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Pirsch Analytics Deno Demo

This demo is outdated since Pirsch version 2.2. We now offer tag-based segmentation that is superior to the approach in this demo. Please refer to the web demo.

This demo shows how you can leverage Pirsch to do A/B testing from your backend. Everything shown here can also be achieved in the browser using JavaScript.

A middleware is added to all sites (routes/_middleware.ts) to track page views and set up A/B testing. An event will be set once, containing the variants displayed to the user. To ensure they stay the same, a cookie will be used to preserve this information for up to 24 hours.

All things related to tracking are contained in the analytics directory. The payload for the TypeScript SDK requires a bit of mapping, as it is built for Node.


The application is configured in deno.json and .env.

  // ...
  "pirsch": {
    "hostname": "",
    "accessToken": "",
    "protocol": "http"

To set the access key for Pirsch, generate one on the settings page and paste it into the .env file (not included in the repository).



Start the project:

deno task start

This will watch the project directory and restart as necessary.