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Multiple MD files into one page for FAQ site #445

Answered by pngwn
VitroidFPV asked this question in Q&A
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If you are using vite or sveltekit then you could use glob imports:

const modules = import.meta.globEager("**/glob_that_matches_dir")

modules will be an object that is something like this:

const modules = {
  "../content/post_one.svx": {
    metadata: { Category: '...', Question: '...', Answer: '...' },
    default: Component 

So you should be able to do something like:

  const modules = 
  let grouped_modules = {};

  for (const k in modules) {
    const cat = modules[k].metadata.Category;
    if (grouped_modules[cat]) {
    } else {
      grouped_modules[cat] = [m…

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Answer selected by VitroidFPV
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This discussion was converted from issue #444 on April 10, 2022 10:40.