indie projects
- Completed peer review for Paul and Subu
- Created 'user' database as initial database
- Hibernate and Doa formation setup
- CRUD unit tests created and are passing
- Completed Week 7 Exercise
- Investigating implementing cognito into Indie project
- Attempted adding cognito to indie project - running into a couple issues
- Completed Activities 1-2 for week 8
- Completed Activity 3 for week 8
- Added ERD diagram to Indie project
- Gone till 3/20
- Worked on fixing codec issue with AWS Cognito
- switched db user_id -> id
- Cognito implemented
- Deployed to Beanstalk
- Error JSP added
- I broke hibernate - Working on fixing it before submitting checkpoint #3
- Met with team for team project
- Met with team for team project
- Working on importing user attributes to local sql db
- infoPage setup to acquire local user data
- Local user data imported to local db upon submission
- Need to find a way to correlate cognito user attributes and token authentication to local db
- Checkpoint 3 ready for feedback
- Hour meeting with Paul and Justin
- Hour meeting with team (Paul, Subu, Justin)
- 4ish hours into learning JAX-RS (Helpful starter -> https://crunchify.com/how-to-build-restful-service-with-java-using-jax-rs-and-jersey/)
- 5ish hours into team project functionality
- Posted status update to team via slack
- 3.5 hour team meeting - Bug fixes, Frontend fix, presentation recorded
- Submitted Team Project
- Posted Team Project to Slack
- Updated student repo with my completed presentation link
- Programmer 1 work for Week 10 ex
- Indie Proj structural jsp design
- Fixed AWS RDS issues
- TailWind CSS implemented
- JSP index page styling added
- Logo generated
- Indie Project work - JSON sent to servlet to create graph
- Fixed Cognito Issues
- Fixed Hibernate -> RDS issues
- Login/auth -> opens session
- Logout -> ends session
- userName returned to session
- Proj work
- Successful full deployment
- Presentation recorded
- Jdoc generated
- comment fixes
- submission
- https://youtu.be/_Ue8c5uBF34