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executable file
46 lines (26 loc) · 1.16 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
46 lines (26 loc) · 1.16 KB

jQuery plugin for drag/drop uploads in HTML5

Based on the examples of Mika Tuupola ( and the jquery-filedrop plugin by Weixi Yen (

  • NOT an in-place replacement for jquery.filedrop.js

  • Fixes multiple bad practices

  • Adds event for when File is added to queue

  • Still uses HTML5 FileReader() to read file data

  • Improved code documentation

  • Data attached to a File tended to get lost with jquery.filedrop when several files are were queued

  • File size limit in bytes

Key differences to jquery.filedrop

  • Added onFileQueued event

  • Added onQueueCompleted event

  • Custom meta data is supplied per file

  • File size limit should be provided in bytes

  • No speed calculation

  • Response not parsed for JSON automatically anymore. If you expect JSON as response you have to run jQuery.parseJSON() in your onFileSucceeded callback

Browser Support

I can only guess, but tested and works with

  • Google Chrome 17.0.963.46 m

  • Mozilla Firefox 10.0.1

Usage Example

See Example.html