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pashinin edited this page Apr 30, 2013 · 1 revision

Workgroup Creation

To start off, add a few workgroups. Hit <prefix> c to issue the command wg-create-workgroup, give it a name, hit RET, and a new workgroup is created. Maybe split the screen a few times with C-x 2 and C-x 3, and switch to different buffers in some of the windows to make it unique. Repeat this process a few times to create some different workgroups.

Every workgroup must have a unique name. You can rename workgroups after they've been created with <prefix> A (wg-rename-workgroup).

Saving and Loading

Saving and loading was the original motivation for writing Workgroups. You can save your workgroups to a file with <prefix> C-s (wg-save-session) and you can load workgroups from a file with (wg-find-session-file wg-file).

Once you have a file of saved workgroups, it's convenient to load it on Emacs startup. To do so you can add a line like this to your.emacs:

(wg-find-session-file "~/.emacs_files/workgroups")

Killing and Yanking

You can kill workgroups with <prefix> k (wg-kill-workgroup). Killing a workgroup deletes it from the list of workgroups, and copies its working config to the kill ring. You can yank killed wconfigs into the current frame with <prefix> y (wg-yank-config). If the last command was wg-yank-config, calling it again will yank the next wconfig in the kill ring, and so on, much like Emacs' own kill ring.

You can save a wconfig to the kill ring without killing its workgroup with the kill-ring-save commands. <prefix> M-w (wg-kill-ring-save-working-config) saves the working config to the kill ring, and <prefix> M-W (wg-kill-ring-save-base-config) saves the base config to the kill ring.

<prefix> M-k (wg-kill-workgroup-and-buffers) kills a workgroup, and all the buffers visible in it, and <prefix> K (wg-delete-other-workgroups) deletes all but the current workgroup.


Cloning a workgroup creates a new workgroup under a different name with the a copy of the current workgroup's base and working configs. <prefix> C (wg-clone-workgroup) will clone the current workgroup.

Offsetting and Swapping

You can move a workgroup leftward or rightward in the workgroups list with <prefix> , (wg-offset-left) and <prefix> . (wg-offset-right) respectively. These commands work cyclically, so when you offset a workgroup leftward or rightward when it's already on the far left or right of the list, it will wrap around to the other side.

<prefix> x (wg-swap-workgroups) will swap the position in the workgroups list of the previously selected workgroup with that of the current workgroup.

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