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Releases: papermerge/papermerge-core

Version 2.0.0.rc46

10 Mar 08:58
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Well, actually I am testing github action. After creating this release (i.e. pushing a tagged commit), papermerge-core version v2.0.0rc46 should appear automatically on pypi!

It worked! From now on, everytime I will create a release (push tagged commit) package will be automatically published on pypi!

Version 2.0.0.rc38

28 Feb 08:16
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This patch release fixes upgrade problems which were caused by conflicting migrations. Besides upgrade issue it also fixes couple of XSS problems and folder creation bug:

  • Issue #311 Fixes upgrade problems (migrations conflicts)
  • Issue #314 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in Automation Tags
  • Issue #315 Bug leads to multiple folder creation
  • Issue #316 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in Permission Management

Version 2.0.0.rc35

25 Feb 08:17
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Meet the latest and the greatest, Papermerge almost version 2.0.0!

New improvements:

  • User interface improvements - modern, desktop like UI
  • Apps support (document parts/satellites architecture)
  • UI preferences - user can set timezone, date, time format from UI: user -> preferences
  • Import Pipeline - flexible import framework - thanks to Francesco
  • Email inbox enhancement (IMPORT_MAIL_BY_USER) - thanks to Francesco
  • No more pdftk dependency. For pdf operations will use stapler instead.
  • Roles - quicker way to assign set of permissions for a given user
  • Document versions (all changes on the document are non-distructively saved)
  • User can manually re-run automates
  • User can manually re-start OCR for selected documents
  • In document viewer user can see OCRed page text
