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404 lines (352 loc) · 25.4 KB

File metadata and controls

404 lines (352 loc) · 25.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.



  • Icons for browsers #4239
  • Automatic custom property selection in the dashboard Properties report
  • Add does_not_contain filter support to dashboard


  • Deprecate ECTO_IPV6 and ECTO_CH_IPV6 env vars in CE #4245


  • Increase hourly request limit for API keys in CE from 600 to 1000000 (practically removing the limit) #4200
  • Make TCP connections try IPv6 first with IPv4 fallback in CE #4245
  • is and is not filters in dashboard no longer support wildcards. Use contains/does not contain filter instead.


  • Fix access to Stats API feature in CE #4244

v2.1.1 - 2024-06-06


  • Snippet integration verification
  • Limited filtering support for imported data in the dashboard and via Stats API
  • Automatic sites.imported_data -> site_imports data migration in CE #4155


  • Fix CSV import by adding a newline to the INSERT statement #4172
  • Fix url parameters escaping of = sign #4185
  • Fix redirect after registration in CE #4165
  • Fix VersionedSessions migration in ClickHouse v24 #4162

v2.1.0 - 2024-05-23


  • Hostname Allow List in Site Settings
  • Pages Block List in Site Settings
  • Add conversion_rate to Stats API Timeseries and on the main graph
  • Add total_conversions and conversion_rate to visitors.csv in a goal-filtered CSV export
  • Ability to display total conversions (with a goal filter) on the main graph
  • Add conversion_rate to Stats API Timeseries and on the main graph
  • Add time_on_page metric into the Stats API
  • County Block List in Site Settings
  • Query the views_per_visit metric based on imported data as well if possible
  • Group operating_system_versions by operating_system in Stats API breakdown
  • Add operating_system_versions.csv into the CSV export
  • Display Total visitors, Conversions, and CR in the "Details" views of Countries, Regions and Cities (when filtering by a goal)
  • Add conversion_rate to Regions and Cities reports (when filtering by a goal)
  • Add the conversion_rate metric to Stats API Breakdown and Aggregate endpoints
  • IP Block List in Site Settings
  • Allow filtering with contains/matches operator for Sources, Browsers and Operating Systems.
  • Allow filtering by multiple custom properties
  • Wildcard and member filtering on the Stats API event:goal property
  • Allow filtering with contains/matches operator for custom properties
  • Add referrers.csv to CSV export
  • Add a new Properties section in the dashboard to break down by custom properties
  • Add custom_props.csv to CSV export (almost the same as the old prop_breakdown.csv, but has different column headers, and includes props for pageviews too, not only custom events)
  • Add referrers.csv to CSV export
  • Improve password validation in registration and password reset forms
  • Adds Gravatar profile image to navbar
  • Enforce email reverification on update
  • Add Plugins API Tokens provisioning UI
  • Add searching sites by domain in /sites view
  • Add last 24h plots to /sites view
  • Add site pinning to /sites view
  • Add support for JSON logger, via LOG_FORMAT=json environment variable
  • Add support for 2FA authentication
  • Add 'browser_versions.csv' to CSV export
  • Add CLICKHOUSE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES env var which defaults to 100000 (100KB)
  • Add alternative SMTP adapter #3654
  • Add EXTRA_CONFIG_PATH env var to specify extra Elixir config #3906
  • Add restrictive robots.txt for self-hosted #3905
  • Add Yesterday as an time range option in the dashboard
  • Add dmg extension to the list of default tracked file downloads
  • Add support for importing Google Analytics 4 data
  • Import custom events from Google Analytics 4
  • Ability to filter Search Console keywords by page, country and device #4077
  • Add DATA_DIR env var for exports/imports #4100
  • Add custom events support to CSV export and import


  • Removed the nested custom event property breakdown UI when filtering by a goal in Goal Conversions
  • Removed the prop_names returned in the Stats API event:goal breakdown response
  • Removed the prop-breakdown.csv file from CSV export
  • Removed /app/ that was deprecated in v2.0.0 #3903
  • Remove DISABLE_AUTH deprecation warning #3904


  • A visits entry_page and exit_page is only set and updated for pageviews, not custom events
  • Limit the number of Goal Conversions shown on the dashboard and render a "Details" link when there are more entries to show
  • Show Outbound Links / File Downloads / 404 Pages / Cloaked Links instead of Goal Conversions when filtering by the corresponding goal
  • Require custom properties to be explicitly added from Site Settings > Custom Properties in order for them to show up on the dashboard
  • GA/SC sections moved to new settings: Integrations
  • Validate metric isn't queried multiple times
  • Filters in dashboard are represented by jsonurl


  • Creating many sites no longer leads to cookie overflow
  • Ignore sessions without pageviews for entry_page and exit_page breakdowns
  • Using VersionedCollapsingMergeTree to store visit data to avoid rare race conditions that led to wrong visit data being shown
  • Fix conversion_rate metric in a browser_versions breakdown
  • Calculate conversion_rate percentage change in the same way like bounce_rate (subtraction instead of division)
  • Calculate bounce_rate percentage change in the Stats API in the same way as it's done in the dashboard
  • Stop returning custom events in goal breakdown with a pageview goal filter and vice versa
  • Only return (none) values in custom property breakdown for the first page (pagination) of results
  • Fixed weekly/monthly e-mail report rendering issues
  • Fix broken interval selection in the all time view #3110
  • Fixed IPv6 problems in data migration #3179
  • Fixed long URLs display in Outbound Link breakdown view
  • Fixed Sentry reports for ingestion requests #3182
  • Fix breakdown pagination bug in the dashboard details view when filtering by goals
  • Update bot detection (matomo 6.1.4, ua_inspector 3.4.0)
  • Improved the Goal Settings page (search, autcompletion etc.)
  • Log mailer errors #3336
  • Allow custom event timeseries in stats API #3505
  • Fixes for sites with UTF characters in domain #3560
  • Fix crash when using special characters in filter #3634
  • Fix automatic scrolling to the bottom on the dashboard if previously selected properties tab #3872
  • Allow running the container with arbitrary UID #2986
  • Fix width=manual in embedded dashboards #3910
  • Fix URL escaping when pipes are used in UTM tags #3930

v2.0.0 - 2023-07-12


  • Call to action for tracking Goal Conversions and an option to hide the section from the dashboard
  • Add support for with_imported=true in Stats API aggregate endpoint
  • Ability to use '--' instead of '=' sign in the tagged-events classnames
  • 'Last updated X seconds ago' info to 'current visitors' tooltips
  • Add support for more Bamboo adapters, i.e. Bamboo.MailgunAdapter, Bamboo.MandrillAdapter, Bamboo.SendGridAdapter #2649
  • Ability to change domain for existing site (requires numeric IDs data migration, instructions will be provided separately) UI + API (PUT /api/v1/sites)
  • Add LOG_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS environment variable to enable failed login attempts logs #2936
  • Add MAILER_NAME environment variable support #2937
  • Add MAILGUN_BASE_URI support for Bamboo.MailgunAdapter #2935
  • Add a landing page for self-hosters #2989
  • Allow optional IPv6 for clickhouse repo #2970


  • Fix tracker bug - call callback function even when event is ignored
  • Make goal-filtered CSV export return only unique_conversions timeseries in the 'visitors.csv' file
  • Stop treating page filter as an entry page filter
  • City report showing N/A instead of city names with imported data #2675
  • Empty values for Screen Size, OS and Browser are uniformly replaced with "(not set)"
  • Fix more pageviews with session prop filter than with no filters
  • Cascade delete sent_renewal_notifications table when user is deleted #2549
  • Show appropriate top-stat metric labels on the realtime dashboard when filtering by a goal
  • Fix breakdown API pagination when using event metrics #2562
  • Automatically update all visible dashboard reports in the realtime view
  • Connect via TLS when using HTTPS scheme in ClickHouse URL #2570
  • Add error message in case a transfer to an invited (but not joined) user is requested #2651
  • Fix bug with showing property breakdown with a prop filter
  • Fix bug when combining goal and prop filters #2654
  • Fix broken favicons when domain includes a slash
  • Fix bug when using multiple wildcard goal filters
  • Fix a bug where realtime would fail with imported data
  • Fix a bug where the country name was not shown when filtering through the map


  • Treat page filter as entry page filter for bounce_rate
  • Reject events with long URIs and data URIs #2536
  • Always show direct traffic in sources reports #2531
  • Stop recording XX and T1 country codes #2556
  • Device type is now determined from the User-Agent instead of window.innerWidth #2711
  • Add padding by default to embedded dashboards so that shadows are not cut off #2744
  • Update the User Agents database (
  • Disable registration in self-hosted setups by default #3014


  • Remove Firewall plug and IP_BLOCKLIST environment variable
  • Remove the ability to collapse the main graph #2627
  • Remove custom_dimension_filter feature flag #2996

v1.5.1 - 2022-12-06


  • Return empty list when breaking down by event:page without events #2530
  • Fallback to empty build metadata when failing to parse $BUILD_METADATA #2503

v1.5.0 - 2022-12-02


  • Set a different interval on the top graph #1574 (thanks to @Vigasaurus for this feature)
  • A tagged-events script extension for out-of-the-box custom event tracking
  • The ability to escape | characters with \ in Stats API filter values
  • An upper bound of 1000 to the limit parameter in Stats API
  • The exclusions script extension now also takes a data-include attribute tag
  • A file-downloads script extension for automatically tracking file downloads as custom events
  • Integration with Matomo's referrer spam list to block known spammers
  • API route PUT /api/v1/sites/goals with form params site_id, event_name and/or page_path, and goal_type with supported types event and page
  • API route DELETE /api/v1/sites/goals/:goal_id with form params site_id
  • The public breakdown endpoint can be queried with the "events" metric
  • Data exported via the download button will contain CSV data for all visible graps in a zip file.
  • Region and city-level geolocation #1449
  • The u option can now be used in the manual extension to specify a URL when triggering events.
  • Delete a site and all related data through the Sites API
  • Subscribed users can see their Paddle invoices from the last 12 months under the user settings
  • Allow custom styles to be passed to embedded iframe #1522
  • New UTM Tags utm_content and utm_term #515
  • If a session was started without a screen_size it is updated if an event with screen_size occurs
  • Added LISTEN_IP configuration parameter #1189
  • The breakdown endpoint with the property query property=event:goal returns custom goal properties (within props)
  • Added IPv6 Ecto support (via the environment-variable ECTO_IPV6)
  • New filter type: contains, available for page, entry_page, exit_page
  • Add filter for custom property
  • Add ability to import historical data from GA: #1753
  • API route GET /api/v1/sites/:site_id
  • Hovering on top of list items will now show a tooltip with the exact number instead of a shortened version
  • Filter goals in realtime filter by clicking goal name
  • The time format (12 hour or 24 hour) for graph timelines is now presented based on the browser's defined language
  • Choice of metric for main-graph both in UI and API (visitors, pageviews, bounce_rate, visit_duration) #1364
  • New width=manual mode for embedded dashboards #2148
  • Add more timezone options
  • Add new strategy to recommend timezone when creating a new site
  • Alert outgrown enterprise users of their usage #2197
  • Manually lock and unlock enterprise users #2197
  • ARM64 support for docker images #2103
  • Add support for international domain names (IDNs) #2034
  • Allow self-hosters to register an account on first launch
  • Fix ownership transfer invitation link in self-hosted deployments


  • Plausible script does not prevent default if it's been prevented by an external script plausible/analytics#1941
  • Hash part of the URL can now be used when excluding pages with script.exclusions.hash.js.
  • UI fix where multi-line text in pills would not be underlined properly on small screens.
  • UI fix to align footer columns
  • Guests can now use the favicon to toggle additional info about the site bing viewed (such as in public embeds).
  • Fix SecurityError in tracking script when user has blocked all local storage
  • Prevent dashboard graph from being selected when long pressing on the graph in a mobile browser
  • The exported pages.csv file now includes pageviews again plausible/analytics#1878
  • Fix a bug where city, region and country filters were filtering stats but not the location list
  • Fix a bug where regions were not being saved
  • Timezone offset labels now update with time changes
  • Render 404 if shared link auth cannot be verified plausible/analytics#2225
  • Restore compatibility with older format of shared links plausible/analytics#2225
  • Fix 'All time' period for sites with no recorded stats plausible/analytics#2277
  • Ensure settings page can be rendered after a form error plausible/analytics#2278
  • Ensure newlines from settings files are trimmed plausible/analytics#2480


  • script.file-downloads.outbound-links.js only sends an outbound link event when an outbound download link is clicked
  • Plausible script now uses callback navigation (instead of waiting for 150ms every time) when sending custom events
  • Cache the tracking script for 24 hours
  • Move entry_page and exit_page to be part of the Page filter group
  • Paginate /api/sites results and add a View all link to the site-switcher dropdown in the dashboard.
  • Remove the + Add Site link to the site-switcher dropdown in the dashboard.
  • DISABLE_REGISTRATIONS configuration parameter can now accept invite_only to allow invited users to register an account while keeping regular registrations disabled #1841
  • New and improved Session tracking module for higher throughput and lower latency. PR#1934
  • Do not display ZZ country code in countries report PR#1934
  • Add fallback icon for when DDG favicon cannot be fetched PR#2279


  • Add Content-Security-Policy header to favicon path

v1.4.1 - 2021-11-29


  • Fixes database error when pathname contains a question mark

v1.4.0 - 2021-10-27


  • New parameter metrics for the /api/v1/stats/timeseries endpoint #952
  • CSV export now includes pageviews, bounce rate and visit duration in addition to visitors #952
  • Send stats to multiple dashboards by configuring a comma-separated list of domains #968
  • To authenticate against a local postgresql via socket authentication, the environment-variables DATABASE_SOCKET_DIR & DATABASE_NAME were added.
  • Time on Page metric available in detailed Top Pages report #1007
  • Wildcard based page, entry page and exit page filters #1067
  • Exclusion filters for page, entry page and exit page filters #1067
  • Menu (with auto-complete) to add new and edit existing filters directly #1089
  • Added CLICKHOUSE_FLUSH_INTERVAL_MS and CLICKHOUSE_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE configuration parameters #1073
  • Ability to invite users to sites with different roles #1122
  • Option to configure a custom name for the script file
  • Add Conversion Rate to Top Sources, Top Pages Devices, Countries when filtered by a goal #1299
  • Add list view for countries report in dashboard #1381
  • Add ability to view more than 100 custom goal properties #1382


  • Fix weekly report time range #951
  • Make sure embedded dashboards can run when user has blocked third-party cookies #971
  • Sites listing page will paginate if the user has a lot of sites #994
  • Crash when changing theme on a loaded dashboard #1123
  • UI fix for details button overlapping content on mobile #1114
  • UI fix for the main graph on mobile overlapping its tick items on both axis
  • UI fixes for text not showing properly in bars across multiple lines. This hides the totals on <768px and only shows the uniques and % to accommodate the goals text too. Larger screens still truncate as usual.
  • Turn off autocomplete for name and password inputs in the New shared link form.
  • Details modals are now responsive and take up less horizontal space on smaller screens to make it easier to scroll.
  • Fix reading config from file
  • Fix some links not opening correctly in new tab
  • UI fix for more than one row of custom event properties #1383
  • UI fix for user menu and time picker overlapping #1352
  • Respect the path component of BASE_URL to allow subfolder installatons


  • Removes AppSignal monitoring package


  • Disable email verification by default. Added a configuration option ENABLE_EMAIL_VERIFICATION=true if you want to keep the old behaviour

[1.3] - 2021-04-14


  • Stats API [currently in beta] #679
  • Ability to view and filter by entry and exit pages, in addition to regular page hits #712
  • 30 day and 6 month keybindings (T and S, respectively) #709
  • Site switching keybinds (1-9 for respective sites) #735
  • Glob (wildcard) based pageview goals #750
  • Support for embedding shared links in an iframe #812
  • Include a basic IP-To-Country database by default #906
  • Add name/label to shared links #910


  • Capitalized date/time selection keybinds not working #709
  • Invisible text on Google Search Console settings page in dark mode #759
  • Disable analytics tracking when running Cypress tests
  • CSV reports can be downloaded via shared links #884
  • Fixes weekly/monthly email report delivery over SMTP #889
  • Disable self-tracking with self hosting #907
  • Fix current visitors request when using shared links

[1.2] - 2021-01-26


  • Ability to add event metadata #381
  • Add tracker module to automatically track outbound links #389
  • Display weekday on the visitor graph #175
  • Collect and display browser & OS versions #397
  • Simple notifications around traffic spikes #453
  • Dark theme option/system setting follow #467
  • "Load More" capability to pages modal #480
  • Unique Visitors (last 30 min) as a top stat in realtime view #500
  • Pinned filter and date selector rows while scrolling #472
  • Escape keyboard shortcut to clear all filters #625
  • Tracking exclusions, see our documentation here and here for details #489
  • Keybindings for selecting dates/ranges #630


  • Use alpine as base image to decrease Docker image size #353
  • Ignore automated browsers (Phantom, Selenium, Headless Chrome, etc)
  • Display domain's favicon on the home page
  • Ignore consecutive pageviews on same pathname #417
  • Validate domain format on site creation #427
  • Improve settings UX and design #412
  • Improve site listing UX and design #438
  • Improve onboarding UX and design #441
  • Allows outbound link tracking script to use new tab redirection #494
  • "This Month" view is now Month-to-date for the current month #491
  • My sites now show settings cog at all times on smaller screens #497
  • Background jobs are enabled by default for self-hosted installations #603
  • All new users on self-hosted installations have a never-ending trial #603
  • Changed caret/chevron color in datepicker and filters dropdown


  • Do not error when activating an already activated account #370
  • Ignore arrow keys when modifier keys are pressed #363
  • Show correct stats when goal filter is combined with source #374
  • Going back in history now correctly resets the period filter #408
  • Fix URL decoding in query parameters #416
  • Fix overly-sticky date in query parameters plausible/analytics/#439
  • Prevent picking dates before site insertion plausible/analtics#446
  • Fix overly-sticky from and to in query parameters #495
  • Adds support for single-day date selection #495
  • Goal conversion rate in realtime view is now accurate #500
  • Various UI/UX issues #503


  • Do not run the plausible Docker container as root #362

[1.1.1] - 2020-10-14


  • Revert Dockerfile change that introduced a regression

[1.1.0] - 2020-10-14



[1.0.0] - 2020-10-06


  • Collect and present link tags (utm_medium, utm_source, utm_campaign) in the dashboard


  • Replace configuration parameters CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE_{HOST,NAME,USER,PASSWORD} with a single CLICKHOUSE_DATABASE_URL plausible/analytics#317
  • Disable subscriptions by default
  • Remove HOST and SCHEME parameters in favor of a single BASE_URL parameter.
  • Make Bamboo.SMTPAdapter the default as opposed to Bamboo.PostmarkAdapter
  • Disable subscription flow by default