Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:
xcode-select --install
For fastlane installation instructions, see Installing fastlane
[bundle exec] fastlane ios prepare_certificates
downloads and installs the appstore certificate for both CI and local machines. Certificate is used to sign the version released to itunes connect or firebase app distribution
[bundle exec] fastlane ios deploy_firebase
prepares release notes based on JIRA tickets in commits since the last release, uploads the build to firebase and adds a JIRA comment to every mentioned issue with build version, link to bitrise and link to firebase
[bundle exec] fastlane ios deploy_testflight
deploys the build to testflight
[bundle exec] fastlane ios deploy_pending_release
promotes pending_release
[bundle exec] fastlane ios add_ios_device
adds new device's name and udid to the certificate and recreates the provisioning profiles
[bundle exec] fastlane ios refresh_profiles
recreates the provisioning profiles for development, adhoc and appstore only if number of registered devices have changed
[bundle exec] fastlane ios download_udids
[bundle exec] fastlane ios check_testflight_version
checks current version in testflight
[bundle exec] fastlane ios new_feature_branch
creates new feature branch from specified JIRA ticket number
[bundle exec] fastlane ios verify_build_in_app_store
verifies ipa and metadata using fastlane deliver and checks for common errors
This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run.
More information about fastlane can be found on
The documentation of fastlane can be found on