#polyhack is a community of programmers based on the IRC freenode network. It is specifically a polyglot group concerned to discuss programming ideas over the long-term.
- Your guess is as good as mine
There has been some discussion about the process for the rare case that someone exibits behaviour that is blatantly or consistently toxic to the community. The discussion appears primarily in Issue 10.
There is not yet any formal process for handling bans. Some discussion about a recent ban highlights the need for a more transparent process.
The following process is proposed in a comment on Issue 14. to deal with cases where someone's behaviour is not immediately or obviously abusive or disruptive.
- Create an issue here with reasonable details about the proposed ban.
- Refer to a specific community guideline or guidelines listed above that are not being adhered to.
- Sometimes a guideline is understood implicitly by community members, but is not written down. If the guideline being broken is not written above, the issue discussion should include getting it added to this document - that should happen before any ban goes ahead.
- Include chat logs.
- Keep the issue open until most regular members have had input and a general consensus is reached, and the relevant guidelines have been agreed upon and recorded if they were not already.
- Decide whether to go ahead with a ban. If general agreement cannot be reached on whether the ban is appropriate, the rule should be to err on the side of not banning. The issue can always be kept open if there is more constructive discussion to be had.