Here you will find a complete reference about the various query options.
It is simple to to add a query option to a query when using the Java development kit. You just need to add the specific option method after the query()
method and before the submit()
Here is an example of a query that uses the query option method, fetch()
Response response = api.query("document.type", "page"))
List<Document> documents = response.getResults();
Now we will describe each available query option.
The after
option can be used along with the orderings option. It will remove all the documents except for those after the specified document in the list.
To clarify, let’s say you have a query that return the following documents in this order:
V9Zt3icAAAl8Uzob (Page 1)
PqZtvCcAALuRUzmO (Page 2)
VkRmhykAAFA6PoBj (Page 3)
V4Fs8rDbAAH9Pfow (Page 4)
G8ZtxQhAALuSix6R (Page 5)
Ww9yuAvdAhl87wh6 (Page 6)
If you add the after
option and specify page 3, “VkRmhykAAFA6PoBj”, your query will return the following:
V4Fs8rDbAAH9Pfow (Page 4)
G8ZtxQhAALuSix6R (Page 5)
Ww9yuAvdAhl87wh6 (Page 6)
By reversing the orderings in your query, you can use this same method to retrieve all the documents before the specified document.
This option is useful when creating a navigation for a blog.
.set("after", "VkRmhykAAFA6PoBj")
The fetch
option is used to make queries faster by only retrieving the specified field(s).
To retrieve a single field, simply specify the field as shown below.
To retrieve more than one field, you just need to comma-separate all the fields you wish included as shown below.
.fetch("product.title, product.price")
The fetchLinks
option allows you to retrieve a specific content field from a linked document and add it to the document response object.
Note that this will only retrieve content of the following field types:
- Color
- Content Relationship
- Date
- Image
- Key Text
- Number
- Rich Text (but only returns the first element)
- Select
- Timestamp
- Title
It is not possible to retrieve the following content field types:
- Embed
- GeoPoint
- Link
- Link to Media
- Rich Text (anything other than the first element)
- Any field in a Group or Slice
The value you enter for the fetchLinks option needs to take the following format:
Property | Description |
{custom-type} |
The custom type API-ID of the linked document |
{field} |
The API-ID of the field you wish to retrieve from the linked document |
.fetchLinks("author.first_name, author.last_name")
The lang
option defines the language code for the results of your query.
You can use the lang option to specify a particular language/region you wish to query by. You just need to set the lang value to the desired language code, for example "en-us" for American English.
If no lang option is provided, then the query will default to the master language of the repository.
You can also use the lang option to specify that you want to query documents in all available languages. Simply set the lang option to the wildcard value *
To view a complete example of how this option works, view the examples on the Query by Language page.
The orderings()
option orders the results by the specified field(s). You can specify as many fields as you want/need.
Property | Description |
lowest to highest |
It will automatically order the field from lowest to highest |
highest to lowest |
Use "desc" next to the field name to instead order it from greatest to lowest |
.orderings("my.product.price") // lowest to highest
.orderings("my.product.price desc") // highest to lowest
You can specify more than one field to order your results by. To do so, simply comma-separate the orderings in the string.
The results will be ordered by the first field in the array. If any of the results have the same value for that initial sort, they will then be sorted by the next specified field. And so on.
Here is an example that first sorts the products by price from lowest to highest. If any of the products have the same price, then they will be sorted by their titles.
.orderings("my.product.price, my.product.title")
It is also possible to order documents by their first or last publication dates.
Property | Description |
first_publication_date |
The date that the document was originally published for the first time |
last_publication_date |
The most recent date that the document has been published after editing |
.orderings("document.first_publication_date") // first publication date
.orderings("document.last_publication_date") // last publication date
The page
option defines the pagination for the result of your query.
If unspecified, the pagination will default to "1", corresponding to the first page of results.
Property | Description |
valueinteger |
page index (1 = 1st page, 2 = 2nd page, ...) |
Your query results are always paginated.
The pageSize()
option defines the maximum number of documents per page for the pagination.
If left unspecified, the page size will default to 20. The maximum page size is 100.
Property | Description |
valueinteger |
pagination page size (between 1 and 100) |
The ref
option defines which version of your content to query.
By default the Prismic Java development kit will use the master ref to retrieve the currently published documents.
Property | Description |
valuestring |
Master, Release, Experiment, or Preview ref |