order | title | toc | timeline |
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Change Log |
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true |
Ant Design Blazor
strictly follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.
- Weekly release: patch version at the end of every week for routine bugfix (anytime for urgent bugfix).
- Monthly release: minor version at the end of every month for new features.
- Major version release is not included in this schedule for breaking change and new features.
- 🆕 Add a parameter to expand all rows on load. #1695 @henrikwidlund
- 🐞 fix the bug that changing filter and/or operator closes the filter dropdown. #1687 @anranruye
- 🐞 allow set filters after table initialization. #1667 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fix GetResponse() deserialization to ignore case #1717 @BeiYinZhiNian
- 🐞 Treat all 2xx status codes in responses in the upload module as successful. #1705 @henrikwidlund
- 🐞 Fixed width for custom and culture-based format. #1685 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed datetime parse error. #1663 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed blur/focus & regression tests. #1681 @anddrzejb
- 🆕 feat(module: form): use DisplayName attribute as the default FormItem Label. #1682 @gmij
- 🐞 allow to use input components without bind-Value attribute inside customized form control. #1662 @anranruye
- 📖 add advanced search demo. #1654 @ElderJames
- 🌐 Russian locale resources additions. #1709 @kuznecovIT
- 🐞 When a node is missing from a resource file, the default value is used and no runtime exception is thrown. #1710 @anranruye
🆕 Tag shows pointer cursor when
is set. #1660 @anddrzejb -
⚡️ Modal and Drawer render reducing, update document and demo. #1701 @zxyao145
🐞 Fixed Select allow change both data source and value in one render period. #1720 @anranruye
🐞 Fixed Tabs horizontal scrolling of tabs #1581 @Brian-Ding
🐞 Fix Statistic
OnFinish callback exception(#1712). #1714 @HexJacaranda -
🐞 Fixed Overlay OnMaskClick event will fire correctly when the overlay size changes. #1692 @anranruye
🐞 Fixed Space items behavior when they are inside
block. #1684 @anranruye -
🐞 Fix Grid gutter adjustment on col initialize. #1653 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed selection issues. #1632 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed filter wrong compare operator after remove one filter condition; remove input components for 'Is Null' and 'Is Not Null' filter operators. #1596 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed the issue that filters are not applied when close the filter panel by clicking filter icon area. #1594 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed filter icon wrong highlight after clear the filter value; fix filter behavior when there is no input value. #1592 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed can not close filter by confirm button. #1602 @anranruye
- 📖 update ‘fork official sample’ demo to enable the sorters. #1544 @anranruye
- 🐞 Add typical
propertied toDropdownButton
. Include demo & API docs forDropdown
API andButton
API. #1609 @anddrzejb - 🐞 Add
parameter toDropdownButton
. #1588 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Add typical
- 🐞 Add OnClearClick eventcallback. #1586 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 fix(module:datepicker): in form behavior. #1617 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 fix the exception which is throwed when an InputNumber component for nullable type loses focus. #1612 @anranruye
- 🐞 fix(module:inputnumber): include parser in value evaluation. #1567 @anddrzejb
🐞 New parameters for
& methods:Focus()
, fixed clear icon.
New parameter forTextArea
, fixed clear icon.
gets new look and paramterClassicSearchIcon
for fallback to old look.
whitespace removed.
New parameters forInputPassword
. #1530 @anddrzejb -
🐞 Fixed Affix: remove wrong event listeners. #1616 @ElderJames
🐞 Fixed Drawer: OffsetX and offsetY do not work of Drawer, and update the documents how to use DrawerService by the way. #1448 @zxyao145
🐞 Fixed Radio: add defaultChecked and defaultValue. #1494 @ElderJames
🐞 Fixed Tag: Add support for Status and custom colors, add animation demo #1631 @anddrzejb
🐞 Fixed Image: fix the style property position. #1642 @ElderJames
🐞 Fixed Checkbox: in-form behavior of CheckboxGroup component. #1637 @anranruye
🌐 Fixed nl-BE and nl-NL locales. #1624 @gregloones
🛠 add missing 'filterOptions' node to german locale file. #1562 @anranruye
🌐 Added values missing from locale es-ES. #1534 @Magehernan
- 🐞 Fixed for Guid type. #1510 @anranruye
- 🐞 Added
attribute toInput
type components. #1480 @anddrzejb - 🐞 Fixed binding data when the Enter key is pressed. #1375 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed built-in filter select option width. #1500 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed error for EndsWith filter operator. #1434 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed column header sorter not refresh after ClearSorter is called #1385 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed can not use DataIndex nullable mode with not nullable property #1382 @anranruye
- 🐞 Fixed Filter for DataIndex. Unify FieldName, add DisplayAttribute for DiplayName. #1372 @Zonciu
- 🐞 Fixed ellipsis can't work. #1376 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed showSearch. #1484 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed invoking SelectedNodesChanged after clear selected. #1437 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed incorrect size. #1432 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed panel click closing + some issues from #1431. #1452 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed validate manually entered date against format. #1389 @anddrzejb
- 🆕 Select mutliple/tags can be used in forms. #1460 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed validation message unique #1391 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed error for nullable TItem of SelectOption. #1451 @anranruye
- 🛠 Refactor: use ResizeObserver Api instead of window.resize. #1392 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed OnDataSourceChange called when expected. #1419 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed enum default value protection. #1368 @anddrzejb
🐞 Fixed checkbox remove Value initialization blocking. #1459 @anddrzejb
allow now binding toChanged
properties can be used interchangeably. #1394 @anddrzejb -
🐞 Fixed Tag closable typo and delete mode #1393 @ElderJames
🐞 Fixed PasswordInput for retrieving and setting the
; OverrideonClick
. #1377 @MihailsKuzmins -
🆕 feat: add element component. #1378 @ElderJames
🐞 Fixed Affix can't affix while OffsetTop is zero. #1373 @ElderJames
🐞 Fixed dropdown width for IE. #1469 @anranruye
Theme and i18n
- 🔥 add built-in themes. #1286 @ElderJames
- 🔥 docs: dynamic primary color changing. #1332 @ElderJames
- 🔥 add RTL support. #1238 @ElderJames
- 📖 docs(module:form): IsModified sample fix. #1344 @anddrzejb
- 🆕 feat: Form lable supports left alignment. #1292 @unsung189
- 🆕 Added missing
. #1338 @anddrzejb - 🆕 added
. #1309 @anddrzejb
- 🆕 Added missing
- 🔥 add build-in filters #1267 @YMohd
- 🆕 add support for column names from Display attribute. #1310 @anranruye
- 🆕 add summary row. #1218 @ElderJames
- 🆕 Added event handler
. #1208 @anddrzejb - 🆕 add
method. #1202 @ElderJames
Date Picker
- 🐞 fix(module:datepicker): OnChange invoke after typing. #1347 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Overlay: fix resize event handler. #1322 @anddrzejb
🆕 Space: add wrap,split and size array. #1314 @ElderJames
🆕 Alert: add message template and loop banner demo #1250 @MutatePat
🆕 Upload: Added events:
. #1302 @anddrzejb -
🆕 Tag: add closing event #1268 @TimChen44
🆕 InputNumber: add long-click and keyboard operation. #1235 @lingrepo
🆕 add TestKit for public tests #1248 @MutatePat
🆕 Input add parameter
#1351 @anddrzejb -
🐞 Result: fix the issue for modify status unsuccessfully after initialization(#1328). #1336 @JiaChengLuo
🛠 1. Unified use of FeedbackComponent template components for modal comfirm and drawer; 2. Add "pure event handlers" helper class, avoid triggering statehaschanged in an event to cause repeated rendering. #1263 @zxyao145
🐞 fix: multiple bugs originating from js. #1342 @anddrzejb
🐞 Affix: fix the issue for affix to the viewport. #1335 @skystardust
🐞 Drawer: fix ZIndex has no effect. #1362 @anddrzejb
🐞 Avatar: fix text size calc regional independent [#1352] (ant-design-blazor#1352) @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed issue with table not being re-rendered when setting ScrollX. #1311 @Zonciu
- 🐞 Fixed an issue where modifying a DataSource would throw an exception. 5b0dbfb [@Andrzej Bakun](https://github.com/Andrzej Bakun)
- 🐞 Fix DataIndex Column Filter, make DataIndex column refresh correctly. #1295 @Zonciu
- 🐞 ExpandIconColumnIndex invalid when specified to the ActionColumn. #1285 @Magehernan
- 🐞 perf optimization & data source change issue #1304 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed an issue where clicking the Close option on multiple selections would trigger a drop-down menu. #1308 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed Loading icon in Tag mode. 12ca2f7 [@Andrzej Bakun](https://github.com/Andrzej Bakun)
💄 fix missing flex and wrap style. #1296 @ElderJames
🐞 default to empty string. 6944c13 [@Andrzej Bakun](https://github.com/Andrzej Bakun)
🐞 Fix Upload list 53c1285 [@Andrzej Bakun](https://github.com/Andrzej Bakun)
🐞 Fix DatePicker DisabledDate works incorect. #1298 @mutouzdl
🐞 Value has priority over DefaultValue. 5f14377 [@Andrzej Bakun](https://github.com/Andrzej Bakun)
- 🐞 Fixed Dropdown: Animations for down and up are inverse. #1274 @mutouzdl
- 🐞 Fixed Tree nodes expand incorrectly. #1275 @TimChen44
- 💄 Fixed Cascader an issue where the style attribute could not affect the style. #1269 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed Datepicker [selected date on end picker]、[quarter panel's ranges] are incorrect. #1260 @mutouzdl
- 📖 chore: add the copyright of .NET Foundation. #1272 @ElderJames
- 📖 chore: fix cmd for preview site and style sync. 68c7539 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed invoke
twice on pagination was changed #1211 @ElderJames - 🐞 Fixed clicking outside couldn't close filter panel #1232 @mutouzdl
- 🐞 Fixed invoke
- 🐞 Fixed reset when changed to a not existing value #1209 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed Compiled method
was throwing AmbigiousMethod #1214 @anddrzejb
🐞 Fixed divider style was default to plain #1215 @ElderJames
🐞 Fixed upload Disable and delete button #1219 @anddrzejb
🐞 Fixed badge color behavior #1216 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed
Input Search
loading animation toggling. #1195 @anddrzejb - 🐞 Fixed table doesn't refresh when expand row. #1199 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed bring OnRowClick back #1200 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed select press enter on form cause validation to fail #1196 @anddrzejb
🔥 Add overlay boundary detection and orientation adjustment. #1109 @mutouzdl
🐞 Tree: fixed selected highlight confusion. #1161 @qinhuaihe
🐞 Grid: fixed gutter. #1158 @anddrzejb
🐞 List: Removed unintended console output from SetGutterStyle. #1159 @superjerry88
🐞 Docs: fixed anchor and improvement. #1107 @ElderJames
- 🔥 Use Func to get/set value instead of reflection. #1168 @Zonciu
- 🐞 Fixed two-way binding #1191 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed tag duplication at multiple selection mode. #1162 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed new tag item label and value. #1121 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed DefaultActiveFirstOption. #1115 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Removed
, addedPrefixIcon
. #1087 @anddrzejb
- 🔥 Add table filters. #1178 @ElderJames
- 🔥 Add editable cell/row demo. #1152 @ElderJames
- 🆕 Add OnRow and OnRow method. #1175 @qinhuaihe
- 🐞 Fixed selectedRows exception. #1148 @qinhuaihe
- 🐞 Support more generic units for scroll x/y. #1137 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed missing value for the sort property of SortModel. #1105 @ElderJames
- Fixed showing empty status when there are no data. #1180 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed tree data exception when
return Null。#1188 @ElderJames
- 🆕 Fixed for not nullable - on clear set to defaults. #1100 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed date typing, enter behavior, overlay toggle. #1145 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed incorrect date format strings fix. #1097 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed FirstDayOfWeek configuration. #1054 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed placeholder and value equals null. #1088 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed wrong progress style. #1072 @ElderJames
- 🐞 fixed blocked navigation. #1071 @Tfurrer
- 🆕 Add MenuItem tooltip and SubMenu trigger type. #1082 @ElderJames
- 🆕 Add inline indent parameter. #1076 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed Nav Menu Collapse Unresponsive. #1144 @mutouzdl
- 🐞 Fixed active parent menu for routed links. #1134 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 Fixed can't collapse follow the sider. #1069 @ElderJames
- 🔥 Add a pull-down effect to Cascader (integrated Overlay components). #1112 @mutouzdl
- 🐞 Fixed
called twice. #1151 @anddrzejb
🐞 fixed the focus bug for InputPassword. #1146 @anddrzejb
- 🆕 support DataIndex, access object's property by path-based string. #1056 @Zonciu
- 🆕 add RowClassName attribute to table component. #1031 @mostrowski123
- 🆕 add sort directions and default sort order. #778 @cqgis
- 🆕 support multiple sorter. #1019 @ElderJames
- 🆕 Add
property to specify the column in which the expansion button resides. #1002 @fan0217 - 🐞 fix selection was broken with scroll y. #1020 @ElderJames
- 🐞 Fixed style errors when expandTemplate is NULL and when data is empty. #985 @Magehernan
- 🐞 Table component add custom comparer, fix table's blazor demo. #969 @Zonciu
- 🆕 Add Menu divider. #1017 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 fix loop on same route & performance & duplicate highlight. #1027 @anddrzejb
- 🆕 support overlay trigger without bound to a div. #937 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 fix the interop delElementFrom() exception on page refresh. #1008 @anddrzejb
- 🐞 fix(module: overlay): getFirstChildDomInfo when firstElementChild is null (#989). #989 [@Andrzej Bakun](https://github.com/Andrzej Bakun)
- 🐞 prevent the time out of range. #973 @ElderJames
- 🐞 DatePicker: fix throw exception when has default value. #972 @ElderJames
🆕 add image component. #1038 @ElderJames
🆕 add a separate action component. #1030 @ElderJames
🐞 layout: fix missing trigger when sider open from zero-width mode. #1007 @ElderJames
💄 fix back-top visible styles. #1005 @ElderJames
💄 fix upload file list style. #1001 @ElderJames
🐞 fix calendar critical exception for ChangePickerValue. #993 @anddrzejb
💄 Fix the missing HTML div #990 @anddrzejb
🐞 cascader: re-initialize options after options is changed. #980 @imhmao
🐞 fix Input/inputNumber/TextArea disabled attribute. #1048 @anddrzejb
🐞 fix throwing exception on page reload. #1040 @anddrzejb
🐞 Fixed issue where rebinding model or calling 'reset' method could not clear validation error message #1035 @anddrzejb
🐞 fix the ink delay change. #1037 @ElderJames
📖 update docs cache with version tag. cf2d4ed @ElderJames
💄 sync the style of ant-design v4.11.1. #1039 @ElderJames
🛠 update bUnit to 1.0.0-preview-01. #1009 @anddrzejb
📖 docs: scroll to hash anchor after pages are rendered. #1006 @ElderJames