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Get this Codebase onto Your Computer

Clone this repository

  1. Log into your github account in the terminal.
  2. git clone


Download the zip file of this repository

  1. Click on the green Code button
  2. Select Download Zip
  3. Unzip the code directly under:
    • WINDOWS: C:\Users\<YOUR-USERNAME>\dolphin_whistles
    • MAC or LINUX: /home/<YOUR-USERNAME>/dolphin_whistles

Install Anaconda (if not already installed)

Install Anaconda using the instructions for your operating system:

  • NOTE: make sure to check the “add to PATH” box during installation
  • If you get an error about “Failed to create Anaconda menus”:
    • If you have other versions of python installed, uninstall them
    • Turn off your antivirus software while installing
    • If you have Java Development Kit installed, uninstall that

Verify Anaconda install:

  • Open Anaconda Powershell Prompt and run:
    • conda list
      • If conda installed properly, you’ll see a list of installed packages and their versions
    • python
      • A python shell should open up and tell you your version of python
    • Type in quit() to exit python

Conda Environment:

Open Anaconda Powershell Prompt and run these commands (type in “y” and hit enter/return each time it asks if you want to proceed)

  • NOTE: can’t use ^C/^V to copy/paste into Anaconda Prompt and right clicking also doesn’t seem to be an option, so need to type out each command
  1. conda create --name dolphin-env python=3.8
  2. conda activate dolphin-env
  3. conda install wandb ( If error occurs, try: conda install -c conda-forge wandb)
  4. conda install -c conda-forge opencv
  5. conda install matplotlib
  6. conda install -c conda-forge librosa
  7. conda install git
  8. pip install tensorflow
  9. pip install opencv-python

Optionally, you may also install using the environment.yml file conda env create -f environment.yml. This will install a virtual environment named "dolphin-whistles".

Getting Your Data in the Required Format

The main script of this codebase expects the user's data directory to live within the dolphin_whistles/data/ directory. Within dolphin_whistles/data/ there is a classification folder and a detection folder. Your data directory should be placed in the respective folder. And it should be structured as follows:

We are making the assumption that there is a folder for each class:

1) For the Sarasota dataset, there should be a folder for each of F123, F345, and so on.

2) For detection data, there should be a folder for whistles and non-whistles.

Here is an example of the directory tree for data/:

|-- data
    |-- bg_audio
    |   |-- background_example1.wav
    |   |-- background_example2.wav
    |   `-- background_example3.wav
    |-- classification
    |   |-- Sarasota_Database
    |       |-- F123
    |       |   |-- 2017
    |       |   |  |--florida
    |       |   |       |--example1.wav
    |       |   `-- 2018
    |       |       |-- example1.wav
    |       |       `-- example2.wav
    |       |-- F234
    |       |   |-- example1.wav
    |       |   |-- example2.wav
    |       |   `-- example3.wav
    |       `-- F345
    |           |-- 2016
    |           |   |-- example1.wav
    |           |   |-- example2.wav
    |           `-- example1.wav
    `-- detection
        |-- SBLN_data
            |-- non-whistles
            |   |-- example1.wav
            |   |-- example2.wav
            |   `-- example3.wav
            `-- whistles
                |-- example1.wav
                |-- example2.wav
                |-- example3.wav
                `-- example4.wav

Running Code

Classification Model Training:

  1. cd into dolphin_whistles, where src, outputs, data, and tests live.
  2. Edit src/ to have all the parameters you want - making sure to set the following parameters to these values:
    • Set inference to False
    • Set debug to True if you DO NOT want to log to wandb
  3. Generate the configuration json file, by running the following:
    • Windows: python src\dolphin\
    • Linux or Mac: python src/dolphin/
  4. This will generate a config.json, then run the pipeline:
    • Windows: python src\dolphin\
    • Linux or Mac: python src/dolphin/

Classification Model Inference:

  1. cd into dolphin_whistles, where src, outputs, data, and tests live.
  2. Edit to have all the parameters you want - making sure to set the following parameters to these values:
    • Set inference to True
    • Set debug to True (won't need to log to wandb for inference)
  3. Generate the configuration json file, by running the following:
    • Windows: python src\dolphin\
    • Linux or Mac: python src/dolphin/
  4. This will generate a config.json, then run the pipeline:
    • Windows: python src\dolphin\
    • Linux or Mac: python src/dolphin/

Detection Model Training:

  1. Edit src/ to have all the params you want - making sure to set the following parameters to these values:
    • Set inference to False
    • Set debug to True if you DO NOT want to log to wandb
  2. cd dolphin_whistles
  3. Generate the configuration json file by running the following:
    • Windows: python src\dolphin\
    • Linux or Mac: python src/dolphin/
  4. This will generate a detection_config.json, then run the pipeline:
    • Windows: python src\dolphin\ detection_config.json
    • Linux or Mac: python src/dolphin/ detection_config.json

Detection Model Inference:

  1. Edit to have all the params you want - making sure to set the following parameters to these values:
    • Set inference to True
    • Set reload_model_file_name to be the name of the previously trained detector weights that you want to run inference on
    • Set audio_files_for_inference to the relative path of a folder containing audio files (of any length) that you want to run through the detector
    • The parameters under “augment” and “model” need to match the parameters of the previously trained model that you want to use to detect whistles in this new data
    • Set save_grad_cam to be True if you want to save an additional folder of visualizations of the model results
  2. cd dolphin_whistles
  3. Generate the configuration json file by running the following:
    • Windows: python src\dolphin\
    • Linux or Mac: python src/dolphin/
  4. This will generate a detection_config.json, then run the pipeline:
    • Windows: python src\dolphin\ detection_config.json
    • Linux or Mac: python src/dolphin/ detection_config.json


If the augmentation flags are set to true, then the pipeline will apply augmentation to copies of the original data - this takes a while for a lot of data, but it will only occur the first time.The same for preprocessing the data - if the code finds that either of these directories already exist, it will not run that code again.

By running the either the classification or detection pipeline, it will automatically:

  1. Split the data into train/val/test, preprocess said data, and save these images to [outputs | outputs_detection]/preprocessed
  2. Apply augmentation (if speed_augment, mixture_augment, pitch_augment or remove_clicks are True in the config) and save those files plus their respective spectrograms to [outputs | outputs_detection]/augments/[speed_augments | mix_augments | pitch_augments | no_clicks]
  3. Load in batches of data
  4. Train the model on the batches of data

To backup your environment,

conda env export > environment.yml