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File metadata and controls

200 lines (148 loc) · 6.12 KB



The package PROTEST/TEST-CASE implements the concept of a test case as an object describing the flow of a test.

A test case in PROTEST/TEST-CASE consists of three elements: metadata about a given test phase, such as description and tags, test phases (denoted by keywords), and test steps (denoted by numbers and strings). PROTEST/TEST-CASE also implements the concept of a test that is an instance of a particular test case.

Each test case in PROTEST/PROTOCOL has a name, which may be a string or a symbol. All names are internally coerced to strings.

Each test phase is required to be a keyword. These are meant to describe the group of test steps that come afterwards it.

Each test step is required to consist of a positive integer and a string description of the step. The steps are required to be unsigned-bytes in increasing order.

Inside a test body, the reader macro #N? with a numerical argument may be used to denote a form belonging to a given test step. That information is then used inside the test body to inform the user of which exactly test step has failed. The implementation of that reader macro is delegated to modules integrating with testing libraries:

Internal Dependencies



  • Class TEST-CASE

    Describes a test case understood as a metaobject describing the metadata, steps and phases of a particular test.

    Each test case is uniquely identified by


    • Reader NAME - returns the string that names the test case.
    • Reader PACKAGE-OF - returns the package the test case belongs to.
    • Accessor WHOLE - accesses the DEFINE-TEST-CASE form that the test case was defined with.
    • Accessor TAGS - accesses the list of tags of the test case.
    • Accessor ATTACHMENTS - accesses the list of attachments of the test case.
    • Accessor STEPS - accesses the hash-table containing the steps of the test case.
    • Reader STEPS-LIST - returns a fresh list containing the steps of the test case. The list is not ordered.
  • Class TEST-STEP

    Describes a test step understood as a single action performed within a test, identified by its number, having a string description, and optionally belonging to a particular test phase.


    • Reader ID - returns the numeric identifier of the test step.
    • Reader DESCRIPTION - returns the textual description of the test step.
    • Reader TEST-PHASE - returns the symbol denoting the test phase of the test step.

Documentation Types

  • Documentation Type TEST-CASE


  • Function FIND-TEST-CASE

    Syntax: (find-test-case NAME &optional (PACKAGE *PACKAGE*))

    Returns a test case object matching the provided NAME and PACKAGE. If no such test case was found, returns NIL.

  • Function (SETF FIND-TEST-CASE)

    Syntax: (setf (find-test-case NAME &optional (PACKAGE *PACKAGE*)) NEW-VALUE)

    Sets the test case object matching the provided NAME and PACKAGE.



    Syntax: (define-test-case NAME (&rest OPTIONS) &body STEPS)

    Defines the test case named NAME with the provided OPTIONS, containing the provided STEPS.

    OPTIONS is a plist containing the options selected for the test case. The following options are defined:


      Expects a string that will be attached to the test case's name as a documentation string of documentation type TEST-CASE.

    • :TAGS

      Expects a list of keywords which name tags attached to this test case.

      This information is currently not processed, but will be utilized in the future when this library supports HTML generation.


      Expects a list of strings naming files attached to this test case.

      This information is currently not processed, but will be utilized in the future when this library supports HTML generation.



    If true, then test case redefinitions will signal warnings.


An example test case and a test written in PROTEST/PARACHUTE:

(define-test-case self-test ()
  1 "This test case tests TRUE."
  2 "This test case tests FALSE."
  3 "This test case tests IS EQ."
  4 "This test case tests ISNT EQ."
  5 "This test case tests IS-VALUES =."
  6 "This test case tests ISNT-VALUES =."
  7 "This test case is expected to FAIL."
  8 "This test case tests OF-TYPE."
  9 "This test case tests FINISH.")

(define-test self-test
  #1?(true (numberp 2/3))
  #2?(false (numberp :keyword))
  #3?(is eq (not nil) t)
  #4?(isnt eq (not nil) nil)
  #5?(is-values (values 0 "1")
       (= 0)
       (equal "1"))
  #6?(isnt-values (values 1 :zero)
       (= 0)
       (equal "1"))
  #7?(fail :failure)
  #8?(of-type string "a")
  #9?(finish :finish))

Executing test SELF-TEST will produce the following output:

             ? CL-USER::SELF-TEST
             #   Phase :FIRST-THREE
   1   0.000 ✔   (true (numberp 2/3))
   2   0.000 ✔   (false (numberp :keyword))
   3   0.000 ✔   (is eq (not ()) t)
             #   Phase :MIDDLE-THREE
   4   0.000 ✔   (is eq (not ()) ())
   5   0.000 ✔   (is-values (values 0 "1") (= 0) (equal "1"))
   6   0.000 ✔   (isnt-values (values 1 :zero) (= 0) (equal "1"))
             #   Phase :LAST-THREE
   7   0.000 ✘   (fail :failure error)
   8   0.000 ✔   (of-type string "a")
   9   0.000 ✔   (finish :finish)
       0.085 ✘ CL-USER::SELF-TEST

;; Summary:
Passed:     8
Failed:     1
Skipped:    0

;; Failures:
   1/   9 tests failed in PROTEST/FOR-PARACHUTE::SELF-TEST
In test case SELF-TEST, phase LAST-THREE, step 7:
The test form   (capture-error :failure)
evaluated to    ()
when            error
was expected to be equal under TYPEP.
This test case is expected to FAIL.