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Releases: qunitjs/qunit


20 Jan 20:13
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  • HTML Reporter: Fix missing toolbar bug


19 Jan 12:15
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  • Build: Remove bower.json from ignored files
  • Build: Support Node.js export parity with CommonJS
  • HTML Reporter: Add the filter field
  • HTML Reporter: Don't hide skipped tests
  • HTML Reporter: Fix regression for old markup
  • HTML Reporter: Prevent XSS attacks
  • HTML Reporter: QUnit.url is now a private function in the HTML Reporter
  • HTML Reporter: url params can be set by code


13 Sep 16:09
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  • Assert: Add assert.raises() as alias for assert.throws().
  • Assert: New assert.async() method.
  • Core: Add runtime property to QUnit.moduleDone() data.
  • Core: New QUnit.skip() method.
  • Core: QUnit.test() now supports returning Promise and async functions.
  • Core: Add config.modules as array of internal Module objects. #685
  • HTML Reporter: Add runtime of each assertion to result output.
  • HTML Reporter: Add support for activating config.hidepassed via URL query parameters.


  • Core: Change url() helper to output ?foo instead of ?foo=true.
  • Core: Rename config.module to config.moduleFilter.


  • Assert: Fail assertions after existing assert.async() flows are resolved.
  • Core: Restore and warn if some logging callback gets modified.
  • Core: Throws an error on non-function params for logging methods.
  • Core: Defer begin event till tests actually starts.
  • Core: Detail modules and tests names in the logging callbacks.
  • Core: Use Error#stack without throwing when available.
  • Dump: Configurable limit for object depth.


17 Dec 15:37
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  • Assert: Implement Assert constructor with test context. This heavily improves debugging of async tests, since assertions can't leak into other tests anymore. Use the assert argument in your test callbacks to run assertions to get the full benefit of this.
  • Assert: Improved the default message from assert.ok. Now assert.ok() outputs the exact value it received, instead of only saying it wasn't thruthy.
  • Assert: Removal of raises, same and equals. These were deprecated a long time ago and finally removed. Use throws, deepEqual and equal instead.
  • Core: Pass total amount of tests to QUnit.begin callback as totalTests. Will be used by Karma and other reporters.
  • Dump: Move QUnit.jsDump to QUnit.dump. QUnit.jsDump still exists, but will be removed later. Use QUnit.dump.
  • Dump: Output non-enumerable properties of TypeError. Makes it easier to compare properties of error objects.
  • Reporter: Output only assertion count for green tests. Less visual clutter for passing tests.
  • Reporter: Move HTML reporter to a new JS file. The HTML reporter is still bundled, but the code has been refactored to move it to a separate file.
  • Test: Remove deprecated QUnit.current_testEnvironment
  • Throws: support for oldIE native Error types. Error objects in IE are buggy, this works around those issues.


31 Jan 16:44
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  • Grunt: Run tests on ios browserSet as well
  • Package: Set main property to qunit/qunit.js
  • Grunt: Inline browserSet config for TestSwarm runs
  • CSS: Removing redundancy
  • Core: Add config property for disabling default scroll-to-top
  • Grunt: Remove addons leftovers
  • Addons: Remove last remnants
  • Core: Extend QUnit.config.urlConfig to support select-one dropdowns
  • Assert: Extend throws to accept Error instances
  • Assert: Extend throws to handle errors as strings
  • CSS: Updating qunit.css for consistency
  • Core: Cache window.clearTimeout in case it gets mocked
  • Core: Run multiple tests by test number
  • jshint: add es3 option to ensure oldie support


31 Jan 16:44
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  • Tests: Stop using the expected argument in test() calls
  • Logging: Add runtime property to testDone, deprecate duration
  • Assert: Remove raises (deprecated 2012), replace with failed assertion
  • Grunt: Add non-browser test as grunt task. Runs existing tests in node.
  • Export: Only export to the variable that we check for.
  • Core: Properly check for existence of document
  • Core: Remove triggerEvent, which isn't used or documented anywhere.
  • Core: Silence addEvent in non-browser env
  • The Grand QUnit Split of 2013
  • Use id function for selection elements in two places that were not using it. Closes gh-463
  • Add bower.json. Fixes #461


03 Jul 09:03
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  • Diff: Fix exception on property "constructor". Fixes #394.
  • Composite Add-on: Test suites can be named by including an obj with name & path props within array param for .testSuites()
  • Fix URL generator to take protocol and host into account to fix usage with file protocol in IE7/8
  • Fix issue with Error.prototype.toString in IE 7
  • Refactor jsDump for "node". Fixes #381.
  • Show contents of text nodes in jsDump.node. Fixes #380.
  • Escape text. Fixes #379.
  • Rewrote most of the JUnitLogger addon as it was in bad shape: unused variables, duplicate effort that QUnit handles internally (e.g. tallying number of total assertions, failed assertions, etc.), sub-optimal XmlWriter implementation, etc.
  • Phantomjs: Include source in assertion details
  • Phantomjs: Removed the polling mechanism in favor of PhantomJS 1.6+'s WebPage#onCallback
  • Delay start() until init() happened. Fixes #358. Closes #373.
  • urlConfig: Fix checkbox event for oldIE. Fixes #369. Closes #370.
  • Issue #365: Fix module picker for oldIE. Closes #366.
  • Fixes #344 - Capture and show test duration.
  • Rename tests to assertions in summary. Fixes #336 - Summary counts assertions but mentions 'tests'.
  • Assert: Implement propEqual and notPropEqual. Fixes #317.
  • Canvas addon: Use 0.6 as alpha value to avoid inconsistencies between browsers. Fixes #342
  • Remove global variable "assert". Fixes #341.
  • Add a test for loading tests asynchronously
  • Improve start()-called-too-often fix, initialize semaphore at 1, fixes autostart=false case. Also provide stack for the offending start() call
  • There's type-free objects in Firefox, extend objectType() to allow null match. Fixes #315
  • Push a failing assertion when calling start() while already running. Resets anyway to keep other tests going. Fixes #314
  • Adds Ninja Theme
  • Extend jsdump to output Error objects as such, including the message property. Extend throws to provide 'expected' value when possible. Fixes #307
  • Use classes to collapse assertion groups. Fixes #269
  • Readme for junitlogger addon
  • Better readme for composite addon
  • Make throws ES3 compatible
  • Composite: Adds test whether iframe contains content. Fixes #318 - Composite: Raises "global failure" in Opera
  • Apply the same exception handling for test and teardown try/catch as for setup


21 Jul 00:30
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  • Core: Add module and test name to the information that is returned in the callback provided to QUnit.log(Function). Fixes #296.
  • Core: Make QUnit.expect() without arguments a getter. Fixes #226.
  • Core: Keep a local reference to Date constructor. Fixes #283.
  • Assert: The deepEqual method now compares the ES6 sticky y property for RegExp values. Fixes #284.
  • HTML Reporter: Scroll the window back to top after tests finished running. Fixes #304.
  • HTML Reporter: Force display of global errors despite URL parameters. Fixes #288.
  • HTML Reporter: Add module filter to UI.
  • Phantomjs plugin: Simplify phantomjs runner to use module property in testDone callback.
  • Update copyright to jQuery Foundation.
  • Simplify licensing: Only MIT, no more MIT/GPL dual licensing.


08 Nov 23:53
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  • Assert: Rename assert.raises() to assert.throws(), keeping an alias for compat. #267
  • Core: Make the module filter case-insensitive. #252
  • HTML Reporter: Link should ignore "testNumber" and "module". #270
  • HTML Reporter: Move checkboxes into toolbar and give them labels and tooltip descriptions. #274
  • HTML Reporter: Remove use of shadows and change border radius to 5px for pass/error.
  • Release: Start publishing to npm under the qunitjs package name.