Zhouyang Hong student ID:5197402
run this script with:
python2 run.py ass1.py
If you don't have dependencies, please do the following things: Open a shell and execute the following command:
$ sudo apt-get udpate
$ sudo apt-get install git
$ git clone https://github.com/CarmineD8/python_simulator
You have downloaded a simple robotic simulator. In order to run it, you should first install:
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip python-pygame python-yaml
$ sudo pip install pypybox2d
This code is consists of two module in terms of the strcture. The first module is for navigation which allowed the robot to move along the track. The second is for the grabbing silver-token while moving around. Below will introduce both of them respectively.
For navigation, just like radar we scan the nearest golden token from 4 aspects, which are left,right,front and wide front. With those data, we can keep the robot moving basically along the center of the road with a simple close-loop control technique and making turns to avoid hitting the wall.
The picture above shows how many distances are needed and how did the robot acquire them. I get the closest one through caculation.
Left_golden_dist = the closest distance on left side
Right_golden_dist = the closest distance on right side
Front_golden_dist = the closest distance on front side
Wide_front_golden_dist = the closest distance on wide-front side
#check front
if Front_golden_dist < 1 # a abstacle in front of us
if Left_golden_dist < Right_golden_dist #more space on the right
else turn_left
#check left and right
if Left_golden_dist < Right_golden_dist # we are close to the left
slightly move right
else turn_left
#check wide-front to see if we are to close to anything
if Wide_front_golden_dist < 0.8 # something is around us
if Left_golden_dist < Right_golden_dist #more space on the right
else turn_left# grabbing-mission
In this part, actually we are confronted with a difficult problem which is how to identify if a silver token is the one we already grabbed. To solve this, I took the following strategy. They are:
If the distance is increasing.
If the increasing distance is above a specific value.
Undoubtedly the distance is increasing as we move forward, but when we making a turn, the distance might decrease then the robot might move back. So we need to make a judgement, if the increasing distance goes beyond a value, we tell our robot the next one he meet will be a new silver-token and he can just go and. grab it.
in order not to greatly influence the navigation part, I have to set a range for detecting silver-token, which means we only consider sivler robot in such a range. Then, the radius become important and we also need to detect if there are anything between robot and silver token.
silver_distance = check_the_nearest_silver_token()
if silver_distance < radius
if not_the_previous_one and nothing_in_the_middle
needed_angle = angle_we_need_to_turn()
else do_nothing
With the navigation and grabbing-mission modules, we just run them in turn and we can achieve our goal. Navigation module just simply make the robot move along the track without touching anything, when a silver-token is close enough, robot go and grab it.
This is the main idea of my code
So far the robot is able to move along the track and execut mission, but only with a curly track. By adjusting the threshold for robot to decide making a turn, and the magnitude for each direction correction, the track of the robot might be more beautiful in the future.