- Permit Rubocop upgrades again because bug was fixed.
- Hold back version of Rubocop that's permitted due to incompatibility with our implementation.
- Provide style guide references and helpful hints on violations. (#36)
- Ignore Metrics/BlockLength on Rspec's context and describe (#43)
- Fix rel links in README (#37)
- Initial portal setup (#34)
- Lock file maintenance
- Update tj-actions/changed-files action to v24 (#47)
- Update dependency rubocop to ~> 1.32.0 (#46)
- Update dependency babel-eslint to v10 (#45)
- Update all non-major dependencies (#44)
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5 (major) (#24)
- Update dependency eslint-webpack-plugin to v3 (#23)
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-jsx-control-statements to v3 (#22)
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-flowtype to v8 (#21)
- Update dependency babel-eslint to v10 (#19)
- Update all non-major dependencies (#16)
- Pin dependency babel-eslint to v (#15)
- Fix bug in Naming/ViewComponent when class does not inherit
- Adds Naming/ViewComponent cop
- Adds Style/NoHelpers cop
- Initial release