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File metadata and controls

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Push some sample images to the ECR repository:

$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region eu-central-1)

docker pull nginxdemos/hello

docker tag nginxdemos/hello

docker push

docker pull daviey/nyan-cat-web

docker tag daviey/nyan-cat-web

docker push

Sample Fargate application

After setting up a Spinnaker development environment and a deployment region, create the infrastructure (LBs, security groups, etc) for a new ECS service. In this example, the deployment region is eu-central-1.

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file spinnaker-deployment-lb.yml --region eu-central-1 --stack-name spinnaker-ecs-demo

Go to http://localhost:9000/#/applications/aws/executions and create a new pipeline named "ecs-demo". Go to Pipeline Actions -> Edit as JSON, and paste in the contents of sample-pipeline.json. Click Save Changes.

Go back to the Executions page, and click "Start Manual Execution". Choose one of the tags to deploy.

When the deployment completes, load the webpage:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region eu-central-1 --stack-name spinnaker-ecs-demo --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ExternalUrl`].OutputValue' --output text

Sample Fargate application (using task definition artifacts)

Follow the Spinnaker instructions for registering your GitHub account in Spinnaker. with the account name 'my-github':

After setting up a Spinnaker development environment and a deployment region, create the infrastructure (LBs, security groups, etc) for a new ECS service. In this example, the deployment region is eu-central-1.

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file spinnaker-deployment-lb.yml --region eu-central-1 --stack-name spinnaker-ecs-demo-artifacts

Go to http://localhost:9000/#/applications/aws/executions and create a new pipeline named "ecs-demo-artifacts". Go to Pipeline Actions -> Edit as JSON, and paste in the contents of sample-pipeline-task-def-artifact.json. Click Save Changes.

Go back to the Executions page, and click "Start Manual Execution". Choose one of the tags to deploy.

When the deployment completes, load the webpage:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region eu-central-1 --stack-name spinnaker-ecs-demo-artifacts --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ExternalUrl`].OutputValue' --output text

Sample EC2 application

After setting up a Spinnaker development environment and a deployment region, create the infrastructure (LBs, security groups, etc) for a new ECS service. In this example, the deployment region is eu-central-1.

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file spinnaker-deployment-lb.yml --region eu-central-1 --stack-name spinnaker-ecs-ec2-demo --parameter-overrides LBTargetType=instance

Add some container instances to your ECS cluster:

aws cloudformation deploy --template-file spinnaker-deployment-container-instances.yml --region eu-central-1 --stack-name spinnaker-ecs-ec2-instances

Go to http://localhost:9000/#/applications/aws/executions and create a new pipeline named "ecs-ec2-demo". Go to Pipeline Actions -> Edit as JSON, and paste in the contents of sample-ec2-pipeline.json. Click Save Changes.

Go back to the Executions page, and click "Start Manual Execution". Choose one of the tags to deploy.

When the deployment completes, load the webpage:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks --region eu-central-1 --stack-name spinnaker-ecs-ec2-demo --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey==`ExternalUrl`].OutputValue' --output text