This is a community maintained MapLibre SDK for usage in Qt apps. Both Qt5 (minimal 5.6) and Qt6 are supported. Note that only OpenGL rendering is supported at the moment.
- macOS
- iOS
- Android
- Linux
- Windows
This project uses out of source build. CMake 3.10 or later is used to generate make files. Ninja is recommended.
Before the project can be built Qt installation needs to be added to the PATH
export PATH=<path_to_Qt>/Qt/<Qt_version>/<Qt_platform>/bin:$PATH
A minimal set of commands to build and install is
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../maplibre-native/ \
-GNinja \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<installation_prefix> \
ninja install
above should be replaced with a wished installation path.
Files installed there can later be used as the dependency for your app.
For platform-specific details look at build scripts provided in the scripts folder. Each script requires (at least) paths to source and installation locations.