Prior to use the library following readings are recommended. 1 Introduction 2 Tips and tricks with psi_fix 3 Design Flow List of compoments Component Source Binary division psi_fix_bin_div.vhd Filter CIC Decimation 1 channel configurable psi_fix_cic_dec_cfg_1ch.vhd Filter CIC Decimation N channels parallel input Tdm output configurable psi_fix_cic_dec_cfg_nch_par_tdm.vhd Filter CIC Decimation N channels Tdm input Tdm output configurable psi_fix_cic_dec_cfg_nch_tdm_tdm.vhd Filter CIC Decimation 1 channel fixed parameters (generics) psi_fix_cic_dec_fix_1ch.vhd Filter CIC Decimation N channels parallel input Tdm output fixed parameters (generics) psi_fix_cic_dec_fix_nch_par_tdm.vhd Filter CIC Decimation N channels Tdm input Tdm output fixed parameters (generics) psi_fix_cic_dec_fix_nch_tdm_tdm.vhd Filter CIC Interpolation 1 channel fixed parameters psi_fix_cic_int_fix_1ch.vhd Simple comparator with unique FP format psi_fix_comparator.vhd Complex amplitude calculation (no cordic) psi_fix_complex_abs.vhd Complex adder or subtractor psi_fix_complex_addsub.vhd Complex multiplier psi_fix_complex_mult.vhd CORDIC rotation mode Polar to Cartesian - Parallel/Serial mode psi_fix_cordic_rot.vhd CORDIC vector mode Cartesian to Polar - Parallel/Serial mode psi_fix_cordic_vect.vhd DDS 18bits fixed output psi_fix_dds_18b.vhd Non IQ demodulator with phase offset input and fixed non-integer ratio (generics) psi_fix_demod_real2cplx.vhd Non IQ modulator with phase offset input and fixed non-integer ratio (generics) psi_fix_mod_cplx2real.vhd LP Filter Half-bandwidth 0.25 0.5 0.25 and decimation by 2 (without using multipliers) psi_fix_fir_3tap_hbw_dec2.vhd 1/2 MAC FIR filter *decimation with optimized used of resources configurable psi_fix_fir_dec_semi_nch_chtdm_conf.vhd MAC FIR filter *decimation N Channels input parallel configurable psi_fix_fir_dec_ser_nch_chpar_conf.vhd MAC FIR filter *decimation N Channels input Tdm configurable psi_fix_fir_dec_ser_nch_chtdm_conf.vhd Direct FIR filter N Channels input Tdm configurable psi_fix_fir_par_nch_chtdm_conf.vhd 1/X inversion calculation psi_fix_inv.vhd Linear approximation calculation, to be used with table generated from python (sin/sqrt) psi_fix_lin_approx_calc.vhd Gaussify function in a 20bit width & 1024 depth LUT psi_fix_lin_approx_gaussify20b.vhd IIR 1st Order configurable psi_fix_lowpass_iir_order1_cfg.vhd IIR 1st Order fixed parameters (generics) psi_fix_lowpass_iir_order1.vhd Moving average filter psi_fix_mov_avg.vhd Polar to cartesian approximation psi_fix_pol2cart_approx.vhd SQRT function psi_fix_sqrt.vhd Misc