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Mark Downie edited this page Sep 13, 2020 · 33 revisions

DasBlog Core - The DasBlog Blogging Engine reintroduced with ASP.NET Core.

One of the primary goals of this project is to preserve the essence of the original DasBlog engine while taking advantage of the modern cross platform goodness of .NET Core. If you are a DasBlog classic users the transition to DasBlog Core should be really straightforward.

Our guiding principles

In developing this project we attempted to follow some fundamental principles:

  • Pragmatically reuse original DasBlog projects where feasible (includes reusing existing config files).
  • Do not be afraid to abandon features/projects that are easily solved with a NuGet package (Pop3, CAPTCHA, Noda Time, etc.)
  • Let's use Razor for "Themes"
  • Port the custom logging solution to use .NET Core
  • DI (Dependency Injection) all the things (avoid massive static objects)
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