Install dependencies
yarn install
Run development server
yarn dev
Run tests
yarn test
Run ESlint
yarn lint
A light update within semver range (low risk to break)
yarn upgrade
to manage which version and changes to adopt
yarn upgrade-interactive
Run in development
yarn dev:bundleanalyzer
Run on the production optimized build
yarn build:bundleanalyzer
Create a dist
directory containing the static files of the user interface.
yarn build
Optionally, when deploying on the cloud you may specify the URL of the back-end
yarn build --env API_URL=
Depending on your needs, you might want to do more optimization to the production build.
Can be simply created via
yarn pack
docker build . -f Dockerfile -t user-management-frontend:1.0.0-dev.1 # Docker does not support SemVer build information
As an alternative, the previous two steps (package and build image), can be executed with the multistage builder
docker build . -f Dockerfile.multistage \
--build-arg api_url= \
-t user-management-frontend:1.0.0-dev.1
docker run --rm -d -p 80:80 user-management-frontend:1.0.0-dev.1