Use DB environment variable to switch the Rails environment instead of RAILS_ENV
Release gems via rake-gemcutter instead of rubyforge
Fix HELPER_RAILS_ROOT path resulting in incorrect load_once_paths in Ruby 1.9+
Update migration template to match Rails template
Fix environment being loaded twice when generators are loaded
Clean up / simplify generators
Rename application.rb to application_controller.rb
Add dependency on Rails 2.3
Remove init.rb since the library should never be loaded automatically
Fix fixtures not being loaded within the test application console [Sergei Kozlov]
Remove the PluginAWeek namespace
Remove all dependencies on plugin_test_helper when using the plugin_test_structure generator
Add a test_helper to the plugin_test_structure generator [Jinzhu Zhang]
Use the main application vendor/rails in which the plugin exists as the default vendor install if RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT isn’t defined [Jinzhu Zhang]
Update boot file to Rails 2.1.1+ requirements (i.e. RubyGems 1.1.1+)
Fix tests to reference ActiveSupport::Dependencies instead of Dependencies
Automatically load ActionView::TestCase
Don’t load ActiveSupport before the environment has been initialized since it can hide problems in the plugin being tested
Simplify how to determine which routing file to use
Remove log files from gems
Update documentation
Update to be compatible with Rails 2.1
Add PluginAWeek::PluginTestHelper::PluginLocator so that you don’t have to explicitly define config.plugins if the test app has anything under vendor/plugins
Add default routes
Don’t create vendor/plugins in the plugin_test_structure generator
Don’t load actionwebservice by default
Remove unnecessary configuration options from environment
Allow RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT to be specified
fixture_path should be a string, not an array
Move test fixtures out of the test application root directory
Fixtures are now expected to be in plugin_root/test/fixtures instead of plugin_root/test/app_root/test/fixtures
Add support for running a console on the test application
Add basic functional tests
Convert dos newlines to unix newlines
Autoload plugin even if the plugin doesn’t define an app_root
A proxy plugin for the plugin being tested is no longer needed in favor of doing selective plugin loading.
Make sure RAILS_ROOT is in the load path
Automate setting of the fixtures path
Load test_help instead of test/unit so that additional libraries are automatically loaded like they are in your application’s tests
Initial release