File tree
887 files changed
lines changed- songs
- 3_doors_down
- aaron
- adele
- alain_bashung
- alain_souchon
- alanis_morissette
- alex_beaupain
- alexis_hk
- alicia_keys
- america
- amy_macdonald
- anais
- anis
- anny_et_jean-marc_versini
- antoine
- antsy_pants
- archimede
- arlo_guthrie
- as_de_trefle
- au_petit_bonheur
- avenue_q
- avril_lavigne
- axel_bauer
- balbino_medellin
- barbara
- barry_louis_polisar
- beau_dommage
- belle_sebastian
- belyscendre
- ben_e_king
- ben_harper
- benabar
- bill_withers
- billy_ray_cyrus
- bloodhound_gang
- bob_dylan
- bob_marley
- bob_seger
- bobby_mcferrin
- boby_lapointe
- britney_spears
- bruce_springsteen
- buddy_holly
- buena_vista_social_club
- calvin_russell
- carter_family
- cat_stevens
- catherine_le_forestier
- cesaria_evora
- charlie_winston
- christophe
- claude_nougaro
- coldplay
- coluche
- cookie_dingler
- cranberries
- crash_test_dummies
- creedence_clearwater_revival
- crep
- damien_rice
- daniel_balavoine
- daniel_guichard
- daniel_lanois
- daniel_powter
- debout_sur_le_zinc
- dessins_animes
- dire_straits
- dolly_parton
- dropkick_murphys
- eddie_vedder
- eddy_mitchell
- edith_piaf
- eels
- eiffel
- elton_john
- elvis_presley
- emiliana_torrini
- etienne_daho
- fabrizio_de_andre
- fleetwood_mac
- fools_garden
- france_gall
- francis_cabrel
- francois_corbier
- garfunkel_and_oates
- gary_jules
- georges_brassens
- gerald_de_palmas
- gerard_dalton
- gerard_lenorman
- gerry_rafferty
- gilbert_becaud
- gilles_dreu
- gilles_servat
- gipsy_kings
- gogol_bordello
- gospel
- gotye
- graeme_allwright
- green_day
- gregoire
- henri_des
- henri_salvador
- herman_dune
- herman_s_hermits
- herve_cristiani
- hk_saltimbanks
- hoobastank
- howie_day
- hubert-felix_thiefaine
- hugues_aufray
- iggy_pop
- indochine
- israel_kamakawiwo_ole
- jack_johnson
- jacques_brel
- jacques_dutronc
- jacques_higelin
- jali
- jason_marz
- jcfrog
- jean-jacques_goldman
- jean_leloup
- jean_pierre_mader
- jeanette
- jeanne_moreau
- jeff_buckley
- jimi_hendrix
- joan_baez
- joe_dassin
- johk
- john_denver
- john_lennon
- johnny_cash
- johnny_hallyday
- jonathan_coulton
- julien_clerc
- julien_dore
- kana
- karpatt
- kenny_rogers
- kimya_dawson
- la_chanson_du_dimanche
- la_compagnie_creole
- la_crevette_d_acier
- la_famille_maestro
- la_maison_tellier
- la_rue_ketanou
- la_tete_a_toto
- laura_veirs
- le_clandestin
- le_donjon_de_naheulbeuk
- leonard_cohen
- les_amis_d_ta_femme
- les_blerots_de_ravel
- les_booze_brothers
- les_cowboys_fringants
- les_fatals_picards
- les_hurlements_d_leo
- les_innocents
- les_momes_du_ce2
- les_naufrages
- les_ogres_de_barback
- les_petites_bourrettes
- les_tetes_raides
- les_tit_s_nassels
- les_vieilles_valises
- les_vrp
- les_wriggles
- lila_downs
- linkin_park
- loic_lantoine
- los_lobos
- louis_bertignac
- louis_chedid
- louise_attaque
- lucienne_delyle
- lylloo
- m
- manau
- mano_negra
- mano_solo
- manu_chao
- marie_cherrier
- marie_laforet
- matmatah
- matticus
- maurice_dulac
- maxime_le_forestier
- mc_solaar
- mes_souliers_sont_rouges
- michael_jackson
- michel_fugain
- michel_polnareff
- michel_sardou
- mon_cote_punk
- monty_python
- moriarty
- negresses_vertes
- neil_young
- nino_ferrer
- nirvana
- noir_desir
- norah_jones
- oasis
- oldelaf_et_monsieur_d
- outkast
- paco_ibanez
- parabellum
- pascale_picard
- patrick_bouchitey
- patrick_coutin
- pep_s
- phil_barney
- philippe_chatel
- philippe_lavil
- pierre_bachelet
- pierre_perret
- pigalle
- pink_floyd
- pixies
- pornophonique
- pow_wow
- r_e_m
- radiohead
- ralph_mctell
- raphael
- razorlight
- red_hot_chili_peppers
- renan_luce
- renaud
- ridan
- rise_against
- rita_mitsouko
- ritchie_valens
- roch_voisine
- roger_glover
- rose
- sanseverino
- serge_gainsbourg
- sheepbox
- simon_garfunkel
- sinsemilia
- sixpence_none_the_richer
- soan
- soggy_bottom_boys
- soldat_louis
- soul_asylum
- stealers_wheel
- steve_waring
- sting
- suzanne_vega
- system_of_a_down
- telephone
- terra_naomi
- terry_bush
- the_animals
- the_beach_boys
- the_beatles
- the_beautiful_girls
- the_bloody_irish_boys
- the_calling
- the_carpenters
- the_connells
- the_doors
- the_dubliners
- the_eagles
- the_fray
- the_innocence_mission
- the_kingston_trio
- the_mamas_and_the_papas
- the_moldy_peaches
- the_nightwatchman
- the_pogues
- the_rolling_stones
- the_white_stripes
- thomas_fersen
- tit_patapons
- tom_petty
- tonton_david
- tournee_generale
- tracy_chapman
- traditionnel
- tri_yann
- tryo
- u2
- vincent_delerm
- vincent_malone
- walz
- william_balde
- yodelice
- yuki_kajiura
- yves_duteil
- yves_jamait
- yves_simon
- yvon_etienne
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
887 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
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2 | 2 |
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3 | 3 |
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4 |
| - | |
| 4 | + | |
5 | 5 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 | 7 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
1 | 1 |
| |
2 | 2 |
| |
3 | 3 |
| |
4 |
| - | |
| 4 | + | |
5 | 5 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 | 7 |
| |
0 commit comments