This application calculates the mandelbrot set and renders it to the frame buffer in realtime.
It was taken from the original parallella-examples repository and has been rewritten to utilize OpenMP 4.0 constructs. The host part offloads one kernel which spawns a parallel team of OpenMP threads within the device (Epiphany). Modifications to the original code were as few as possible.
Original code: Mandelbrot
You need to have OMPi v2.0.0 or later installed. In order to build this application, simply execute:
ompicc mandelbrot_omp4.c
Note that this application can not be executed on headless systems. To run it on e-SDK
execute the following command:
Remember that in order to run the program you have to switch to TTY by pressing
Ctrl + Alt + F2
, then login. (Return to X Window: Ctrl + Alt + F7
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE // Version 2, June 1991
Original program is licensed under the BSD 3-clause License.
The OMPi Team, Parallel Processing Group, University of Ioannina