This file is a work in progress.
The program hledger-import
will by default look at the following location: $HOME/.config/hledger-import/config.toml
The path to the configuration file can be set using the environment variable HLEDGER_IMPORT_CONFIG
The configuration file is written in TOML format.
enumerates all of your bank accounts.
If iban
matches, then account
is used for the resulting hledger transaction.
A fallback_account
can be set to balance postings for which no other rules apply or fit.
The following example demonstrates the configuration file format:
ibans = [
{ iban = "AT000000000000000000", account = "Assets:Bank:Checking" },
{ iban = "AT000000000000000001", account = "Assets:Bank:Savings" },
cards = [
{ card = "Erste", account = "Liabilities:Credit Cards:Example VISA" },
mapping = [
{ search = "Grocery Store", account = "Expenses:Groceries", note = "Grocery shopping" },
creditor_and_debitor_mapping = []
bank = "Assets:Reconciliation:Bank transfers"
cash = "Assets:Reconciliation:Cash transfers"
creditors = [
{ creditor_id = "AT00ZZZ00000000000", account = "Expenses:Telecommunication", note = "Phone bill" },
mandates = [
{ mandate_id = "1234/56789", account = "Assets:Reconciliation:Bank transfers", note = "Credit card bill" },