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Welcome to Qualcomm Intelligent Robotics Product (QIRP) SDK

This is the layer designed to generate QIRP(Qualcomm Intelligent Robotics Product) SDK. The QIRP SDK is designed to deliver out-of-box robotics samples and easy-to-develop experience on Qualcomm robotics platforms.

This documentation is intended to help you understand the basic features of the QIRP SDK and get started it quickly. And you will learn:

  • What is the QIRP SDK
  • How to sync and build QIRP SDK
  • How to install QIRP SDK
  • How to run samples on QIRP SDK
  • How to develop application with QIRP SDK

What is the QIRP SDK

Welcome to use the Qualcomm® Intelligent Robotics Product SDK (QIRP SDK) 2.0. This SDK is applicable to the Qualcomm® Linux releases. QIRP SDK is a collection of components that enable a developer to realize robotics features on Qualcomm Platforms. The QIRP SDK provides the following:

Out-of-box samples

  • ROS packages serve as a reference or code base for helping developers quickly develop their Robotics applications.
  • E2E scenario samples. Help developers evaluate the robotics platforms as systematic solution.

Easy-to-develop experience

  • Various ROS packages for robotics applications.
  • Integrated cross-compile toolchain, which includes common build tools, such as aarch64-oe-linux-gcc, make, cmake, and ROS core. Developers can build their applications with their familiar approaches.
  • Tools and scripts to help customers accelerate the development.
  • Documents that describe how to set up the QIRP SDK and tutorials on how to quickly start to develop your own applications.

The purpose of this document is to help a developer get started with the QIRP SDK. The scope of this document primarily covers how to generate the QIRP SDK, install QIRP SDK, run sample applications, and guide you through developing your first sample application.

How to sync and build QIRP SDK

Host Setup and Download the Yocto Project BSP

Refer to setup the host environment.

Download the layer of QIRP SDK

Based on the <workspace> directory of the downloaded Yocto Project BSP, execute the following command to download the required layers.

cd <workspace>
repo init -u -b [branch name] -m [release manifest]
repo sync -c -j8


To download the qcom-6.6.38-QLI.1.2-Ver.1.1_robotics-product-sdk-1.1.xml release, run this command:

repo init -u -b qcom-linux-kirkstone -m qcom-6.6.38-QLI.1.2-Ver.1.1_robotics-product-sdk-1.1.xml
repo sync -c -j8


cd <workspace>

MACHINE=<Machine_name> DISTRO=<Distro_name>  QCOM_SELECTED_BSP=<Build_override> source setup-robotics-environment <Build_directory>

../qirp-build qcom-robotics-full-image
Parameter RB3 Gen2 Vision kit Ride SX
Machine_name qcs6490-rb3gen2-vision-kit qcs9100-ride-sx
Distro_name qcom-robotics-ros2-humble qcom-robotics-ros2-humble
Build_override custom custom
Build_directory build-qcs6490-custom build-qcs9100-custom

Results for different machines:

RB3 Gen2 Vision Kit (qcs6490-rb3gen2-vision-kit)

QIRP SDK artifacts: <workspace>/build-qcs6490-custom/tmp-glibc/deploy/qirpsdk_artifacts/qirp-sdk_<version>.tar.gz

Robotics image: <workspace>/build-qcs6490-custom/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/qcs6490-rb3gen2-vision-kit/qcom-robotics-full-image

Ride SX (qcs9100-ride-sx, using the custom build override as an example)

QIRP SDK artifacts: <workspace>/build-qcs9100-custom/tmp-glibc/deploy/qirpsdk_artifacts/qirp-sdk_<version>.tar.gz

Robotics image: <workspace>/build-qcs9100-custom/tmp-glibc/deploy/images/qcs9100-ride-sx/qcom-robotics-full-image

How to install QIRP SDK


  • SSH is enabled in ‘Permissive’ mode with the steps mentioned in How to SSH.

Flash robotics image

Flash the robotics image to the device, see the Flash software, using the robotics image generated with previous steps.

Install QIRP SDK on the device

  1. On the host machine, move to the artifacts directory and decompress the package using the tar command.
tar -zxf qirp-sdk_<qirp_version>.tar.gz

Note: The qirp-sdk_<qirp_version>.tar.gz is in the deployed path of QIRP artifacts. The <qirp_version> changes with each release, such as For example, the whole package name can be qirp-sdk_2.0.0.tar.gz. For all released versions, see the QIRP SDK release notes.

  1. To deploy the QIRP artifacts, push the QIRP files to the device using the following commands.
cd <qirp_decompressed_workspace>
scp ./runtime/qirp-sdk.tar.gz root@[ip-addr]:/opt/
ssh root@[ip-addr]
(ssh) cd /opt && tar -zxf ./qirp-sdk.tar.gz
(ssh) chmod +x /opt/qirp-sdk/*.sh
(ssh) cd /opt/qirp-sdk && ./

How to run samples on QIRP SDK

The QIRP SDK provides the sample applications that users can run to experience the basic functionality on the device.

Example 1 - IMU ROS Node

The Qualcomm Sensor See Framework provides the IMU data that is obtained from the IMU driver via DSP. The qrb_ros_imu uses this framework to get the latest IMU data with little latency.


  • The prebuilt robotics image is flashed.
  • SSH is enabled in ‘Permissive’ mode with the steps mentioned in How to SSH.

Set up QIRP SDK and ROS2 environment in each terminal on device

ssh root@[ip-addr]
(ssh) export HOME=/opt
(ssh) source /opt/qcom/qirp-sdk/
(ssh) export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=xx
(ssh) source /usr/bin/ros_setup.bash

Open terminal 1 and run the IMU ROS Node

(ssh) ros2 run qrb_ros_imu imu_node

Open terminal 2 and get the IMU data.

(ssh) ros2 topic echo /imu

Example 2 - Camera ROS Node

With this camera ROS2 node, data can achieve zero-copy performance when coming out of the camera-server. This will greatly reduce the latency between ROS nodes.

The Qualcomm Camera-Server provides camera data that is obtained from the camera sensor. qrb_ros_camera uses this camera-server to get the latest camera data.


  • The prebuilt robotics image is flashed.
  • SSH is enabled in ‘Permissive’ mode with the steps mentioned in How to SSH.

Set up QIRP SDK and ROS2 environment in each terminal on device

ssh root@[ip-addr]
(ssh) export HOME=/opt
(ssh) source /opt/qcom/qirp-sdk/
(ssh) export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=xx
(ssh) source /usr/bin/ros_setup.bash

Open terminal 1 and run the CAMERA ROS Node

(ssh) ros2 launch qrb_ros_camera

Open terminal 2 and get the camera image data.

(ssh) ros2 topic echo /image

How to develop application with QIRP SDK

The following example provides a general procedure for developing your first application using the QIRP SDK.


  • The prebuilt robotics image is flashed.
  • SSH is enabled in ‘Permissive’ mode with the steps mentioned in How to SSH.

Set up the cross-compile environment

cd <qirp_decompressed_path>/qirp-sdk

Fetch the project and develop your own code

git clone -b humble

Change the demos/demo_nodes_cpp/src/topics/talker.cpp msg data in line46, such as changing 'Hello world' to 'get message success':

46:msg_->data = "get message success " + std::to_string(count_++);

Compile the application

export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT}/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages
colcon build --merge-install --cmake-args \
-DPython3_NumPy_INCLUDE_DIR=${OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT}/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/include \
-DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=$(pwd)/install \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(pwd)/install/share \
--packages-up-to demo_nodes_cpp

Push the application to device

cd demos/demo_nodes_cpp/install
tar -czvf demo_nodes_cpp.tar.gz lib share
scp demo_nodes_cpp.tar.gz root@[ip-addr]:/opt/
ssh root@[ip-addr] 
(ssh) tar -zxf /opt/demo_nodes_cpp.tar.gz -C /opt/qcom/qirp-sdk/usr/

Run the demo application on the device

(ssh) export HOME=/opt
(ssh) source /usr/bin/ && source /opt/qcom/qirp-sdk/ 
(ssh shell 1) ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker
(ssh shell 2) ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp listener


Standard Yocto environment

QCOM Linux Yocto BSP releases