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Utility operators.



(?) : Bool -> ( a, a ) -> a

Simplify if syntax on a single line.

x : Int
x =

-- y will be "not one"

y : String
y =
    x == 1 ? ( "one", "not one" )


(?!) : Bool -> ( () -> a, () -> a ) -> a

Lazy version of ? operator for recursion or expensive functions that you don't want executed.

fact : Int -> Int
fact n =
    (n <= 1) ?! ( \_ -> 1, \_ -> n * (fact <| n - 1) )



(!!) : List a -> Int -> Maybe a

Get item from List at index

items : List String
items =
    [ "Mickey's gloves", "Goofy's shoes", "Dumbo's feather" ]

first2 : List String -> ( String, String )
first2 list =
    ( list !! 0, list !! 1 )
            ( \_ -> Debug.crash "missing first"
            , \_ -> Debug.crash "missing second"
            , identity



(?=) : Maybe a -> a -> a

Maybe with default operator.

Simplify Maybe.withDefault syntax

x : Int
x =
    Just 1 ?= -1

-- y will be -1

y : Int
y =
    Nothing ?= -1


(?!=) : Maybe a -> (() -> a) -> a

Lazy version of ?= operator. (Since Elm is eager).

This is important if the default is a Debug.crash (or any side-effect function). You don't want it to be evaluated until it's needed. Since Elm is not lazy, we need to have special version of this.

x : Maybe Int
x =

crashIfNothing : Int
crashIfNothing =
    x ?!= (\_ -> Debug.crash "x cannot be Nothing, must be a internal programming bug")


(|?>) : Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b operator

Simplify syntax.

x : Maybe Int
x =
    Just 1

-- y will be Just 10

y : Maybe Int
y =
    x |?> (\num -> 10 * num)

-- z will be 10

z : Int
z =
    x |?> (\num -> 10 * num) ?= 0


(|?->) : Maybe a -> ( b, a -> b ) -> b combined with Maybe.withDefault (or |?> combined with ?=)

This combines two operators with the error case first, i.e. the Nothing.

x : Maybe Int
x =

y : Int
y =
    x |?-> ( 0, \x -> x * 10 )


(|?!->) : Maybe a -> ( () -> b, a -> b ) -> b

Lazy version of (|?->)

The lazy version for side-effect functions, i.e. Debug.log.

x : Maybe Int
x =

y : Int
y =
    x |?!-> ( \_ -> Debug.crash "BUG: x must never be Nothing here!!!", \x -> x * 10 )

z : Int
z =
            ( \_ ->
                Debug.log "using default for x"
                    |> always 0
            , \x -> x * 10


(|?-->) : Maybe (Maybe a) -> ( b, a -> b ) -> b

Double version of (|?->)

Same as (|?->) but used with Maybe (Maybe a) instead of just Maybe a.

x : Maybe (Maybe Int)
x =

y : Int
y =
    x |?--> ( 0, \x -> x * 10 )


(|?!-->) : Maybe (Maybe a) -> ( () -> b, a -> b ) -> b

Lazy version of (|?-->)

x : Maybe (Maybe Int)
x =

y : Int
y =
            ( \_ -> Debug.crash "BUG: x must never be Nothing here!!!"
            , \x -> x * 10

z : Int
z =
            ( \_ ->
                Debug.log "using default for x"
                    |> always 0
            , \x -> x * 10


(|?--->) : Maybe (Maybe (Maybe a)) -> ( b, a -> b ) -> b

Triple version of (|?->)


(|?!--->) : Maybe (Maybe (Maybe a)) -> ( () -> b, a -> b ) -> b

Lazy version of (|?--->)


(|?**>) : ( Maybe a, Maybe b ) -> ( c, c, ( a, b ) -> c ) -> c

(|?->) for 2-tuple of Maybe's

Useful when 2 maybes need defaults.

x : Maybe Int
x =
    Just 1

y : Maybe Int
y =

z : Int
z =
    ( x, y ) |?**> ( 0, 0, \( x, y ) -> x + y )


(|?!**>) : ( Maybe a, Maybe b ) -> ( () -> c, () -> c, ( a, b ) -> c ) -> c

Lazy version of (|?**>)

Useful when 2 maybes must have defaults or must not be Nothing.

bugMissing : String -> (a -> b)
bugMissing missing =
    (\_ -> Debug.crash ("BUG: " ++ missing ++ " missing"))

x : Maybe Int
x =
    Just 1

y : Maybe Int
y =

z : Int
z =
    ( x, y )
            ( bugMissing "x"
            , bugMissing "y"
            , \( x, y ) -> x + y


(|?***>) : ( Maybe a, Maybe b, Maybe c ) -> ( d, d, d, ( a, b, c ) -> d ) -> d

(|?->) for 3-tuple of Maybe's


(|?!***>) : ( Maybe a, Maybe b, Maybe c ) -> ( () -> d, () -> d, () -> d, ( a, b, c ) -> d ) -> d

Lazy version of (|?***>)


(|?****>) : ( Maybe a, Maybe b, Maybe c, Maybe d ) -> ( e, e, e, e, ( a, b, c, d ) -> e ) -> e

(|?->) for 4-tuple of Maybe's


(|?!****>) : ( Maybe a, Maybe b, Maybe c, Maybe d ) -> ( () -> e, () -> e, () -> e, () -> e, ( a, b, c, d ) -> e ) -> e

Lazy version of (|?***>)



(|??>) : Result a b -> (b -> c) -> Result a c operator

Simplified syntax.

br : Result String Int
br =
    Err "Bad Things Happened"

gr : Result String Int
gr =
    Ok 123

-- b will be Err "Bad Things Happened"

b : Result String Int
b =
    br |??> (\num -> 10 * num)

-- g will be Ok 1230

g : Result String Int
g =
    gr |??> (\num -> 10 * num)


(??=) : Result err value -> (err -> value) -> value

Simplified Result.default syntax. This is different from Maybe.default since the Error Type may be different then the Ok Type in a Result. This is why a function is passed to convert the Error Value to a value of Ok Type.

br : Result String Int
br =
    Err "Bad Things Happened"

gr : Result String Int
gr =
    Ok 123

-- b will be -1

b : Int
b =
    br |??> (\num -> 10 * num) ??= (\_ -> -1)

-- g will be Ok 1230

g : Result String Int
g =
    gr |??> (\num -> 10 * num)


(|??->) : Result a b -> ( a -> c, b -> c ) -> c combined with (??=) (or |??> combined with ??=)

This combines two operators with the error case first.

br : Result String Int
br =
    Err "Bad Things Happened"

-- b will be -1

b : Int
b =
    br |??-> ( \_ -> -1, \num -> 10 * num )


(|??-->) : Result a (Result b c) -> ( a -> d, b -> d, c -> d ) -> d

Double version of (|?->)

crash : String -> (a -> b)
crash error =
    (\_ -> Debug.crash error)

brr : Result String (Result String Int)
brr =
    Ok <| Err "Bad Things Happened"

-- b will be -1

b : Int
b =
            ( crash "fatal error"
            , \_ -> -1
            , \num -> 10 * num


(|??**>) : ( Result x a, Result x b ) -> ( x -> c, x -> c, ( a, b ) -> c ) -> c

(|??->) for 2-tuple of Results

crash : String -> String -> x
crash which error =
    Debug.crash (which ++ " has the following error: " ++ error)

ar : Result String Int
ar =
    Ok 10

br : Result String Int
br =
    Ok 20

-- sum will be 30

sum : Int
sum =
    ( ar, br )
            ( crash "a"
            , crash "b"
            , \( a, b ) -> a + b


(|??***>) : ( Result x a, Result x b, Result x c ) -> ( x -> d, x -> d, x -> d, ( a, b, c ) -> d ) -> d

(|??->) for 3-tuple of Results


(|??****>) : ( Result x a , Result x b , Result x c , Result x d ) -> ( x -> e, x -> e, x -> e, x -> e, ( a, b, c, d ) -> e ) -> e

(|??->) for 4-tuple of Results