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File metadata and controls

187 lines (150 loc) · 8.78 KB

Switchboard API

The core of the system that wraps around the business logic developed in a separate repository.

Development Setup

  1. node -v to check that your Node is LTS (currently version 18.*)
  2. Set up required environment variables outlined below
    • cp developer.env .env to copy default values
  3. npm install to install dependencies
  4. npx prisma db push to create/update database structure
  5. npm run dev to run application in development mode
  6. Open http://localhost:3001 to see graphql explorer
  • Set server to http://localhost:3001/graphql
  • Execute query { coreUnits { id } } to see a result

Other commands include:

  • npm run typecheck for typechecking
  • npm run lint for linting
  • npm run test for testing via vitest

Environment variables

Note: you can set environment variables directly or define them in the api/.env file. Default values for developement can be found in developer.env file, to copy them, run: cp developer.env .env

  • DATABASE_URL (required): path to the database file
    • Note: in order to use postgres, one have to 1) provide valid postgres url here 2) edit the primsa schema (eg: sed --in-place 's/sqlite/postgresql/g' ../prisma/schema.prisma)
  • JWT_SECRET (required): server's jwt secret
  • PORT (optional, default 3001): port on which the server will run
  • API_ORIGIN (optional, default${PORT}): the URL at which the API is running. it's important to provide this variable in production since it influences the message signed during authorization
  • API_GQL_ENDPOINT (optional, default ${API_ORIGIN}/graphql): the graphql URL which will be used in the graphql playground as a server address
  • AUTH_SIGNUP_ENABLED (optional, default: false): if signing up is allowed. In case it's not set, new users cannot be created, but old users can still sign in
  • JWT_EXPIRATION_PERIOD (optional, default: '7d'): how soon JWT token will expire
  • DEBUG (optional, default not set): if set, enables more explicit logging mode where debug levels are set to debug for the app's logger and query for db logger


We use Prisma ORM as an ORM for this project. It is installed when you run npm i. Here are some useful commands for development:

  • npx prisma db push – push the current database schema to the database. This will also automatically generate the prisma client
  • npx prisma generate - create the typescript database client from the schema.prisma file
  • npx prisma studio – get a live-view of the database, useful for development and testing

Note: we use sqlite in this project during development, but automatically switch it to postgres inside docker. In order to use postges, one have to 1) set DATABASE_URL to be valid postgres url 2) change provider = "sqlite" to provider = "postgresql" inside prisma schema

Logging configuration

The configuration is received from the logger.config.ts file at the root of the project. Adjust the file parameters to control the logger behaviour.


The API authentication is implemented using "Sign-In with Ethereum" standard described in EIP-4361. Basically, in order to get a usual JWT token, one have to sign a message provided by the API using their etherium wallet. In practice it means:

  1. Create challenge via executing createChallenge graphql mutation

    • Example request (that have to contain your public etherium address)

      mutation {
        createChallenge(address: "paste_your_ethereum_address") {
    • Example response (that contains hex-encoded message)

        "data": {
          "createChallenge": {
            "nonce": "6f4c7f7cd61a499290e68a2740957407",
            "message": " wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account...",
            "hex": "0x302e302e302e302077616e74732029..."

      Where hex is just hex-encoded message that actually needs to be signed

  2. Sign provided message

    • Either using your metamask wallet

      // those commands should be executed in the browser console of the graphql playground
      const addresses = await provider.send('eth_requestAccounts', []);
      await ethereum.request({
        method: 'personal_sign',
        params: ['paste_hex_from_the_above', addresses[0]]
    • Or using foundry command line tool called cast (note: you will be asked for your private key; for other auth methods, read the cli docs)

      $ cast wallet sign -i "hex_from_the_above"
  3. Provide signature back to the API to get usual JWT token back

    • Example request

      mutation {
          nonce: "paste_nonce_from_step_1"
          signature: "paste_signature_from_step_2"
        ) {
    • Example response

        "data": {
          "solveChallenge": {
            "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOiI5ZGM1NjI3Mi1hMjBjLTRmM2YtYjM5MC1kZDc2NjE1NTA0YTYiLCJpYXQiOjE2ODczMzc2MDEsImV4cCI6MTY4Nzk0MjQwMX0.z1lJlKXnCbcex59JkU9j7hfRGhR2EBrnUE8phwPN7C0"
  4. Use provided JWT token to make subsequent API requests

    • Either sent as Authorization: Bearer paste_token_from_step_3
    • Or set as Authorization cookie
    • Example request
      query {
        me {

Health endpoint

Endpoint available at /healthz path. Provides response if api is currently running and prisma (orm) is able to execute queries.

Adding new modules

The api can be extended via modules developed separately and packaged via npm. The example of this approach is the module-example folder found in the root of the project and installed via npm into the api.

In order to create a new external module, one have to:

  • Create npm package which exports a single function setup (see example)
    • setup function would receive a single parameter: prisma – the prisma client
    • setup function should return an object with 2 keys { extendedPrisma, resolvers }
      • extendedPrisma (optional) – an object with extended prisma client (see provided example)
        • In case you want to not only query existing tables, but extend prisma client with new functions, you can use prisma $extensions. This will allow other packages or core modules to use those new functions. Note that currently prisma do not support creating complete new tables via JS api, only adding models (functional extentions over the available methods)
        • The prisma returned here will be later passed to the resolvers
      • resolvers (optional) – an object with graphql types and resolvers defined via nexus. This allows you to define new graphq queries or mutations
        • Note that resolve function inside the resolver will receive custom ctx object as a third parameter (i.e.: (_root, args, ctx: Context)). It is an object that provides (more info can be found in context.ts):
          • ctx.request – pure express request object
          • ctx.prisma – fully-extended (by all other packages) prisma client
          • ctx.getSession() – function to get user session (or throw 401 error if it's not present). This function have to be called in case your resolver should only be accessible by registered users
  • Install created package into the api project (i.e.: run npm install package-name or npm install ../package-folder it the package is local)
  • Add default export from the created package into the importedModules array (inside importedModules.ts)
  • Modify preinstall script found in ./api/package.json if your package does not ship pre-built js files
  • Start api as suggested above in the Development Setup section
  • Open graphql playground found at http://localhost:3001/
    • Make sure your endpoint is set to query http://localhost:3001/graphql
  • Run a test query. In case of module-example that would be:
      countUsers(message: "test") {
  • In case of module-example, this should result in:
      "data": {
        "countUsers": {
          "message": "test",
          "count": 1