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Analyzing Hyperparameters for a CNN LSTM Video Description Framework

In this project, we explore a deep learning encoder-decoder framework that describes objects or/and activities in a video by modelling the local and global temporal structure of videos. The framework "arctic-capgen-vid" consists of deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) which serve as an encoder and Long Short-Term Memory Network (LSTM) for the decoder. This design has been proven effective for producing high learning capacity models for video to text translations as long as critical hyperparameters are identified and provided with appropriate values. Our study therefore seeks to discover the pivotal hyperparameters and experimental conditions in which this approach works best. The framework for our experiments provides description for the Youtube2Text dataset and performs exceptionally well for both BLEU and METEOR metrics.

Setting up environment

  • We are using ARC clusters which are GPU clusters provided by our university. You can run our project on CPU as well, since the following setup steps will work for local machine too. However, training on GPU provided us with a speed boost of at least 10x.
  • You will need to use python 2.x

Accessing ARC nodes

Steps to access ARC nodes can be followed by the "Accessing the Cluster" section from ARC Cluters

Assign node

Once logged in to the ARC cluster, you will have to assign a node to install dependencies in your workspace.

To check available nodes, run


Then, use the following command to assign a node.

srun -n 32 -N 2 -p gtx780 --pty /bin/bash
srun -n 16 -N 1 -p gtx1080 --pty /bin/bash

Installing python dependencies

pip2.7 install --user tables
pip2.7 install --user sklearn
pip2.7 install --user scipy
pip2.7 install --user mako
pip2.7 install --user cython
pip2.7 install --user nose

Installing git from source

wget -O git.tar.gz
tar -zxf git.tar.gz
cd git-2.1.2/
make configure
make install

Configure git (optional)

# git config --global "Your name"
# git config --global "Your email address"

Checkout repo

cd ~
git clone

Install dependencies

mkdir ~/video-description-cnn-rnn/arctic-capgen-vid/dependencies
cd ~/video-description-cnn-rnn/arctic-capgen-vid/dependencies

# Coco-caption
git clone

# Jobman
git clone git:// Jobman

## Theano + pygpuarray
# First install cmake version 3.x
tar -zxvf cmake-3.6.2.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.6.2
./bootstrap --prefix=~/.local/
make install
vim ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

# Theano
cd ~/video-description-cnn-rnn/arctic-capgen-vid/dependencies
git clone git://
cd Theano
pip install --user -e .

# pygpu
cd ..
git clone
cd libgpuarray
git checkout tags/v0.7.5 -b v0.7.5
mkdir Build
cd Build
make install
cd ..
python build_ext -L ~/.local/lib -I ~/.local/include
python build
python install --user

Adding following paths to your bash profile as per your home directory

vim ~/.bash_profile

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/bin:$HOME/video-description-cnn-rnn/arctic-capgen-vid/dependencies/Jobman/bin

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/video-description-cnn-rnn/arctic-capgen-vid/dependencies/Theano/:$HOME/video-description-cnn-rnn/arctic-capgen-vid/dependencies/coco-caption:$HOME/video-description-cnn-rnn/arctic-capgen-vid/dependencies/Jobman

export CPATH=$CPATH:~/.local/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:~/.local/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/.local/lib

Load bash profile

. ~/.bash_profile

Download the dataset

NOTE: Dataset has been included as LFS links in the project. Please follow the steps below only if there is some problem with accessing the dataset

mkdir ~/video-description-cnn-rnn/arctic-capgen-vid/dataset
cd ~/video-description-cnn-rnn/arctic-capgen-vid/dataset
wget ''

Running the project

  1. Go to and change the value of following variables: RAB_DATASET_BASE_PATH and RAB_EXP_PATH according to your specific setup. The first path is the parent dir path containing youtube2text_iccv15 dataset folder. The second path specifies where you would like to save all the experimental results. Create a "exp" folder for it.
  2. Before training the model, we suggest to test by running python without any error.
  3. It is also useful to verify coco-caption evaluation pipeline works properly by running python without any error.
  4. Now ready to launch the training. You can change the configuration of the model in
  • to run on gpu:
  • to run on cpu:
THEANO_FLAGS=mode=FAST_RUN,device=cpu,floatX=float32 python

Running the training in background

Since training the model takes a lot of time, you can use "sbatch" command on ARC cluster to run the training in background. Follow the steps:

  1. Create a batch file called "run_model.batch" and add following lines in it
#SBATCH -J stdm_cnn_rnn               # Job name
#SBATCH -o stdm_cnn_rnn.out         # Name of stdout output file (%j expands to jobId)
#SBATCH -N 1                          # Total number of nodes requested
#SBATCH -n 16                       # Total number of mpi tasks requested
#SBATCH -t 24:00:00                   # Maximum Run time (hh:mm:ss) - 1.5 hours
#SBATCH -p gtxtitanx                   # Specify gpu/CPU
  1. Submit batch file to run by executing command:
sbatch run_model.batch

Above command will generate a job id for corresponding to that batch file execution

  1. Check job status
scontrol show job=<job_id>

The job status should be "RUNNING". If it is "PENDING" then most likely there are no nodes available right now, and the job will start running as soon as the requested node (in batch file) gets available to run.

  1. Check running jobs
squeue -u <unity_id> -t running

Tracking video descriptions

Video descriptions can be tracked in the output file of the batch file. In the example batch file above, output will be generated in "stdm_cnn_rnn.out" file. Thus, check the descriptions by opening the file

less stdm_cnn_rnn.out

and search for 'sampling from train'

Running visualization script


This will generate 4 files "BLEU.png", "CIDer.png", "METEOR.png", "ROUGE.png"


  • We thank the arctic-capgen-vid team for their licensed project, which we could extend for exploration purposes
  • We thank our instructors Dr. Raju Vatsavai and Bharathkumar Ramachandra for their support throughout the project =======