If you can indicate the web server to catch an image from a URL you could try to abuse a SSRF. If this image is going to be saved in some public site, you could also indicate a URL from Generate Invisible IPLogger Image | IP Logger and steal information of every visitor.
Unrestricted File Upload
Webshell / Remote Code Execution
Webshell / RCE
Stored XSS / SSRF / XXE?
Stored XSS / SSRF
CSV Injection
HTML injection / XSS / Open redirect
Pixel Flood Attack
RCE via LFI / Dos / Symlink
En un mot, les cybercriminels peuvent créer des archives Zip pour lancer des attaques par traversée de chemin afin d’écraser des fichiers importants sur les systèmes affectés, soit en les détruisant, soit en les remplaçant par d’autres fichiers malveillants.
Unrestricted File Upload | OWASP
Top 10 - What can you reach in case you uploaded... | Twitter, Salah Hasoneh
graph LR
%% node
access[Peut-on accéder au ficher<br/>après l'avoir upload ?]
type_with_access[Peut-on upload un fichier ...]
type_with_no_access[Peut-on upload un fichier ...]
php_with_access[PHP : .php, .php3, .php4,<br/>.php5, .php7, .phar,<br/>.phps, .phpt, .pht,<br/>.phtm, ou .phtml ?]
asp_with_access[ASP : .asp, .aspx, .cer, .asa ?]
asp.net_with_access[ASP.NET : .aspx, .cshtml,<br/>.vbhtml ?]
py_with_access[Python : .py ?]
pl_with_access[Perl : .pl, .pm, .cgi, .lib ?]
rb_with_access[Ruby : .rb ?]
sh_with_access[Shell : .sh ?]
java_with_access[Java : .jsp, .jspx, .jsw, .jsv, .jspf ?]
cf_with_access[Coldfusion : .cfm, .cfml, .cfc, .dbm ?]
svg_with_access[.svg ?]
gif_with_access[.gif ?]
cvs_with_access[.csv ?]
xml_with_access[.xml, .html, .xhtml, config files ?]
avi_with_access[.avi ?]
html_js_with_access[.html ou .js ?]
zip_with_access[.zip ?]
pdf_pptx_with_access[.pdf ou .pptx ?]
config_with_access[.htaccess, web.config, httpd.conf, __init__.py ?]
svg_with_no_access[.svg ?]
png_jpeg_with_no_access[.png ou .jpeg ?]
zip_with_no_access[.zip ?]
img_or_code["Le serveur lit-il l'image<br/>ou le code injecté ?"]
server[Le serveur<br/>supporte-t-il le langage associé ?]
%% access
access -- oui --> type_with_access
access -. non .-> type_with_no_access
%% type
type_with_access --> php_with_access & asp_with_access & asp.net_with_access & py_with_access & pl_with_access & rb_with_access & sh_with_access & java_with_access
subgraph RCE
php_with_access --> server
asp_with_access --> server
asp.net_with_access --> server
py_with_access --> server
pl_with_access --> server
rb_with_access --> server
sh_with_access --> server
java_with_access --> server
server -- oui --> rce[RCE via webshell]
server -- non --> non01[Non exploitable]
type_with_access --> gif_with_access --> img_or_code
img_or_code -- l'image --> no[Non exploitable]:::NoExploit
img_or_code -- le code PHP --> php[RCE via webshell]:::Exploit
img_or_code -- le code --> ssrf01[SSRF]:::Exploit
img_or_code -- le code HTML/JS --> xss01[Stored XSS]:::Exploit
type_with_access --> svg_with_access --> processed[Le fichier est-il traité<br/>ou juste affiché par le serveur ?]
processed -- traité --> xxe01[XXE] & ssrf02[SSRF]
processed -- affiché --> xss02[Stored XSS] & htmlsvg[HTML Injection]
type_with_access --> cvs_with_access --> csv01[CSV Injection]
type_with_access --> xml_with_access --> xxe02[XXE]
type_with_access --> avi_with_access --> lfi02[LFI] & ssrf03[SSRF]
type_with_access --> html_js_with_access --> html[HTML injection] & xss03[XSS] & open[Open redirect]
type_with_access --> zip_with_access --> unzip[Le serveur dézippe-t-il le fichier ?]
unzip -- oui --> fi01["LFI via ZIP Symlink"]:::Exploit
unzip -- oui --> rcelfi["RCE via LFI"]:::Exploit
unzip -- non --> non[Non exploitable]:::NoExploit
type_with_access --> pdf_pptx_with_access
pdf_pptx_with_access --> ssrf04[SSRF]:::Exploit
pdf_pptx_with_access --> pdf_pptx[Blind XXE]:::Exploit
%% langage du serveur
subgraph DoS
type_with_no_access --> svg_with_no_access --> id5[Billion Laugh Attack]:::Exploit
type_with_no_access --> png_jpeg_with_no_access --> pixel[Pixel Flood Attack]:::Exploit
type_with_no_access --> zip_with_no_access --> id6[Bomb]:::Exploit
classDef Exploit fill:#c6efce,stroke:#006100,color:#006100
classDef NoExploit fill:#ffc7ce,stroke:#9c0006,color:#9c0006