- Added examples for advanced industrial robot applications * draw X * fixed position pick and place * random picking with OpenVINO grasp planning * recognition picking with OpenVINO grasp planning and OpenVINO mask-rcnn object segmentation
- Support ROS2 hand-eye calibration
- Support robot interface for manipulation
- Added tutorials on how to * Build and launch example applications * Operate hand-eye calibration and publish the transformation * Quickly enable robot interface on a new industrial robot
- Support "service-driven" grasp detection mechanism (via configure auto_mode) to optimize CPU load for real-time processing.
- Support grasp transformation from camera frame to a specified target frame expected in the visual manipulation.
- Support launch option "grasp_approach" to specify expected approach direction in the target frame specified by 'grasp_frame_id'. Grasp Planner will return grasp poses with approach direction approximate to this parameter.
- Support launch option "device" to configure device for grasp pose inference to execute, 0 for CPU, 1 for GPU, 2 for VPU, 3 for FPGA. In case OpenVINO plug-ins are installed (tutorial), this configure deploy the CNN based deep learning inference on to the target device.
- Add tutorials for introduction to Intel DLDT toolkit and Intel OpenVINO toolkit.
- Add tutorials for launch options and customization notes.
- Support grasp pose detection from RGBD point cloud.
- Support MoveIt! grasp planning service.