pkp/pkp-lib#10804 Clean up
pkp/pkp-lib#10804 Clean up
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10743 Adjust styling of badge with attentive text and mak…
pkp/pkp-lib#10743 Adjust styling of badge with attentive text and mak…
pkp/pkp-lib#10743 Refine Reviewer manager - improve accessibility
pkp/pkp-lib#10743 Refine Reviewer manager - improve accessibility
pkp/pkp-lib#10743 Refine Reviewer manager
pkp/pkp-lib#10743 Refine Reviewer manager
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#1550 Controlled vocabulary support (#493)
pkp/pkp-lib#1550 Controlled vocabulary support (#493)
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10918 Bug fix, to correctly handle removing value from fi…
pkp/pkp-lib#10918 Bug fix, to correctly handle removing value from fi…
Pull request merge
add a disabled prop to text field
add a disabled prop to text field
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10769 Fix mocked dates to correct format
pkp/pkp-lib#10769 Fix mocked dates to correct format
pkp/pkp-lib#10769 Fix scenario for author seeing open reviews in edit…
pkp/pkp-lib#10769 Fix scenario for author seeing open reviews in edit…
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10674_2 Progress on editorial activity, for reviewers (#514)
pkp/pkp-lib#10674_2 Progress on editorial activity, for reviewers (#514)
Pull request merge
updating caniuse-lite to latest
updating caniuse-lite to latest
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10820 Display error summary at the top of the page with m…
pkp/pkp-lib#10820 Display error summary at the top of the page with m…
Pull request merge
rename userGroupId to id (#513)
rename userGroupId to id (#513)
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10825 Revert dashboard table sizing to previous logic (#512)
pkp/pkp-lib#10825 Revert dashboard table sizing to previous logic (#512)
Pull request merge
remove localize name from accept invitation (#511)
remove localize name from accept invitation (#511)
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10879 Correctly set primary locale for contributor form (#…
pkp/pkp-lib#10879 Correctly set primary locale for contributor form (#…
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10290 Refine ParticipantManager permission logic (#509)
pkp/pkp-lib#10290 Refine ParticipantManager permission logic (#509)
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#9658 user access table and table actions (#437)
pkp/pkp-lib#9658 user access table and table actions (#437)
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10825 Remove pkpTable class from table component to avoid…
pkp/pkp-lib#10825 Remove pkpTable class from table component to avoid…
pkp/pkp-lib#10769 Permission logic improvements to be consistent with…
pkp/pkp-lib#10769 Permission logic improvements to be consistent with…
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10769 Improve table layout
pkp/pkp-lib#10769 Improve table layout
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#9661 Allow Journal Managers to invite users to adopt a ro…
pkp/pkp-lib#9661 Allow Journal Managers to invite users to adopt a ro…
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10825 Make the table scrollable when not enough horizonta…
pkp/pkp-lib#10825 Make the table scrollable when not enough horizonta…
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10443 URN table styling, bring some old styles back
pkp/pkp-lib#10443 URN table styling, bring some old styles back
Pull request merge
More specific path for tailwind classes to improve build performance
More specific path for tailwind classes to improve build performance
pkp/pkp-lib#10684 Add color for internal review
pkp/pkp-lib#10684 Add color for internal review
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10842 Update prop value for using ellipsis menu (#499)
pkp/pkp-lib#10842 Update prop value for using ellipsis menu (#499)
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#10842 Extend DropdownActions component with text button d…
pkp/pkp-lib#10842 Extend DropdownActions component with text button d…
Pull request merge
pkp/pkp-lib#9366 Upgrade to TinyMCE7 (#477)
pkp/pkp-lib#9366 Upgrade to TinyMCE7 (#477)
Pull request merge