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Homebrew formula for the Pyrsia on macOS

Quick Installation Guide

Pyrsia can now easily be setup on a local macOS machine by using Homebrew package manager while tapping our Pyrsia Taps (Third-Party Repositories).


From the CLI

brew tap pyrsia/pyrsia
brew install pyrsia

On successful installation, you can test the binary package by using brew test pyrsia. On successful test execution, you can start Pyrsia Node as a background process using brew services start pyrsia. To check the service status, you can use brew services list. This lists all the services managed by brew services. Pyrsia should appear in the list.

Name    Status  User   File
pyrsia  started <user> ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.pyrsia.plist
unbound none  

If you choose to stop the service at any point of time, use brew services start pyrsia.

Now Homebrew can track, update, and install Pyrsia installer for macOS

Run Pyrsia Node

export RUST_LOG=info
pyrsia_node -H

This will start your local Pyrsia node with info logs. (you can also skip export RUST_LOG=info if you don't want logs. You can also set this to export RUST_LOG=debug to see even more logs)

Verify everything is running smoothly

Check installed Version

$ pyrsia --version
pyrsia 0.2.0

Ping test

$ pyrsia ping
Connection Successful !!

Installer Release Guide

Following sequence diagram demonstrate what needs to be done after successful release of Pyrsia to update the macOS installer.

    title Pyrsia Homebrew Installer Manual Release Process
    participant p as pyrsia
    participant gcb as Google Cloud Bucket
    participant user as User🧍
    participant hp as homebrew-pyrsia
    rect rgb(190, 220, 255)
    note right of p: Release
    p ->> p: Release Pyrsia
    p ->> gcb: Github Action - Push Release Archive 

    rect rgb(200, 150, 255)
    note right of gcb: homebrewrepo/stable/x86_64/<archive_name>
    note right of gcb: accessible using<archive_name>
    rect rgb(100, 255, 190)
    user ->> hp: manually update Formula/pyrsia.rb
    user -->> hp: update archive_name in the url
    user -->> hp: calculate sha256 and update sha256
    user -->> hp: update version
    user ->> hp: checkin & merge