Here we discuss how to query all the documents of a certain custom type.
This first example shows how to query all of the documents of the type "blog-post". The option included in this query will sort the results by their "date" field (from most recent to the oldest).
Response response = api.query("document.type", "blog-post")
).orderings(" desc").submit();
List<Document> documents = response.getResults();
The following example shows how to query all of the documents of the type "video-game". The options will make it so that the results are sorted alphabetically, limited to 10 games per page, and showing the second page of results.
Response response = api.query("document.type", "video-game")
List<Document> documents = response.getResults();
This example shows how to query all of the documents of two different types: "article" and "blog_post".
Response response = api.query(
Predicates.any("document.type", Arrays.asList("article", "blog_post"))
List<Document> documents = response.getResults();