This will update a company configuration.
Update-CWMCompanyConfiguration [-ID] <Object> [-Operation] <Object> [-Path] <String> [-Value] <Object> [<CommonParameters>]
The ID of the config that you are updating.
Required true
Position 1
Default value
Accept pipeline input false
Accept wildcard characters false
What you are doing with the value.
replace, add, remove
Required true
Position 2
Default value
Accept pipeline input false
Accept wildcard characters false
The value that you want to perform the operation on.
Required true
Position 3
Default value
Accept pipeline input false
Accept wildcard characters false
The value of path.
Required true
Position 4
Default value
Accept pipeline input false
Accept wildcard characters false
PS C:\>$UpdateParam = @{
ID = 1
Operation = 'replace'
Path = 'name'
Value = $NewName
Update-CWMCompanyConfiguration @UpdateParam
Author: Chris Taylor
Date: 6/11/2019