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File metadata and controls

177 lines (123 loc) · 6.19 KB



Each part of this package which is intended for public usage has an associated contract interface which will not be changed without a major version update. The contract interfaces are used for dependency which will allow you to insert your own behavior into the package. We will be covering the following contract interfaces in this document.



Encoding is the primary functionality provided by this package and will allow you to quickly convert strings from one encoding to another. By default, we attempt to detect the encoding and convert the provided string to UTF-8. Here is a basic example of how this would work with all default values.


use StringEncoder\Encoder;

$str     = "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!";
$encoder = new Encoder();
$newstr  = $encoder->convert()->fromString($str)->toString();
echo $newstr; // "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!" in UTF-8 encoding (default).

Setting a target and source encoding

If you want to change the target encoding, or set a specific encoding, you can do this in the encoder before calling convert. When setting the encoding we will check if it is a valid encoding for the system and throw a InvalidEncodingException error if the encoding is not supported.


use StringEncoder\Encoder;

$str     = "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!";
$encoder = new Encoder();
$encoder->setSourceEncoding('ISO-8859-1'); // This is the source encoding that will be used, we will not auto-detect the encoding.
$encoder->setTargetEncoding('US-ASCII'); // This is the target encoding, defaults to 'UTF-8'.
$newstr  = $encoder->convert()->fromString($str)->toString();
echo $newstr; // "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!" in US-ASCII encoding.

Read sources

The ConvertReadInterface gives access to the the methods available to read strings into the converter. You can both read from a string variable or you can read from a file.

Read from file


use StringEncoder\Encoder;

$encoder    = new Encoder();
$newString  = $encoder->convert()->fromFile('./path/to/file.txt')->toString();
echo $newString; // the contents of the file in UTF-8 encoding (default).

Write sources

The ConvertWriteInterface allows you to both convert the string to another string, file, or a DTO. This allows you the flexibility to decide how you want to receive the data from the convert action.

Write to file


use StringEncoder\Encoder;

$str          = "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!";
$encoder      = new Encoder();
$encoder->convert()->fromString($str)->toFile('./path/to/file.txt'); // file.txt will be created and the contents will be put in it.

Write to DTO


use StringEncoder\Encoder;

$str          = "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!";
$encoder      = new Encoder();
$MBStringDTO  = $encoder->convert()->fromString($str)->toDTO();
echo $MBStringDTO->getString(); // "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!" in UTF-8 encoding (default).
echo $MBStringDTO->getEncodingDTO()->getEncoding(); // "UTF-8" as this is the default encoding.


Some functionality provided by the package can be controlled by passing an option object to the encoding object.

Default target encoding

If you want to change the default target encoding you can modify the value in $defaultTargetEncoding inside an option object. This sets the default target encoding when none is set manually in the encoder.


use StringEncoder\Encoder;
use StringEncoder\Options;

$str     = "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!";
$encoder = new Encoder();
    (new Options())->setDefaultTargetEncoding('US-ASCII')
$newstr  = $encoder->convert()->fromString($str)->toString();
echo $newstr; // "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!" in US-ASCII encoding (default).

Remove UTF-8 BOM

This option determined if we remove the UTF-8 BOM from the result when UTF-8 is the target encoding. This defaults to false.


use StringEncoder\Encoder;
use StringEncoder\Options;

$str     = "\xef\xbb\xbfCalendrier de l'avent façon Necta!";
$encoder = new Encoder();
    (new Options())->setRemoveUTF8BOM(true)
$newstr  = $encoder->convert()->fromString($str)->toString();
echo $newstr; // "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!" in UTF-8 encoding, with out the BOM.

Case sensitive encoding

By default, all encoding detection and validation is case-sensitive. This option allows you to forget about the case and use all encodings in what ever case you want. The package will automaticly convert it to the correct case internally.


use StringEncoder\Encoder;
use StringEncoder\Options;

$str     = "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!";
$encoder = new Encoder();
    (new Options())->setCaseSensitiveEncoding(false)
$newstr  = $encoder->convert()->fromString($str)->toString();
echo $encoder->getTargetEncoding(); // "UTF-8" with the correct case.
echo $newstr; // "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!" in UTF-8 encoding.


The package provides the ability to create both a proxy and to call all the methods in the encoder using a static call.


Mounting will create a class alias and allow you to access the encoder from anywhere in the code base.


use StringEncoder\Proxy\Encoder;

Encoder::mountFromEncoding('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8');
$str    = "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!";
$newstr = Encoder::convert()->fromString($str)->toString();
echo $newstr; // "Calendrier de l'avent façon Necta!" in ISO-8859-1 encoding