Build a DensetNet from scratch, reference
input_shape, tuple
hape of input image; e.g.: (32,32,3) for cifar10
n_classes, integer
number of classes in dataset
first_layer, tuple (int, int boolen)
DenseNet has a (Conv2D +Maxpooling) layers before entering the main body
of DenseNet. You should specify their properties using first_layer and
first_pooling arguments. Properties of first Conv2D layer are specified
using three parameters: (filter, kernel_size, if stride = 2).
e.g. (24, 3, True) means a convlutional layer with filter = 24,
kernel_size = (3,3) and stride = 2 (if False, use stride = 1).
DenseNet's original paper suggests: (16, 3, True) or (2*growth rate, 3, True) for ImageNet.
However, for datasets with low spatial resolutions, e.g. cifar10, you don't want the model to downsample the resolution so aggresively. If you, you should set the last parameter to False, e.g. (16, 3, False) to keep its resolution.
first_pooling tuple, e.g. (3,3) or None
DenseNet has a (Conv2D + Maxpooling) layers before entering the main body of DenseNet. You should specify the pooling size here (the stride is always
set as (2,2)). In DenseNet's original paper, it uses (3,3) for ImageNet.
However, for datasets with low spatial resolutions, e.g. cifar10, you don't want the model to downsample the resolution so aggresively. If you, you should set it to None, if so the maxpooling layer will not be skipped.
dense_layers tuple of integers DenseNet is made by several dense block. Each dense block is consisted of several dense layers. You can specify it by, say (12,12,12), which means you want three dense blocks with 12, 12, and 12 layers respectively. For small dataset, you can use DenseNet-40, which is (12,12,12). For larger dateset such as ImageNet, please consult Table.1 in the original paper, e.g. (6,12,24,16) refers to DenseNet-121.
- Note: DenseNet connects each dense block using a transition block and each transition block contains a maxpooling (2,2) for spatial resolution downsampling. Therefore, if you specify four dense blocks, there will be three downsampling in between (the last block connects to a classifier not a transition block). and the final resolution of your feature map will become 8 times smaller on its rows and columns.
growth_rate, integer
Define the growth rate of each layer. This is a key component of DenseNet,
If you don't understand what is it, read the original paper. For small dataset
such as cifar10, it is recommended to use 12. For larger dataset such as ImageNet,
you should use 32.
bottleneck True / False
Whether to use Bottleneck structure for each dense layer to reduce computational
cost. In this impelmentation, we use the recommended bottleneck width = 4, i.e.
the channels of all input feature maps is resize to 4*growth_rate using a 1x1
convolution layer. If set to True, it is called DenseNet-B. Experiment results
show that bottleneck can make DenseNet more efficient. Therefore, it is recommended
to set to True.
compression_rate, float, 0.0~1.0 compression rate in the transition block. The original paper recommends 0.5.
dropout_rate, float, default = 0.2 dropout rate to be used right after each Conv2D. The original paper recommend 0.2
l2_weight l2 penality used for each Conv2D. suggested value: 1e-4
A Keras model instance
Each DenseNet can be speficied as DenseNet-BC{L, k}, where B means if bottleneck is on, C means
if compression is on. L is the total layers (Conv2D+Dense, exclude pooling). k is growth rate.
In the following, I show how to implement the models discussed in the orignal paper use the API.
# for cifar 10 or cifar100, try:
# PS: if Tiny ImageNet (64x64x3), try (16, 3, True) for # first_layer, so the problem become cifar.
# DenseNet {L=40, k=12}
model = DenseNet(input_shape = (32, 32, 3), n_classes = 10, first_layer = (16, 3, False),
first_pooling = None, dense_layers = [12,12,12], growth_rate = 12,
bottleneck = False, compression_rate = 1.0, dropout_rate = 0.2, l2_weight = 1e-4)
# DenseNet-BC{L=100, k = 12}
model = DenseNet(input_shape = (32, 32, 3), n_classes = 10, first_layer = (16, 3, False),
first_pooling = None, dense_layers = [16,16,16], growth_rate = 12,
bottleneck = True, compression_rate = 0.5, dropout_rate = 0.2, l2_weight = 1e-4)
# DenseNet-BC{L=100, k = 24}
model = DenseNet(input_shape = (32, 32, 3), n_classes = 10, first_layer = (16, 3, False),
first_pooling = None, dense_layers = [16,16,16], growth_rate = 24,
bottleneck = True, compression_rate = 0.5, dropout_rate = 0.2, l2_weight = 1e-4)
# For ImageNet, try:
# DenseNet-BC {L=121, k=32}
model = DenseNet(input_shape = (224, 224, 3), n_classes = 1000, first_layer = (64, 7, True),
first_pooling = (7,7), dense_layers = [6,12,24,16], growth_rate = 32,
bottleneck = True, compression_rate = 0.5, dropout_rate = 0.2, l2_weight = 1e-4)
# DenseNet-BC {L=169, k=32}
model = DenseNet(input_shape = (224, 224, 3), n_classes = 1000, first_layer = (64, 7, True),
first_pooling = (7,7), dense_layers = [6,12,32,32], growth_rate = 32,
bottleneck = True, compression_rate = 0.5, dropout_rate = 0.2, l2_weight = 1e-4)
# DenseNet-BC {L=201, k=32}
model = DenseNet(input_shape = (224, 224, 3), n_classes = 1000, first_layer = (64, 7, True),
first_pooling = (7,7), dense_layers = [6,12,48,32], growth_rate = 32,
bottleneck = True, compression_rate = 0.5, dropout_rate = 0.2, l2_weight = 1e-4)
# DenseNet-BC {L=264, k=32}
model = DenseNet(input_shape = (224, 224, 3), n_classes = 1000, first_layer = (64, 7, True),
first_pooling = (7,7), dense_layers = [6,12,64,48], growth_rate = 32,
bottleneck = True, compression_rate = 0.5, dropout_rate = 0.2, l2_weight = 1e-4)