New classes are created with
is a metaclass, used to create new classes):
var MyClass ={
name: "MyClass",
doc: "Description of MyClass",
supers: [ SuperClass, .... ],
methods: {
name: function (this, ...) { ... }
unops: {
"!": function (this) { ... }
binops: {
"+": function (l, r) { ... }
lhsops: {
".": function(l, r, value) { ... }
props: {
class_member: value,
static_method: function (args) { ... }
lhsops methods are called when the binary operator is on the left hand side of an ASSIGNOP, and are passed the value to store, and must return that value.
"." on an Object (on the right hand side of an ASSIGNOP) will return a callable BoundMethod if the NAME is found as a method.
All classes should provide "str" and "repr" methods, and an "init" method IFF you want to pass anything to
To create a singleton class (one with only one instance), use metaclass SingletonClass (use