The second step of building the display is to connect the shift register outputs to the resistors. The resistors are needed to limit the current flowing into the LEDs inside the 7-segment display.
Add the wires shown in the diagram below to your breadboard.
- Pay close attention to which pin on the shift register goes to each resistor. Ask a mentor for help if you can't tell where a wire goes in the diagram.
- Use the half-length pieces of wire for making these connections. The full length pieces of wire you have are too long to make these connections nicely.
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After adding the wires, your project will look something like the picture below.
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Before continuing, check your circuit to confirm it is wired correctly. Ask a mentor to double check the circuit after you have checked it.
This circuit has a lot of wiring and components that are placed close to each other. Ensure all the connections are correct and that there are no short circuits created by exposed conductors.