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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26b43c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/2.2.0/crarr.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d4170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/2.2.0/epydoc.css
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+/* Epydoc CSS Stylesheet
+ *
+ * This stylesheet can be used to customize the appearance of epydoc's
+ * HTML output.
+ *
+ */
+/* Default Colors & Styles
+ * - Set the default foreground & background color with 'body'; and
+ * link colors with 'a:link' and 'a:visited'.
+ * - Use bold for decision list terms.
+ * - The heading styles defined here are used for headings *within*
+ * docstring descriptions. All headings used by epydoc itself use
+ * either class='epydoc' or class='toc' (CSS styles for both
+ * defined below).
+ */
+body { background: #ffffff; color: #000000; }
+p { margin-top: 0.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
+a:link { color: #0000ff; }
+a:visited { color: #204080; }
+dt { font-weight: bold; }
+h1 { font-size: +140%; font-style: italic;
+ font-weight: bold; }
+h2 { font-size: +125%; font-style: italic;
+ font-weight: bold; }
+h3 { font-size: +110%; font-style: italic;
+ font-weight: normal; }
+code { font-size: 100%; }
+/* N.B.: class, not pseudoclass */
+a.link { font-family: monospace; }
+/* Page Header & Footer
+ * - The standard page header consists of a navigation bar (with
+ * pointers to standard pages such as 'home' and 'trees'); a
+ * breadcrumbs list, which can be used to navigate to containing
+ * classes or modules; options links, to show/hide private
+ * variables and to show/hide frames; and a page title (using
+ *
). The page title may be followed by a link to the
+ * corresponding source code (using 'span.codelink').
+ * - The footer consists of a navigation bar, a timestamp, and a
+ * pointer to epydoc's homepage.
+ */
+h1.epydoc { margin: 0; font-size: +140%; font-weight: bold; }
+h2.epydoc { font-size: +130%; font-weight: bold; }
+h3.epydoc { font-size: +115%; font-weight: bold;
+ margin-top: 0.2em; }
+td h3.epydoc { font-size: +115%; font-weight: bold;
+ margin-bottom: 0; }
+table.navbar { background: #a0c0ff; color: #000000;
+ border: 2px groove #c0d0d0; }
+table.navbar table { color: #000000; }
+th.navbar-select { background: #70b0ff;
+ color: #000000; }
+table.navbar a { text-decoration: none; }
+table.navbar a:link { color: #0000ff; }
+table.navbar a:visited { color: #204080; }
+span.breadcrumbs { font-size: 85%; font-weight: bold; }
+span.options { font-size: 70%; }
+span.codelink { font-size: 85%; }
+td.footer { font-size: 85%; }
+/* Table Headers
+ * - Each summary table and details section begins with a 'header'
+ * row. This row contains a section title (marked by
+ * 'span.table-header') as well as a show/hide private link
+ * (marked by 'span.options', defined above).
+ * - Summary tables that contain user-defined groups mark those
+ * groups using 'group header' rows.
+ */
+td.table-header { background: #70b0ff; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #608090; }
+td.table-header table { color: #000000; }
+td.table-header table a:link { color: #0000ff; }
+td.table-header table a:visited { color: #204080; }
+span.table-header { font-size: 120%; font-weight: bold; }
+th.group-header { background: #c0e0f8; color: #000000;
+ text-align: left; font-style: italic;
+ font-size: 115%;
+ border: 1px solid #608090; }
+/* Summary Tables (functions, variables, etc)
+ * - Each object is described by a single row of the table with
+ * two cells. The left cell gives the object's type, and is
+ * marked with 'code.summary-type'. The right cell gives the
+ * object's name and a summary description.
+ * - CSS styles for the table's header and group headers are
+ * defined above, under 'Table Headers'
+ */
+table.summary { border-collapse: collapse;
+ background: #e8f0f8; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #608090;
+ margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
+td.summary { border: 1px solid #608090; }
+code.summary-type { font-size: 85%; }
+table.summary a:link { color: #0000ff; }
+table.summary a:visited { color: #204080; }
+/* Details Tables (functions, variables, etc)
+ * - Each object is described in its own div.
+ * - A single-row summary table w/ table-header is used as
+ * a header for each details section (CSS style for table-header
+ * is defined above, under 'Table Headers').
+ */
+table.details { border-collapse: collapse;
+ background: #e8f0f8; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #608090;
+ margin: .2em 0 0 0; }
+table.details table { color: #000000; }
+table.details a:link { color: #0000ff; }
+table.details a:visited { color: #204080; }
+/* Fields */
+dl.fields { margin-left: 2em; margin-top: 1em;
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+dl.fields dd ul { margin-left: 0em; padding-left: 0em; }
+dl.fields dd ul li ul { margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 0em; }
+div.fields { margin-left: 2em; }
+div.fields p { margin-bottom: 0.5em; }
+/* Index tables (identifier index, term index, etc)
+ * - link-index is used for indices containing lists of links
+ * (namely, the identifier index & term index).
+ * - index-where is used in link indices for the text indicating
+ * the container/source for each link.
+ * - metadata-index is used for indices containing metadata
+ * extracted from fields (namely, the bug index & todo index).
+ */
+table.link-index { border-collapse: collapse;
+ background: #e8f0f8; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #608090; }
+td.link-index { border-width: 0px; }
+table.link-index a:link { color: #0000ff; }
+table.link-index a:visited { color: #204080; }
+span.index-where { font-size: 70%; }
+table.metadata-index { border-collapse: collapse;
+ background: #e8f0f8; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #608090;
+ margin: .2em 0 0 0; }
+td.metadata-index { border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; }
+table.metadata-index a:link { color: #0000ff; }
+table.metadata-index a:visited { color: #204080; }
+/* Function signatures
+ * - sig* is used for the signature in the details section.
+ * - .summary-sig* is used for the signature in the summary
+ * table, and when listing property accessor functions.
+ * */
+.sig-name { color: #006080; }
+.sig-arg { color: #008060; }
+.sig-default { color: #602000; }
+.summary-sig { font-family: monospace; }
+.summary-sig-name { color: #006080; font-weight: bold; }
+table.summary a.summary-sig-name:link
+ { color: #006080; font-weight: bold; }
+table.summary a.summary-sig-name:visited
+ { color: #006080; font-weight: bold; }
+.summary-sig-arg { color: #006040; }
+.summary-sig-default { color: #501800; }
+/* Subclass list
+ */
+ul.subclass-list { display: inline; }
+ul.subclass-list li { display: inline; }
+/* To render variables, classes etc. like functions */
+table.summary .summary-name { color: #006080; font-weight: bold;
+ font-family: monospace; }
+ a.summary-name:link { color: #006080; font-weight: bold;
+ font-family: monospace; }
+ a.summary-name:visited { color: #006080; font-weight: bold;
+ font-family: monospace; }
+/* Variable values
+ * - In the 'variable details' sections, each varaible's value is
+ * listed in a 'pre.variable' box. The width of this box is
+ * restricted to 80 chars; if the value's repr is longer than
+ * this it will be wrapped, using a backslash marked with
+ * class 'variable-linewrap'. If the value's repr is longer
+ * than 3 lines, the rest will be ellided; and an ellipsis
+ * marker ('...' marked with 'variable-ellipsis') will be used.
+ * - If the value is a string, its quote marks will be marked
+ * with 'variable-quote'.
+ * - If the variable is a regexp, it is syntax-highlighted using
+ * the re* CSS classes.
+ */
+pre.variable { padding: .5em; margin: 0;
+ background: #dce4ec; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #708890; }
+.variable-linewrap { color: #604000; font-weight: bold; }
+.variable-ellipsis { color: #604000; font-weight: bold; }
+.variable-quote { color: #604000; font-weight: bold; }
+.variable-group { color: #008000; font-weight: bold; }
+.variable-op { color: #604000; font-weight: bold; }
+.variable-string { color: #006030; }
+.variable-unknown { color: #a00000; font-weight: bold; }
+.re { color: #000000; }
+.re-char { color: #006030; }
+.re-op { color: #600000; }
+.re-group { color: #003060; }
+.re-ref { color: #404040; }
+/* Base tree
+ * - Used by class pages to display the base class hierarchy.
+ */
+pre.base-tree { font-size: 80%; margin: 0; }
+/* Frames-based table of contents headers
+ * - Consists of two frames: one for selecting modules; and
+ * the other listing the contents of the selected module.
+ * - h1.toc is used for each frame's heading
+ * - h2.toc is used for subheadings within each frame.
+ */
+h1.toc { text-align: center; font-size: 105%;
+ margin: 0; font-weight: bold;
+ padding: 0; }
+h2.toc { font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold;
+ margin: 0.5em 0 0 -0.3em; }
+/* Syntax Highlighting for Source Code
+ * - doctest examples are displayed in a 'pre.py-doctest' block.
+ * If the example is in a details table entry, then it will use
+ * the colors specified by the 'table pre.py-doctest' line.
+ * - Source code listings are displayed in a 'pre.py-src' block.
+ * Each line is marked with 'span.py-line' (used to draw a line
+ * down the left margin, separating the code from the line
+ * numbers). Line numbers are displayed with 'span.py-lineno'.
+ * The expand/collapse block toggle button is displayed with
+ * 'a.py-toggle' (Note: the CSS style for 'a.py-toggle' should not
+ * modify the font size of the text.)
+ * - If a source code page is opened with an anchor, then the
+ * corresponding code block will be highlighted. The code
+ * block's header is highlighted with 'py-highlight-hdr'; and
+ * the code block's body is highlighted with 'py-highlight'.
+ * - The remaining py-* classes are used to perform syntax
+ * highlighting (py-string for string literals, py-name for names,
+ * etc.)
+ */
+pre.py-doctest { padding: .5em; margin: 1em;
+ background: #e8f0f8; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #708890; }
+table pre.py-doctest { background: #dce4ec;
+ color: #000000; }
+pre.py-src { border: 2px solid #000000;
+ background: #f0f0f0; color: #000000; }
+.py-line { border-left: 2px solid #000000;
+ margin-left: .2em; padding-left: .4em; }
+.py-lineno { font-style: italic; font-size: 90%;
+ padding-left: .5em; }
+a.py-toggle { text-decoration: none; }
+div.py-highlight-hdr { border-top: 2px solid #000000;
+ border-bottom: 2px solid #000000;
+ background: #d8e8e8; }
+div.py-highlight { border-bottom: 2px solid #000000;
+ background: #d0e0e0; }
+.py-prompt { color: #005050; font-weight: bold;}
+.py-more { color: #005050; font-weight: bold;}
+.py-string { color: #006030; }
+.py-comment { color: #003060; }
+.py-keyword { color: #600000; }
+.py-output { color: #404040; }
+.py-name { color: #000050; }
+.py-name:link { color: #000050 !important; }
+.py-name:visited { color: #000050 !important; }
+.py-number { color: #005000; }
+.py-defname { color: #000060; font-weight: bold; }
+.py-def-name { color: #000060; font-weight: bold; }
+.py-base-class { color: #000060; }
+.py-param { color: #000060; }
+.py-docstring { color: #006030; }
+.py-decorator { color: #804020; }
+/* Use this if you don't want links to names underlined: */
+/*a.py-name { text-decoration: none; }*/
+/* Graphs & Diagrams
+ * - These CSS styles are used for graphs & diagrams generated using
+ * Graphviz dot. 'img.graph-without-title' is used for bare
+ * diagrams (to remove the border created by making the image
+ * clickable).
+ */
+img.graph-without-title { border: none; }
+img.graph-with-title { border: 1px solid #000000; }
+span.graph-title { font-weight: bold; }
+span.graph-caption { }
+/* General-purpose classes
+ * - 'p.indent-wrapped-lines' defines a paragraph whose first line
+ * is not indented, but whose subsequent lines are.
+ * - The 'nomargin-top' class is used to remove the top margin (e.g.
+ * from lists). The 'nomargin' class is used to remove both the
+ * top and bottom margin (but not the left or right margin --
+ * for lists, that would cause the bullets to disappear.)
+ */
+p.indent-wrapped-lines { padding: 0 0 0 7em; text-indent: -7em;
+ margin: 0; }
+.nomargin-top { margin-top: 0; }
+.nomargin { margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; }
+/* HTML Log */
+div.log-block { padding: 0; margin: .5em 0 .5em 0;
+ background: #e8f0f8; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #000000; }
+div.log-error { padding: .1em .3em .1em .3em; margin: 4px;
+ background: #ffb0b0; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #000000; }
+div.log-warning { padding: .1em .3em .1em .3em; margin: 4px;
+ background: #ffffb0; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #000000; }
+div.log-info { padding: .1em .3em .1em .3em; margin: 4px;
+ background: #b0ffb0; color: #000000;
+ border: 1px solid #000000; }
+h2.log-hdr { background: #70b0ff; color: #000000;
+ margin: 0; padding: 0em 0.5em 0em 0.5em;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; font-size: 110%; }
+p.log { font-weight: bold; margin: .5em 0 .5em 0; }
+tr.opt-changed { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; }
+tr.opt-default { color: #606060; }
+pre.log { margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-left: 1em; }
diff --git a/docs/2.2.0/epydoc.js b/docs/2.2.0/epydoc.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e787dbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/2.2.0/epydoc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+function toggle_private() {
+ // Search for any private/public links on this page. Store
+ // their old text in "cmd," so we will know what action to
+ // take; and change their text to the opposite action.
+ var cmd = "?";
+ var elts = document.getElementsByTagName("a");
+ for(var i=0; i";
+ s += " ";
+ for (var i=0; i... ";
+ elt.innerHTML = s;
+ }
+function toggle(id) {
+ elt = document.getElementById(id+"-toggle");
+ if (elt.innerHTML == "-")
+ collapse(id);
+ else
+ expand(id);
+ return false;
+function highlight(id) {
+ var elt = document.getElementById(id+"-def");
+ if (elt) elt.className = "py-highlight-hdr";
+ var elt = document.getElementById(id+"-expanded");
+ if (elt) elt.className = "py-highlight";
+ var elt = document.getElementById(id+"-collapsed");
+ if (elt) elt.className = "py-highlight";
+function num_lines(s) {
+ var n = 1;
+ var pos = s.indexOf("\n");
+ while ( pos > 0) {
+ n += 1;
+ pos = s.indexOf("\n", pos+1);
+ }
+ return n;
+// Collapse all blocks that mave more than `min_lines` lines.
+function collapse_all(min_lines) {
+ var elts = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
+ for (var i=0; i 0)
+ if (elt.id.substring(split, elt.id.length) == "-expanded")
+ if (num_lines(elt.innerHTML) > min_lines)
+ collapse(elt.id.substring(0, split));
+ }
+function expandto(href) {
+ var start = href.indexOf("#")+1;
+ if (start != 0 && start != href.length) {
+ if (href.substring(start, href.length) != "-") {
+ collapse_all(4);
+ pos = href.indexOf(".", start);
+ while (pos != -1) {
+ var id = href.substring(start, pos);
+ expand(id);
+ pos = href.indexOf(".", pos+1);
+ }
+ var id = href.substring(start, href.length);
+ expand(id);
+ highlight(id);
+ }
+ }
+function kill_doclink(id) {
+ var parent = document.getElementById(id);
+ parent.removeChild(parent.childNodes.item(0));
+function auto_kill_doclink(ev) {
+ if (!ev) var ev = window.event;
+ if (!this.contains(ev.toElement)) {
+ var parent = document.getElementById(this.parentID);
+ parent.removeChild(parent.childNodes.item(0));
+ }
+function doclink(id, name, targets_id) {
+ var elt = document.getElementById(id);
+ // If we already opened the box, then destroy it.
+ // (This case should never occur, but leave it in just in case.)
+ if (elt.childNodes.length > 1) {
+ elt.removeChild(elt.childNodes.item(0));
+ }
+ else {
+ // The outer box: relative + inline positioning.
+ var box1 = document.createElement("div");
+ box1.style.position = "relative";
+ box1.style.display = "inline";
+ box1.style.top = 0;
+ box1.style.left = 0;
+ // A shadow for fun
+ var shadow = document.createElement("div");
+ shadow.style.position = "absolute";
+ shadow.style.left = "-1.3em";
+ shadow.style.top = "-1.3em";
+ shadow.style.background = "#404040";
+ // The inner box: absolute positioning.
+ var box2 = document.createElement("div");
+ box2.style.position = "relative";
+ box2.style.border = "1px solid #a0a0a0";
+ box2.style.left = "-.2em";
+ box2.style.top = "-.2em";
+ box2.style.background = "white";
+ box2.style.padding = ".3em .4em .3em .4em";
+ box2.style.fontStyle = "normal";
+ box2.onmouseout=auto_kill_doclink;
+ box2.parentID = id;
+ // Get the targets
+ var targets_elt = document.getElementById(targets_id);
+ var targets = targets_elt.getAttribute("targets");
+ var links = "";
+ target_list = targets.split(",");
+ for (var i=0; i" +
+ target[0] + "";
+ }
+ // Put it all together.
+ elt.insertBefore(box1, elt.childNodes.item(0));
+ //box1.appendChild(box2);
+ box1.appendChild(shadow);
+ shadow.appendChild(box2);
+ box2.innerHTML =
+ "Which "+name+" do you want to see documentation for?" +
+ "
The python-fedex module is a light wrapper around Fedex's Web
+ Services SOAP API. Using the excellent suds SOAP
+ client, the Fedex requests and responses are trivial to work with.
What python-fedex is
+ A light wrapper around Fedex Web Services SOAP API.
+ Simple and easy to use.
+ Minimal by design.
What python-fedex is not
+ An abstraction layer. python-fedex only assembles the needed SOAP
+ calls and returns a SOAP response through suds. This is easy
+ enough to work with that no abstraction is needed. Doing so would
+ limit your use of the data.
+ Anything more than a light wrapper.
A note on completeness
python-fedex was created for use with various internal projects
+ over the years. Not all services are implemented but only those
+ needed at the time were implemented. If there is missing
+ functionality, please report an issue so that this module can be made more useful
+ to others. Likewise, feel free to submit patches and service
+ implementations as well if you would like to help.
Getting Started
The best place to get started is by viewing the examples in the
+ 'examples' directory. These should be very self-explanatory. For
+ further details, you may review the API here, or get support by
+ reading the instructions in the appropriately named section
+ below.
The services
+ module is also a good place to start looking at the different objects
+ used for issuing Fedex requests.
As a general tip, the best way to see which attributes are
+ available on WSDL objects is to simply print them, hitting their
+ __str__() method.
Fedex Documentation
If you are wondering what attributes or variables are present,
+ you'll want to refer to the Fedex Web Services documentation at
+ http://fedex.com/developer/. Complete specification documents are
+ there, which correspond very closely with what you'll be able to do
+ with python-fedex.
Getting Support
If you have any questions, problems, ideas, or patch submissions,
+ please visit our Github project and enter an issue in the Issue Tracker.
fedex.printers.unix: This module provides a label printing wrapper class for Unix-based
+ installations.
fedex.services: This module contains the wrappers around Fedex Web Service requests
+ which you will want to instantiate and use with a FedexConfig object supplying your static details.
+ 1"""
+ 2python-fedex API Documentation
+ 3==============================
+ 4The python-fedex module is a light wrapper around Fedex's Web Services SOAP API.
+ 5Using the excellent U{suds<https://fedorahosted.org/suds/>} SOAP client,
+ 6the Fedex requests and responses are trivial to work with.
+ 7
+ 8What python-fedex is
+ 9--------------------
+10 - A light wrapper around Fedex Web Services SOAP API.
+11 - Simple and easy to use.
+12 - Minimal by design.
+14What python-fedex is not
+16 - An abstraction layer. python-fedex only assembles the needed SOAP calls
+17 and returns a SOAP response through suds. This is easy enough to work with
+18 that no abstraction is needed. Doing so would limit your use of the data.
+19 - Anything more than a light wrapper.
+21A note on completeness
+23python-fedex was created for use with various internal projects over the years.
+24Not all services are implemented but only those needed at the time were implemented.
+25If there is missing functionality, please report an U{issue<http://code.google.com/p/python-fedex/issues/list>}
+26so that this module can be made more useful to others. Likewise, feel free to
+27submit patches and service implementations as well if you would like to help.
+29Getting Started
+31The best place to get started is by viewing the examples in the 'examples'
+32directory. These should be very self-explanatory. For further details, you
+33may review the API here, or get support by reading the instructions in the
+34appropriately named section below.
+36The L{services} module is also a good place to start looking at the different
+37objects used for issuing Fedex requests.
+39As a general tip, the best way to see which attributes are available on WSDL
+40objects is to simply print them, hitting their __str__() method.
+42Fedex Documentation
+44If you are wondering what attributes or variables are present, you'll want to
+45refer to the Fedex Web Services documentation at http://fedex.com/developer/.
+46Complete specification documents are there, which correspond very closely with
+47what you'll be able to do with python-fedex.
+49Getting Support
+51If you have any questions, problems, ideas, or patch submissions, please visit
+52our U{Github project<http://github.com/gtaylor/python-fedex/>} and enter
+53an issue in the U{Issue Tracker<http://github.com/gtaylor/python-fedex/issues>}.
The base_service module contains classes that form the low
+ level foundations of the Web Service API. Things that many different
+ kinds of requests have in common may be found here.
In particular, the FedexBaseService class handles most of the basic,
+ repetitive setup work that most requests do.
+ 1"""
+ 2The L{base_service} module contains classes that form the low level foundations
+ 3of the Web Service API. Things that many different kinds of requests have in
+ 4common may be found here.
+ 5
+ 6In particular, the L{FedexBaseService} class handles most of the basic,
+ 7repetitive setup work that most requests do.
+ 8"""
+ 9
+ 10importos
+ 11importlogging
+ 12
+ 13importsuds
+ 14fromsuds.clientimportClient
+ 15fromsuds.pluginimportMessagePlugin
+ 16
+ 17
+ 73self.value="suds encountered an error validating your data against this service's WSDL schema. " \
+ 74"Please double-check for missing or invalid values, filling all required fields."
+ 75try:
+ 76self.value+=' Details: {}'.format(fault)
+ 77exceptAttributeError:
+ 78pass
+ 83 This class is the master class for all Fedex request objects. It gets all
+ 84 of the common SOAP objects created via suds and populates them with
+ 85 values from a L{FedexConfig} object, along with keyword arguments
+ 86 via L{__init__}.
+ 87
+ 88 @note: This object should never be used directly, use one of the included
+ 89 sub-classes.
+ 90 """
+ 91
+ 94 This constructor should only be called by children of the class. As is
+ 95 such, only the optional keyword arguments caught by C{**kwargs} will
+ 96 be documented.
+ 97
+ 98 @type customer_transaction_id: L{str}
+ 99 @keyword customer_transaction_id: A user-specified identifier to
+100 differentiate this transaction from others. This value will be
+101 returned with the response from Fedex.
+102 """
+105"""@ivar: Python logger instance with name 'fedex'."""
+107"""@ivar: The FedexConfig object to pull auth info from."""
+109# If the config object is set to use the test server, point
+110# suds at the test server WSDL directory.
+112self.logger.info("Using test server.")
+116self.logger.info("Using production server.")
+120# self.client.options.cache.clear() # Clear the cache, then re-init client when changing wsdl file.
+123"""@ivar: Holds details on the version numbers of the WSDL."""
+125"""@ivar: WSDL object that holds authentication info."""
+127"""@ivar: WSDL object that holds client account details."""
+129"""@ivar: The response from Fedex. You will want to pick what you
+130 want out here here. This object does have a __str__() method,
+131 you'll want to print or log it to see what possible values
+132 you can pull."""
+134"""@ivar: Holds customer-specified transaction IDs."""
+144 Sets up the WebAuthenticationDetail node. This is required for all
+145 requests.
+146 """
+148# Start of the authentication stuff.
+153# Encapsulates the auth credentials.
+157# Set Default ParentCredential
+206 Pulles the versioning info for the request from the child request.
+207 """
+219 This method should be over-ridden on each sub-class. It instantiates
+220 any of the required WSDL objects so the user can just print their
+221 __str__() methods and see what they need to fill in.
+222 """
+228 This checks the response for general Fedex errors that aren't related
+229 to any one WSDL.
+230 """
+240 Override this in each service module to check for errors that are
+241 specific to that module. For example, invalid tracking numbers in
+242 a Tracking request.
+243 """
+260 This method should be over-ridden on each sub-class. It assembles all required objects
+261 into the specific request object and calls send_request.
+262 """
+268 Sends the assembled request on the child object.
+269 @type send_function: function reference
+270 @keyword send_function: A function reference (passed without the
+271 parenthesis) to a function that will send the request. This
+272 allows for overriding the default function in cases such as
+273 validation requests.
+274 """
+276# Send the request and get the response back.
+278# If the user has overridden the send function, use theirs
+279# instead of the default.
+281# Follow the overridden function.
+284# Default scenario, business as usual.
+287# When this happens, throw an informative message reminding the
+288# user to check all required variables, making sure they are
+289# populated and valid
+292# Check the response for general Fedex errors/failures that aren't
+293# specific to any given WSDL/request.
+295# Check the response for errors specific to the particular request.
+296# This is handled by an overridden method on the child object.
+299# Debug output.
+300self.logger.debug("== FEDEX QUERY RESULT ==")
This class is the master class for all Fedex request objects. It gets
+ all of the common SOAP objects created via suds and populates them with
+ values from a FedexConfig object, along with keyword arguments via __init__.
+ This object should never be used directly, use one of the included
+ sub-classes.
This constructor should only be called by children of the class. As is
+ such, only the optional keyword arguments caught by **kwargs
+ will be documented.
customer_transaction_id (str) - A user-specified identifier to differentiate this transaction
+ from others. This value will be returned with the response from
+ Fedex.
Override this in each service module to check for errors that are
+ specific to that module. For example, invalid tracking numbers in a
+ Tracking request.
This method should be over-ridden on each sub-class. It instantiates
+ any of the required WSDL objects so the user can just print their
+ __str__() methods and see what they need to fill in.
send_function (function reference) - A function reference (passed without the parenthesis) to a
+ function that will send the request. This allows for overriding
+ the default function in cases such as validation requests.
+ The response from Fedex. You will want to pick what you want out here
+ here. This object does have a __str__() method, you'll want to print or
+ log it to see what possible values you can pull.
The config module
+ contains the FedexConfig class, which is passed to the Fedex API
+ calls. It stores useful information such as your Web Services account
+ numbers and keys.
It is strongly suggested that you create a single FedexConfig
+ object in your project and pass that to the various API calls, rather
+ than create new FedexConfig objects haphazardly. This is merely a design
+ suggestion, treat it as such.
+ 1"""
+ 2The L{config} module contains the L{FedexConfig} class, which is passed to
+ 3the Fedex API calls. It stores useful information such as your Web Services
+ 4account numbers and keys.
+ 5
+ 6It is strongly suggested that you create a single L{FedexConfig} object in
+ 7your project and pass that to the various API calls, rather than create new
+ 8L{FedexConfig} objects haphazardly. This is merely a design suggestion,
+ 9treat it as such.
+16 Base configuration class that is used for the different Fedex SOAP calls.
+17 These are generally passed to the Fedex request classes as arguments.
+18 You may instantiate a L{FedexConfig} object with the minimal C{key} and
+19 C{password} arguments and set the instance variables documented below
+20 at a later time if you must.
+21 """
+26 @type key: L{str}
+27 @param key: Developer test key.
+28 @type password: L{str}
+29 @param password: The Fedex-generated password for your Web Systems
+30 account. This is generally emailed to you after registration.
+31 @type account_number: L{str}
+32 @keyword account_number: The account number sent to you by Fedex after
+33 registering for Web Services.
+34 @type meter_number: L{str}
+35 @keyword meter_number: The meter number sent to you by Fedex after
+36 registering for Web Services.
+37 @type freight_account_number: L{str}
+38 @keyword freight_account_number: The freight account number sent to you
+39 by Fedex after registering for Web Services.
+40 @type integrator_id: L{str}
+41 @keyword integrator_id: The integrator string sent to you by Fedex after
+42 registering for Web Services.
+43 @type wsdl_path: L{str}
+44 @keyword wsdl_path: In the event that you want to override the path to
+45 your WSDL directory, do so with this argument.
+46 @type use_test_server: L{bool}
+47 @keyword use_test_server: When this is True, test server WSDLs are used
+48 instead of the production server. You will also need to make sure
+49 that your L{FedexConfig} object has a production account number,
+50 meter number, authentication key, and password.
+51 """
+53"""@ivar: Developer test key."""
+55"""@ivar: Fedex Web Services password."""
+57"""@ivar: Web Services account number."""
+59"""@ivar: Web services meter number."""
+61"""@ivar: Web Services freight accountnumber."""
+63"""@ivar: Web services integrator ID."""
+65"""@ivar: Web services ExpressRegionCode"""
+67"""@ivar: When True, point to the test server."""
+69# Allow overriding of the WDSL path.
+73else:# pragma: no cover
Base configuration class that is used for the different Fedex SOAP
+ calls. These are generally passed to the Fedex request classes as
+ arguments. You may instantiate a FedexConfig
+ object with the minimal key and password
+ arguments and set the instance variables documented below at a later time
+ if you must.
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
key (str) - Developer test key.
password (str) - The Fedex-generated password for your Web Systems account. This
+ is generally emailed to you after registration.
account_number (str) - The account number sent to you by Fedex after registering for Web
+ Services.
meter_number (str) - The meter number sent to you by Fedex after registering for Web
+ Services.
freight_account_number (str) - The freight account number sent to you by Fedex after registering
+ for Web Services.
integrator_id (str) - The integrator string sent to you by Fedex after registering for
+ Web Services.
wsdl_path (str) - In the event that you want to override the path to your WSDL
+ directory, do so with this argument.
use_test_server (bool) - When this is True, test server WSDLs are used instead of the
+ production server. You will also need to make sure that your FedexConfig object has a production account
+ number, meter number, authentication key, and password.
Optional classes used for the convenient printing of FedEx labels from
+ FedexProcessShipmentRequest objects. Each printer class
+ is more or less the same, following the pattern seen below (unless
+ otherwise documented).:
+ from fedex.printers.unix import DirectDevicePrinter
+ # Where shipment is an existing L{FedexProcessShipmentRequest} object.
+ shipment.send_request()
+ device = DirectDevicePrinter(shipment)
+ device.print_label()
+ 1"""
+ 2Optional classes used for the convenient printing of FedEx labels from
+ 3L{FedexProcessShipmentRequest} objects. Each printer class is more or less
+ 4the same, following the pattern seen below (unless otherwise documented).::
+ 5 from fedex.printers.unix import DirectDevicePrinter
+ 6 # Where shipment is an existing L{FedexProcessShipmentRequest} object.
+ 7 shipment.send_request()
+ 8 device = DirectDevicePrinter(shipment)
+ 9 device.print_label()
This module provides a label printing wrapper class for Unix-based
+ installations. By "Unix", we mean Linux, Mac OS, BSD, and
+ various flavors of Unix.
+ 1"""
+ 2This module provides a label printing wrapper class for Unix-based
+ 3installations. By "Unix", we mean Linux, Mac OS, BSD, and various flavors
+ 4of Unix.
+ 5"""
+ 6
+ 7importbinascii
+ 8
+ 9
+12 This class pipes the label data directly through a /dev/* entry.
+13 Consequently, this is very Unix/Linux specific. It *MAY* work on Mac too.
+14 """
+18 Instantiates from a shipment object. You may optionally specify
+19 a path to a /dev/ device. Defaults to /dev/ttyS0.
+21 @type shipment: L{FedexProcessShipmentRequest}
+22 @param shipment: A Fedex ProcessShipmentRequest object to pull the
+23 printed label data from.
+24 """
+27"""@ivar: A string with the path to the device to print to."""
+29"""@ivar: A reference to the L{FedexProcessShipmentRequest} to print."""
+33 Prints all of a shipment's labels, or optionally just one.
+35 @type package_num: L{int}
+36 @param package_num: 0-based index of the package to print. This is
+37 only useful for shipments with more than one package.
+38 """
+53 Pipe the binary directly to the label printer. Works under Linux
+54 without requiring PySerial. This is not typically something you
+55 should call directly, unless you have special needs.
+57 @type base64_data: L{str}
+58 @param base64_data: The base64 encoded string for the label to print.
+59 """
Pipe the binary directly to the label printer. Works under Linux
+ without requiring PySerial. This is not typically something you should
+ call directly, unless you have special needs.
base64_data (str) - The base64 encoded string for the label to print.
This module contains the wrappers around Fedex Web Service requests
+ which you will want to instantiate and use with a FedexConfig
+ object supplying your static details. Each module here corresponds to a
+ Fedex WSDL.
+2This module contains the wrappers around Fedex Web Service requests which you
+3will want to instantiate and use with a L{FedexConfig} object supplying
+4your static details. Each module here corresponds to a Fedex WSDL.
This package contains the shipping methods defined by Fedex's
+ AddressValidationService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for
+ easy access. For more details on each, refer to the respective class's
+ documentation.
+ 1"""
+ 2Address Validation Service Module
+ 3
+ 4This package contains the shipping methods defined by Fedex's
+ 5AddressValidationService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for
+ 6easy access. For more details on each, refer to the respective class's
+ 7documentation.
+ 8"""
+ 9
+16 This class allows you validate anywhere from one to a hundred addresses
+17 in one go. Create AddressToValidate WSDL objects and add them to each
+18 instance of this request using add_address().
+19 """
+50 Fires off the Fedex request.
+52 @warning: NEVER CALL THIS METHOD DIRECTLY. CALL send_request(),
+54 """
+56# We get an exception like this when specifying an IntegratorId:
+57# suds.TypeNotFound: Type not found: 'IntegratorId'
+58# Setting it to None does not seem to appease it.
+64# Fire off the query.
+75 Adds an address to self.AddressesToValidate.
+77 @type address_item: WSDL object, type of AddressToValidate WSDL object.
+78 @keyword address_item: A AddressToValidate, created by
+79 calling create_wsdl_object_of_type('AddressToValidate') on
+80 this FedexAddressValidationRequest object.
+81 See examples/create_shipment.py for more details.
+82 """
This class allows you validate anywhere from one to a hundred
+ addresses in one go. Create AddressToValidate WSDL objects and add them
+ to each instance of this request using add_address().
This constructor should only be called by children of the class. As is
+ such, only the optional keyword arguments caught by **kwargs
+ will be documented.
config_obj (FedexConfig) - A valid FedexConfig object.
address_item (WSDL object, type of AddressToValidate WSDL object.) - A AddressToValidate, created by calling
+ create_wsdl_object_of_type('AddressToValidate') on this
+ FedexAddressValidationRequest object. See
+ examples/create_shipment.py for more details.
This package contains the shipping methods defined by Fedex's
+ ValidationAvailabilityAndCommitmentService WSDL file. Each is
+ encapsulated in a class for easy access. For more details on each, refer
+ to the respective class's documentation.
+ 1"""
+ 2Service Availability and Commitment Module
+ 3
+ 4This package contains the shipping methods defined by Fedex's
+ 5ValidationAvailabilityAndCommitmentService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for
+ 6easy access. For more details on each, refer to the respective class's
+ 7documentation.
+ 8"""
+ 9
+ 10importdatetime
+ 11from..base_serviceimportFedexBaseService
+ 12
+ 13
+ 21 @type config_obj: L{FedexConfig}
+ 22 @param config_obj: A valid FedexConfig object.
+ 23 """
+ 24
+ 25self._config_obj=config_obj
+ 26# Holds version info for the VersionId SOAP object.
+ 27self._version_info={
+ 28'service_id':'vacs',
+ 29'major':'4',
+ 30'intermediate':'0',
+ 31'minor':'0'
+ 32}
+ 33
+ 34self.CarrierCode=None
+ 35"""ivar: Carrier Code Default to Fedex (FDXE), or can bbe FDXG."""
+ 36
+ 37self.Origin=None
+ 38"""@ivar: Holds Origin Address WSDL object."""
+ 39
+ 40self.Destination=None
+ 41"""@ivar: Holds Destination Address WSDL object."""
+ 42
+ 43self.ShipDate=None
+ 44"""@ivar: Ship Date date WSDL object."""
+ 45
+ 46self.Service=None
+ 47"""@ivar: Service type, if set to None will get all available service information."""
+ 48
+ 49self.Packaging=None
+ 50"""@ivar: Type of packaging to narrow down available shipping options or defaults to YOUR_PACKAGING."""
+ 51
+ 52# Call the parent FedexBaseService class for basic setup work.
+ 53# Shortened the name of the wsdl, otherwise suds did not load it properly.
+ 54# Suds throws the following error when using the long file name from FedEx:
+ 55#
+ 56# File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/suds/wsdl.py", line 878, in resolve
+ 57# raise Exception("binding '%s', not-found" % p.binding)
+ 58# Exception: binding 'ns:ValidationAvailabilityAndCommitmentServiceSoapBinding', not-found
+ 59
+ 60super(FedexAvailabilityCommitmentRequest,self).__init__(
+ 61self._config_obj,'AvailabilityAndCommitmentService_v4.wsdl',*args,**kwargs)
+ 65 Create the data structure and get it ready for the WSDL request.
+ 66 """
+ 67self.CarrierCode='FDXE'
+ 68self.Origin=self.Destination=self.client.factory.create('Address')
+ 69self.ShipDate=datetime.date.today().isoformat()
+ 70self.Service=None
+ 71self.Packaging='YOUR_PACKAGING'
+ 75 Fires off the Fedex request.
+ 76
+ 77 @warning: NEVER CALL THIS METHOD DIRECTLY. CALL send_request(),
+ 79 """
+ 80
+ 81# We get an exception like this when specifying an IntegratorId:
+ 82# suds.TypeNotFound: Type not found: 'IntegratorId'
+ 83# Setting it to None does not seem to appease it.
+ 84delself.ClientDetail.IntegratorId
+ 85self.logger.debug(self.WebAuthenticationDetail)
+ 86self.logger.debug(self.ClientDetail)
+ 87self.logger.debug(self.TransactionDetail)
+ 88self.logger.debug(self.VersionId)
+ 89# Fire off the query.
+ 90returnself.client.service.serviceAvailability(
+ 91WebAuthenticationDetail=self.WebAuthenticationDetail,
+ 92ClientDetail=self.ClientDetail,
+ 93TransactionDetail=self.TransactionDetail,
+ 94Version=self.VersionId,
+ 95Origin=self.Origin,
+ 96Destination=self.Destination,
+ 97ShipDate=self.ShipDate,
+ 98CarrierCode=self.CarrierCode,
+ 99Service=self.Service,
This constructor should only be called by children of the class. As is
+ such, only the optional keyword arguments caught by **kwargs
+ will be documented.
config_obj (FedexConfig) - A valid FedexConfig object.
This package contains the shipping methods defined by Fedex's
+ CountryService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for easy
+ access. For more details on each, refer to the respective class's
+ documentation.
+ 1"""
+ 2Country Service Module
+ 3
+ 4This package contains the shipping methods defined by Fedex's
+ 5CountryService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for
+ 6easy access. For more details on each, refer to the respective class's
+ 7documentation.
+ 8"""
+ 9
+16 This class allows you validate an address.
+17 https://www.fedex.com/us/developer/WebHelp/ws/2015/html/WebServicesHelp/WSDVG/47_Country_Service.htm
+18 """
+55 Create the data structure and get it ready for the WSDL request.
+56 """
+64 Fires off the Fedex request.
+66 @warning: NEVER CALL THIS METHOD DIRECTLY. CALL send_request(),
+68 """
+70# We get an exception like this when specifying an IntegratorId:
+71# suds.TypeNotFound: Type not found: 'IntegratorId'
+72# Setting it to None does not seem to appease it.
+78# Fire off the query.
This constructor should only be called by children of the class. As is
+ such, only the optional keyword arguments caught by **kwargs
+ will be documented.
config_obj (FedexConfig) - A valid FedexConfig object.
+ 1"""
+ 2Package Movement Information Service
+ 3
+ 4This package contains classes to check service availability, route, and postal
+ 5codes. Defined by the PackageMovementInformationService WSDL file.
+ 6"""
+ 7importlogging
+ 8from..base_serviceimportFedexBaseService,FedexError
+ 9
+ 10
+ 33 Sets up an inquiry request. The optional keyword args
+ 34 detailed on L{FedexBaseService} apply here as well.
+ 35
+ 36 @type config_obj: L{FedexConfig}
+ 37 @param config_obj: A valid FedexConfig object
+ 38 @param postal_code: a valid postal code
+ 39 @param country_code: ISO country code to which the postal code belongs to.
+ 40 """
+ 41self._config_obj=config_obj
+ 42
+ 43# Holds version info for the VersionId SOAP object.
+ 44self._version_info={'service_id':'pmis','major':'4',
+ 45'intermediate':'0','minor':'0'}
+ 46self.PostalCode=postal_code
+ 47self.CountryCode=country_code
+ 48
+ 49# Call the parent FedexBaseService class for basic setup work.
+ 50super(PostalCodeInquiryRequest,self).__init__(self._config_obj,
+ 51'PackageMovementInformationService_v4.wsdl',
+ 52*args,**kwargs)
+ 56 Checks the response to see if there were any errors specific to
+ 57 this WSDL.
+ 58 """
+ 59ifself.response.HighestSeverity=="ERROR":
+ 60fornotificationinself.response.Notifications:# pragma: no cover
+ 61ifnotification.Severity=="ERROR":
+ 62if"Postal Code Not Found"innotification.Message:
+ 63raiseFedexPostalCodeNotFound(notification.Code,
+ 64notification.Message)
+ 65
+ 66elif"Invalid Postal Code Format"inself.response.Notifications:
+ 67raiseFedexInvalidPostalCodeFormat(notification.Code,
+ 68notification.Message)
+ 69else:
+ 70raiseFedexError(notification.Code,
+ 71notification.Message)
+ 82 Fires off the Fedex request.
+ 83
+ 85 ON FedexBaseService AND IS INHERITED.
+ 86 """
+ 87client=self.client
+ 88
+ 89# We get an exception like this when specifying an IntegratorId:
+ 90# suds.TypeNotFound: Type not found: 'IntegratorId'
+ 91# Setting it to None does not seem to appease it.
+ 92
+ 93delself.ClientDetail.IntegratorId
+ 94
+ 95# Fire off the query.
+ 96response=client.service.postalCodeInquiry(WebAuthenticationDetail=self.WebAuthenticationDetail,
+ 97ClientDetail=self.ClientDetail,
+ 98TransactionDetail=self.TransactionDetail,
+ 99Version=self.VersionId,
This package contains classes to request pre-ship rating information
+ and to determine estimated or courtesy billing quotes. Time in Transit
+ can be returned with the rates if it is specified in the request.
+ 1"""
+ 2Rate Service Module
+ 3
+ 4This package contains classes to request pre-ship rating information and to
+ 5determine estimated or courtesy billing quotes. Time in Transit can be
+ 6returned with the rates if it is specified in the request.
+ 7"""
+ 8
+ 9importdatetime
+ 10from..base_serviceimportFedexBaseService
+ 11
+ 12
+ 15 This class allows you to get the shipping charges for a particular address.
+ 16 You will need to populate the data structures in self.RequestedShipment,
+ 17 then send the request.
+ 18 """
+ 19
+ 45 This is the data that will be used to create your shipment. Create
+ 46 the data structure and get it ready for the WSDL request.
+ 47 """
+ 48
+ 49# Default behavior is to not request transit information
+ 50self.ReturnTransitAndCommit=False
+ 51
+ 52# This is the primary data structure for processShipment requests.
+ 53self.RequestedShipment=self.client.factory.create('RequestedShipment')
+ 54self.RequestedShipment.ShipTimestamp=datetime.datetime.now()
+ 55
+ 56# Defaults for TotalWeight wsdl object.
+ 57total_weight=self.client.factory.create('Weight')
+ 58# Start at nothing.
+ 59total_weight.Value=0.0
+ 60# Default to pounds.
+ 61total_weight.Units='LB'
+ 62# This is the total weight of the entire shipment. Shipments may
+ 63# contain more than one package.
+ 64self.RequestedShipment.TotalWeight=total_weight
+ 65
+ 66# This is the top level data structure for Shipper information.
+ 67shipper=self.client.factory.create('Party')
+ 68shipper.Address=self.client.factory.create('Address')
+ 69shipper.Contact=self.client.factory.create('Contact')
+ 70
+ 71# Link the ShipperParty to our master data structure.
+ 72self.RequestedShipment.Shipper=shipper
+ 73
+ 74# This is the top level data structure for Recipient information.
+ 75recipient_party=self.client.factory.create('Party')
+ 76recipient_party.Contact=self.client.factory.create('Contact')
+ 77recipient_party.Address=self.client.factory.create('Address')
+ 78# Link the RecipientParty object to our master data structure.
+ 79self.RequestedShipment.Recipient=recipient_party
+ 80
+ 81# Make sender responsible for payment by default.
+ 82self.RequestedShipment.ShippingChargesPayment=self.create_wsdl_object_of_type('Payment')
+ 83self.RequestedShipment.ShippingChargesPayment.PaymentType='SENDER'
+ 84
+ 85# Start with no packages, user must add them.
+ 86self.RequestedShipment.PackageCount=0
+ 87self.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems=[]
+ 88
+ 89# This is good to review if you'd like to see what the data structure
+ 90# looks like.
+ 91self.logger.debug(self.RequestedShipment)
+ 95 Fires off the Fedex request.
+ 96
+ 97 @warning: NEVER CALL THIS METHOD DIRECTLY. CALL send_request(),
+ 99 """
+101# Fire off the query.
+112 Adds a package to the ship request.
+114 @type package_item: WSDL object, type of RequestedPackageLineItem
+115 WSDL object.
+116 @keyword package_item: A RequestedPackageLineItem, created by
+117 calling create_wsdl_object_of_type('RequestedPackageLineItem') on
+118 this ShipmentRequest object. See examples/create_shipment.py for
+119 more details.
+120 """
This class allows you to get the shipping charges for a particular
+ address. You will need to populate the data structures in
+ self.RequestedShipment, then send the request.
package_item (WSDL object, type of RequestedPackageLineItem WSDL object.) - A RequestedPackageLineItem, created by calling
+ create_wsdl_object_of_type('RequestedPackageLineItem') on this
+ ShipmentRequest object. See examples/create_shipment.py for more
+ details.
This package contains the shipping methods defined by Fedex's
+ ShipService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for easy access.
+ For more details on each, refer to the respective class's
+ documentation.
+ 1"""
+ 2Ship Service Module
+ 3
+ 4This package contains the shipping methods defined by Fedex's
+ 5ShipService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for easy access.
+ 6For more details on each, refer to the respective class's documentation.
+ 7"""
+ 8
+ 9importdatetime
+ 10from..base_serviceimportFedexBaseService
+ 11
+ 12
+ 15 This class allows you to process (create) a new FedEx shipment. You will
+ 16 need to populate the data structures in self.RequestedShipment, then
+ 17 send the request. Label printing is supported and very configurable,
+ 18 returning an ASCII representation with the response as well.
+ 19 """
+ 20
+ 46 This is the data that will be used to create your shipment. Create
+ 47 the data structure and get it ready for the WSDL request.
+ 48 """
+ 49
+ 50# This is the primary data structure for processShipment requests.
+ 51self.RequestedShipment=self.client.factory.create('RequestedShipment')
+ 52self.RequestedShipment.ShipTimestamp=datetime.datetime.now()
+ 53
+ 54# Defaults for TotalWeight wsdl object.
+ 55total_weight=self.client.factory.create('Weight')
+ 56# Start at nothing.
+ 57total_weight.Value=0.0
+ 58# Default to pounds.
+ 59total_weight.Units='LB'
+ 60# This is the total weight of the entire shipment. Shipments may
+ 61# contain more than one package.
+ 62self.RequestedShipment.TotalWeight=total_weight
+ 63
+ 64# This is the top level data structure Shipper Party information.
+ 65shipper_party=self.client.factory.create('Party')
+ 66shipper_party.Address=self.client.factory.create('Address')
+ 67shipper_party.Contact=self.client.factory.create('Contact')
+ 68
+ 69# Link the Shipper Party to our master data structure.
+ 70self.RequestedShipment.Shipper=shipper_party
+ 71
+ 72# This is the top level data structure for RecipientParty information.
+ 73recipient_party=self.client.factory.create('Party')
+ 74recipient_party.Contact=self.client.factory.create('Contact')
+ 75recipient_party.Address=self.client.factory.create('Address')
+ 76
+ 77# Link the RecipientParty object to our master data structure.
+ 78self.RequestedShipment.Recipient=recipient_party
+ 79
+ 80payor=self.client.factory.create('Payor')
+ 81# Grab the account number from the FedexConfig object by default.
+ 82# Assume US.
+ 83payor.ResponsibleParty=self.client.factory.create('Party')
+ 84payor.ResponsibleParty.Address=self.client.factory.create('Address')
+ 85payor.ResponsibleParty.Address.CountryCode='US'
+ 86
+ 87# ShippingChargesPayment WSDL object default values.
+ 88shipping_charges_payment=self.client.factory.create('Payment')
+ 89shipping_charges_payment.Payor=payor
+ 90shipping_charges_payment.PaymentType='SENDER'
+ 91self.RequestedShipment.ShippingChargesPayment=shipping_charges_payment
+ 92
+ 93self.RequestedShipment.LabelSpecification=self.client.factory.create('LabelSpecification')
+ 94
+ 96self.RequestedShipment.RateRequestTypes=['PREFERRED']
+ 97
+ 98# Start with no packages, user must add them.
+ 99self.RequestedShipment.PackageCount=0
+102# This is good to review if you'd like to see what the data structure
+103# looks like.
+108 This is very similar to just sending the shipment via the typical
+109 send_request() function, but this doesn't create a shipment. It is
+110 used to make sure "good" values are given by the user or the
+111 application using the library.
+112 """
+118 Fires off the Fedex shipment validation request.
+121 send_validation_request(), WHICH RESIDES ON FedexBaseService
+123 """
+125# Fire off the query.
+135 Fires off the Fedex request.
+137 @warning: NEVER CALL THIS METHOD DIRECTLY. CALL send_request(),
+139 """
+141# Fire off the query.
+151 Adds a package to the ship request.
+153 @type package_item: WSDL object, type of RequestedPackageLineItem
+154 WSDL object.
+155 @keyword package_item: A RequestedPackageLineItem, created by
+156 calling create_wsdl_object_of_type('RequestedPackageLineItem') on
+157 this ShipmentRequest object. See examples/create_shipment.py for
+158 more details.
+159 """
+174 Deletes a shipment via a tracking number.
+175 """
+179# Holds version info for the VersionId SOAP object.
+183"""@ivar: Holds the DeletrionControlType WSDL object."""
+185"""@ivar: Holds the TrackingId WSDL object."""
+186# Call the parent FedexBaseService class for basic setup work.
+193 Preps the WSDL data structures for the user.
+194 """
+202 Fires off the Fedex request.
+205 ON FedexBaseService AND IS INHERITED.
+206 """
+209# Fire off the query.
customer_transaction_id - A user-specified identifier to differentiate this transaction
+ from others. This value will be returned with the response from
+ Fedex.
This class allows you to process (create) a new FedEx shipment. You
+ will need to populate the data structures in self.RequestedShipment, then
+ send the request. Label printing is supported and very configurable,
+ returning an ASCII representation with the response as well.
+ This is very similar to just sending the shipment via the typical
+ send_request() function, but this doesn't create a shipment.
This is very similar to just sending the shipment via the typical
+ send_request() function, but this doesn't create a shipment. It is used
+ to make sure "good" values are given by the user or the
+ application using the library.
package_item (WSDL object, type of RequestedPackageLineItem WSDL object.) - A RequestedPackageLineItem, created by calling
+ create_wsdl_object_of_type('RequestedPackageLineItem') on this
+ ShipmentRequest object. See examples/create_shipment.py for more
+ details.
This package contains the shipment tracking methods defined by Fedex's
+ TrackService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for easy access.
+ For more details on each, refer to the respective class's
+ documentation.
+ 1"""
+ 2Tracking Service Module
+ 3
+ 4This package contains the shipment tracking methods defined by Fedex's
+ 5TrackService WSDL file. Each is encapsulated in a class for easy access.
+ 6For more details on each, refer to the respective class's documentation.
+ 7"""
+ 8
+ 9from..base_serviceimportFedexBaseService,FedexError
+ 10
+ 11
+ 22 This class allows you to track shipments by providing a tracking
+ 23 number or other identifying features. By default, you
+ 24 can simply pass a tracking number to the constructor. If you would like
+ 25 to query shipments based on something other than tracking number, you will
+ 26 want to read the documentation for the L{__init__} method.
+ 27 Particularly, the tracking_value and package_identifier arguments.
+ 28 """
+ 29
+ 62 This sets the package identifier information. This may be a tracking
+ 63 number or a few different things as per the Fedex spec.
+ 64 """
+ 65
+ 66self.SelectionDetails=self.client.factory.create('TrackSelectionDetail')
+ 67
+ 68# Default to Fedex
+ 69self.SelectionDetails.CarrierCode='FDXE'
+ 70
+ 71track_package_id=self.client.factory.create('TrackPackageIdentifier')
+ 72
+ 73# Default to tracking number.
+ 74track_package_id.Type='TRACKING_NUMBER_OR_DOORTAG'
+ 75
+ 76self.SelectionDetails.PackageIdentifier=track_package_id
+ 80 Checks the response to see if there were any errors specific to
+ 81 this WSDL.
+ 82 """
+ 83ifself.response.HighestSeverity=="ERROR":# pragma: no cover
+ 84fornotificationinself.response.Notifications:
+ 85ifnotification.Severity=="ERROR":
+ 86if"Invalid tracking number"innotification.Message:
+ 87raiseFedexInvalidTrackingNumber(
+ 88notification.Code,notification.Message)
+ 89else:
+ 90raiseFedexError(notification.Code,notification.Message)
+ 94 Fires off the Fedex request.
+ 95
+ 97 ON FedexBaseService AND IS INHERITED.
+ 98 """
+ 99
+101# Fire off the query.
This class allows you to track shipments by providing a tracking
+ number or other identifying features. By default, you can simply pass a
+ tracking number to the constructor. If you would like to query shipments
+ based on something other than tracking number, you will want to read the
+ documentation for the __init__ method. Particularly, the tracking_value and
+ package_identifier arguments.
This document contains the API (Application Programming Interface)
+documentation for this project. Documentation for the Python
+objects defined by the project is divided into separate pages for each
+package, module, and class. The API documentation also includes two
+pages containing information about the project as a whole: a trees
+page, and an index page.
Object Documentation
Each Package Documentation page contains:
A description of the package.
A list of the modules and sub-packages contained by the
+ package.
A summary of the classes defined by the package.
A summary of the functions defined by the package.
A summary of the variables defined by the package.
A detailed description of each function defined by the
+ package.
A detailed description of each variable defined by the
+ package.
Each Module Documentation page contains:
A description of the module.
A summary of the classes defined by the module.
A summary of the functions defined by the module.
A summary of the variables defined by the module.
A detailed description of each function defined by the
+ module.
A detailed description of each variable defined by the
+ module.
Each Class Documentation page contains:
A class inheritance diagram.
A list of known subclasses.
A description of the class.
A summary of the methods defined by the class.
A summary of the instance variables defined by the class.
A summary of the class (static) variables defined by the
+ class.
A detailed description of each method defined by the
+ class.
A detailed description of each instance variable defined by the
+ class.
A detailed description of each class (static) variable defined
+ by the class.
Project Documentation
The Trees page contains the module and class hierarchies:
The module hierarchy lists every package and module, with
+ modules grouped into packages. At the top level, and within each
+ package, modules and sub-packages are listed alphabetically.
The class hierarchy lists every class, grouped by base
+ class. If a class has more than one base class, then it will be
+ listed under each base class. At the top level, and under each base
+ class, classes are listed alphabetically.
The Index page contains indices of terms and
+ identifiers:
The term index lists every term indexed by any object's
+ documentation. For each term, the index provides links to each
+ place where the term is indexed.
The identifier index lists the (short) name of every package,
+ module, class, method, function, variable, and parameter. For each
+ identifier, the index provides a short description, and a link to
+ its documentation.
The Table of Contents
The table of contents occupies the two frames on the left side of
+the window. The upper-left frame displays the project
+contents, and the lower-left frame displays the module
+ Project Contents...
+ API Documentation Frame
+ Module Contents ...
The project contents frame contains a list of all packages
+and modules that are defined by the project. Clicking on an entry
+will display its contents in the module contents frame. Clicking on a
+special entry, labeled "Everything," will display the contents of
+the entire project.
The module contents frame contains a list of every
+submodule, class, type, exception, function, and variable defined by a
+module or package. Clicking on an entry will display its
+documentation in the API documentation frame. Clicking on the name of
+the module, at the top of the frame, will display the documentation
+for the module itself.
The "frames" and "no frames" buttons below the top
+navigation bar can be used to control whether the table of contents is
+displayed or not.
The Navigation Bar
A navigation bar is located at the top and bottom of every page.
+It indicates what type of page you are currently viewing, and allows
+you to go to related pages. The following table describes the labels
+on the navigation bar. Note that not some labels (such as
+[Parent]) are not displayed on all pages.
Highlighted when...
Links to...
(never highlighted)
the parent of the current package
viewing a package
the package containing the current object
viewing a module
the module containing the current object
viewing a class
the class containing the current object
viewing the trees page
the trees page
viewing the index page
the index page
viewing the help page
the help page
The "show private" and "hide private" buttons below
+the top navigation bar can be used to control whether documentation
+for private objects is displayed. Private objects are usually defined
+as objects whose (short) names begin with a single underscore, but do
+not end with an underscore. For example, "_x",
+"__pprint", and "epydoc.epytext._tokenize"
+are private objects; but "re.sub",
+"__init__", and "type_" are not. However,
+if a module defines the "__all__" variable, then its
+contents are used to decide which objects are private.
A timestamp below the bottom navigation bar indicates when each
+page was last updated.
fedex.printers.unix: This module provides a label printing wrapper class for Unix-based
+ installations.
fedex.services: This module contains the wrappers around Fedex Web Service requests
+ which you will want to instantiate and use with a FedexConfig object supplying your static details.
When javascript is enabled, this page will redirect URLs of
+the form redirect.html#dotted.name to the
+documentation for the object with the given fully-qualified
+dotted name.