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Releases: pbreheny/grpreg

Version 3.1-1

07 Jun 13:44
Choose a tag to compare
  • Fixed: Cross-validation no longer fails when constant columns are present (thank you to Matthew Rosenberg for pointing this out)
  • Fixed: Cross-validation no longer fails when group.multiplier is specified

Version 3.1-0

18 May 14:13
Choose a tag to compare
  • New: Additional tests and support for coersion of various types with respect to both X and y
  • Change: Convergence criterion now based on RMSD of linear predictors
  • Change: 'Lung' and 'Birthwt' data sets now use factor representation of group, as character vectors are inherently ambiguous with respect to order
  • Change: max.iter now based on total number of iterations for entire path
  • Internal: 'X', 'group', and 'group.multiplier' now bundled together in an object called 'XG' to enforce agreement at all times
  • Internal: new SSR-BEDPP feature screening rule for group lasso
  • Internal: Registration of native routines
  • Internal: Changing PROTECT/UNPROTECT to conform to new coding standards
  • Fixed: The binding of X and G fixes several potential bugs, including Issue #12