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7. changing

File metadata and controls

191 lines (142 loc) · 7.89 KB

Changing tables

In this section, we will cover write access to SQLite.

Auto increment

Now we want to add a new post. But where can we take ID from? There is a nice answer. Let's add a new property to data/admin/data.json:

    "next_post_id": 3,
    "posts": [
            "id": 1,
            "title": "Post 1",
            "content": "Post 1"
            "id": 2,
            "title": "Post 2",
            "content": "Post 2"

Most zites use this way: they add next_..._id. We'll do the same. When we add new post, we will take id from next_post_id and increment the latter.

Write access to database

As I told you before, only SELECT is supported. Remember where we edited posts? Yes, in data/admin/data.json file. So, let's take our readFile() and writeFile() functions from the previous lesson:

function readFile(file, callback) {
    zeroFrame.cmd("fileGet", [file, false], callback);

function writeFile(file, content, callback) {
    zeroFrame.cmd("fileWrite", [file, base64Encode(content)], callback);

function base64Encode(content) {
    content = encodeURIComponent(content); // Split to bytes in % notation
    content = unescape(content); // Join % notation as bytes (not as chars)
    return btoa(content);

...and put them to js/files.js. Don't forget to include this file to index.html before index.js:

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/files.js"></script>

First of all, let's read data/admin/data.json and parse it. Try to do that yourself.


function addPost(title, postContent) {
    readFile("data/admin/data.json", function(content) {
        content = content || ""; // Convert undefined and null to ""
        // Parse JSON
        try {
            content = JSON.parse(content);
        } catch(e) {
            content = {
                posts: [],
                next_post_id: 0

addPost("test", "test content");

Open console and reload page. You'll see an object with posts and next_post_id properties.

Now, we can simply take next_post_id and change posts array:

function addPost(title, postContent, callback) { // Notice new callback argument
    readFile("data/admin/data.json", function(content) {
        // Parse JSON
            id: content.next_post_id++, // Use next_post_id and then increment it
            title: title,
            content: postContent
        content = JSON.stringify(content, null, 4); // Make content string
        writeFile("data/admin/data.json", content, function(result) {
            callback(result == "ok");

addPost("test", "test content", function(result) {
    console.log(result ? "OK" : "Error");

Try to run this code and see how data/admin/data.json changes. Now open data/mydatabase.db. Only old posts, right? That's because we have to sign and publish our changes after changing data. Here are API commands we need:

|                                siteSign                                 |
| Sign a content.json of the site                                         |
| Parameter               | Description                                   |
| privatekey (optional)   | Private key used for signing (default:        |
|                         | current user's privatekey). "stored" means    |
|                         | saved site private key                        |
| inner_path (optional)   | Inner path of the content json you want to    |
|                         | sign (default: content.json)                  |
| Return: "ok" on success else the error message                          |

|                               sitePublish                               |
| Publish a content.json of the site                                      |
| Parameter               | Description                                   |
| privatekey (optional)   | Private key used for signing (default:        |
|                         | current user's privatekey). "stored" means    |
|                         | saved zite private key                        |
| inner_path (optional)   | Inner path of the content json you want to    |
|                         | publish (default: content.json)               |
| sign (optional)         | If True then sign the content.json before     |
|                         | publish (default: True)                       |
| Return: "ok" on success else the error message                          |

We want to both sign and publish zite, so we can use sitePublish with sign option:

writeFile("data/admin/data.json", content, function(result) {
    if(result != "ok") {
    zeroFrame.cmd("sitePublish", {
        privatekey: "stored"
    }, function(result) {
        callback(result == "ok");

Try to reload page multiple times and open data/mydatabase.db.

Private key

The main thing in siteSign and sitePublish commands is privatekey option. It is not logical at all, but as it is used frequently, you have to remember its meaning.

  • privatekey: null means "use private key which ZeroNet created especially for this zite and especially for this user". Some sites (like ZeroTalk) have user content (posts and votes). To sign this data with user's private key, they don't pass privatekey option at all or set it to null.
  • privatekey: "stored" means "use private key of zite". This can be used only if user is zite administrator.
  • privatekey: "..." means "use this private key".


We also often want to know if user is administrator. For example, for a blog, we should show "Add" button only if user can write to data/admin/data.json. ZeroFrame to rescue! We can use siteInfo command. It returns a JSON object with privatekey boolean - it is true if current user is administrator.

function isAdmin(callback) {
    zeroFrame.cmd("siteInfo", [], function(info) {


You can watch blog example here.

Some ideas for improvements:

  • Add option to delete post.
  • More beautiful editing page.
  • Delete created post when Cancel is clicked on Add post page.
  • Use markup language different from HTML.