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PostHog-LLM Installation with CapRover

This guide will walk you through installing PostHog-LLM using CapRover within minutes!

CapRover is an open-source platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that simplifies the deployment, scaling, and management of applications. It provides a straightforward web interface to deploy applications with a few clicks, making it an ideal tool for developers looking to manage their server with ease.

A machine with at least 8GB of RAM is recommended but 6GB should be enough aswell.

Setting Up CapRover

You can easily install it locally by following the Caprover local's instructions here or you can copy these commands:

sudo mkdir -p /captain/data

sudo echo "{\"skipVerifyingDomains\":\"true\"}" | sudo tee /captain/data/config-override.json > /dev/null

docker run -e ACCEPTED_TERMS=true -e MAIN_NODE_IP_ADDRESS= -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 3000:3000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /captain:/captain caprover/caprover

Wait 60 seconds and navigate to http://localhost:3000 and change your root domain to captain.localhost. CapRover now is ready to deploy PostHog-LLM. 🚀

Deploy PostHog-LLM

To deploy PostHog-LLM, we'll use a CapRover template file (caprover-deploy.yml) that simplifies the process. The template file will be used to deploy several apps required by PostHog-LLM.

Follow the steps below:

  • Go to Apps -> One Click Apps, navigate to the bottom of the page and click >> TEMPLATE <<.

  • Copy caprover-deploy.yml contents and paste it inside the textbox to set up the necessary apps, configurations, and environment variables (similar to a docker compose file).

Fill out the form: you'll need to define an app name. Define the name of your app (e.g 'hobby') and Hit deploy. CapRover, will start deploying all apps.

Note: For faster deployment, nothing is built. All images are pulled from DockerHub. The images for web, worker, and plugin are from the Dockerfile.caprover file. 🚀

After deployment, hit finnish and headover to the web service (Django) and navigate to Deployment page.

You'll see migration's running for Postgres and Clickhouse database. While these migrations are running you're not able to connect PostHog. Wait a few minutes and you'll see in the logs posthog started. After all migrations are setup, worker and plugin apps will also launch.

Navigate to the web service http link and PostHog Preflight page will show up. If you see 502 http error, most likely, PostHog is still initializing. You can find a video on how to self-host PostHog-LLM here.

Once you setup PostHog you can now upload some user-llms interactions. Check out our repository with examples on how to upload data to PostHog-LLM.


CD (Development)

The file below file provides a straightforward example of a continuous deployment workflow.

name: Deploy Posthog LLM to Caprover

        branches: ['llm-main']

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest

            - name: Check out repository
              uses: actions/checkout@v4

            - name: Set up Docker Buildx
              uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3

            - name: Login to Docker Hub
              uses: docker/login-action@v3
                  username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USERNAME }}
                  password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }}

            - name: Set IMAGE URL
              id: set-vars
              run: |
                  echo "IMAGE_URL=andremoura/posthog-llm:${{ github.sha }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
                  echo "LATEST_TAG=andremoura/posthog-llm:latest" >> $GITHUB_ENV

            - name: Build and push Docker Image
              uses: docker/build-push-action@v5
                  context: .
                  file: ./Dockerfile
                  push: true
                  tags: |
                      ${{ env.IMAGE_URL }}
                      ${{ env.LATEST_TAG }}

            - name: Deploy Web to CapRrover
              uses: caprover/[email protected]
                  server: '${{ secrets.CAPROVER_SERVER }}'
                  app: '${{ secrets.WEB_APP }}'
                  token: '${{ secrets.WEB_TOKEN }}'
                  image: ${{ env.IMAGE_URL }}

            - name: Deploy Plugin to CapRrover
              uses: caprover/[email protected]
                  server: '${{ secrets.CAPROVER_SERVER }}'
                  app: '${{ secrets.PLUGIN_APP }}'
                  token: '${{ secrets.PLUGIN_TOKEN }}'
                  image: ${{ env.IMAGE_URL }}

            - name: Deploy Worker to CapRrover
              uses: caprover/[email protected]
                  server: '${{ secrets.CAPROVER_SERVER }}'
                  app: '${{ secrets.WORKER_APP }}'
                  token: '${{ secrets.WORKER_TOKEN }}'
                  image: ${{ env.IMAGE_URL }}

It automatically three apps:

  • Web
  • Plugin Server
  • Worker

The workflow builds PostHog-LLM Docker image and pushes it to the DockerHub. Each service is then deployed to its respective CapRover app.

To use this workflow, the user must:

  • Specify the CapRover server URL in the format
  • Store the app names and their corresponding tokens as secrets. Check Deployment tab in your CapRover apps for the web, plugin and worker apps.
  • Provide Docker credentials for logging into the container registry (username and token).


  • Kafka: A distributed event streaming platform used to handle real-time data. A key component in PostHog event ingestion service. Events are written to the Kafka topics and then pulled by other apps (Clickhouse, Plugin-server)

  • Zookeeper: A centralized service for maintaining configuration information, naming and for coordinating Kafka and ClickHouse clusters

  • ClickHouse - Used for storing big data, such as events and analytics queries.

  • Postgres - stores data such as users, projects, insights, dashboards.

  • Redis – for caching and inter-service communication

Then we have the four main PostHog components:

  • Web server running Django amd API for users and Frontend - running under the web service
  • Plugin server to handle event ingestion and apps/plugins (GeoIP for instance)
  • Celery Worker: for background tasks