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Knative Eventing KafkaChannel

Motivation for the channel

This repository contains another KafkaChannel implementation, which we believe is more flexible and scalable.

There are already 2 other KafkaChannel implementations: the consolidated KafkaChannel and the distributed KafkaChannel .

While working on these 2 channel implementations, we realized we could reuse the dataplane for other Knative Kafka components, namely Knative KafkaBroker and the Knative KafkaSink.

The dataplane is designed in a way that it only communicates the control plane via a configmap and thus it is:

  • More loosely-coupled
  • Easier to test standalone
  • Using a different stack that we find more suitable for the dataplane

Comparison with other KafkaChannel implementations

You may find a comparison of this new KafkaChannel implementation with the consolidated KafkaChannel and the distributed KafkaChannel implementations.

New KafkaChannel Consolidated KafkaChannel Distributed KafkaChannel
Delivery Guarantees At least once At least once At least once
Scalability Ingress and egress are in different pods and scalable** Ingress and egress are in the same pod and not scalable Ingress and egress are in different pods but not scalable
Data plane multitenancy All KafkaChannel resources leverage the same dataplane All KafkaChannel resources leverage the same dataplane All KafkaChannel resources leverage the same ingress but each has a dedicated egress
Offset repositioning Not supported Not supported Supported
Dataplane stack Java (Vert.x) Go (Sarama) Go (Sarama)

** Work in progress


  1. Setup Knative Eventing

  2. Install an Apache Kafka cluster, if you have not done so already.

    For Kubernetes a simple installation is done using the Strimzi Kafka Operator. Its installation guides provide content for Kubernetes and Openshift.

    Note: This KafkaChannel is not limited to Apache Kafka installations on Kubernetes. It is also possible to use an off-cluster Apache Kafka installation.

  3. Apply the channel manifests that are listed as assets in releases:

    # The whole suite
    kubectl apply -f eventing-kafka.yaml
    # Or, only the KafkaChannel
    kubectl apply -f eventing-kafka-controller.yaml
    kubectl apply -f eventing-kafka-channel.yaml
    # Then apply the post-install job (if available)
    kubectl apply -f eventing-kafka-post-install.yaml
  4. Configure the bootstrap.servers value in the kafka-channel-config ConfigMap in the knative-eventing namespace.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: kafka-channel-config
      namespace: knative-eventing
      # Replace this with the URLs for your kafka cluster,
      # which is in the format of
      bootstrap.servers: "REPLACE_WITH_CLUSTER_URL"
  5. If you are going to use authentication or encryption, create your secret.

    For using authentication, these values must exist in the secret:

    For using encryption, these values must exist in the secret:

    In any case, protocol value must be set explicitly to one of:

    • PLAINTEXT: No authentication and encryption are used.
    • SSL: Only encryption is used
    • SASL_PLAINTEXT: Only authentication is used
    • SASL_SSL: Both authentication and encryption are used
     STRIMZI_CRT=$(kubectl -n kafka get secret "${ca_cert_secret}" --template='{{index .data "ca.crt"}}' | base64 --decode )
     SASL_PASSWD=$(kubectl -n kafka get secret "${sasl_user}" --template='{{index .data "password"}}' | base64 --decode )
     TLSUSER_CRT=$(kubectl -n kafka get secret "${tls_user}" --template='{{index .data "user.crt"}}' | base64 --decode )
     TLSUSER_KEY=$(kubectl -n kafka get secret "${tls_user}" --template='{{index .data "user.key"}}' | base64 --decode )
     # SSL without SASL authentication
     kubectl create secret --namespace knative-eventing generic strimzi-tls-secret \
       --from-literal=ca.crt="$STRIMZI_CRT" \
       --from-literal=user.crt="$TLSUSER_CRT" \
       --from-literal=user.key="$TLSUSER_KEY" \
       --from-literal=protocol="SSL" \
       --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -n knative-eventing -f -
     # Or, SSL with SASL authentication
     kubectl create secret --namespace knative-eventing generic strimzi-sasl-secret \
       --from-literal=ca.crt="$STRIMZI_CRT" \
       --from-literal=password="$SASL_PASSWD" \
       --from-literal=user="my-sasl-user" \
       --from-literal=protocol="SASL_SSL" \
       --from-literal=sasl.mechanism="SCRAM-SHA-512" \
       --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -n knative-eventing -f -
     # Or, no SSL with SASL authentication
     kubectl create secret --namespace knative-eventing generic strimzi-sasl-plain-secret \
       --from-literal=password="$SASL_PASSWD" \
       --from-literal=user="my-sasl-user" \
       --from-literal=protocol="SASL_PLAINTEXT" \
       --from-literal=sasl.mechanism="SCRAM-SHA-512" \
       --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -n knative-eventing -f -
  6. Configure and auth.secret.ref.namespace values in the kafka-channel-config ConfigMap in the knative-eventing namespace.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: kafka-channel-config
      namespace: knative-eventing
      # Replace this with the URLs for your kafka cluster,
      # which is in the format of
      bootstrap.servers: "REPLACE_WITH_CLUSTER_URL"
      # Replace with secret name, such as strimzi-sasl-secret as created above REPLACE_WITH_SECRET_NAME
      auth.secret.ref.namespace: knative-eventing


The API for the new KafkaChannel implementation is the same with the consolidated KafkaChannel. You can use your existing KafkaChannel custom objects as is, or you can create the KafkaChannel custom objects just like before:

kind: KafkaChannel
  name: my-kafka-channel
  numPartitions: 1
  replicationFactor: 1
  retentionDuration: PT168H

You can configure the number of partitions with numPartitions, as well as the replication factor with replicationFactor, and the Kafka message retention with retentionDuration. If not set, these will be defaulted by the WebHook to 1, 1, and PT168H respectively.


Breaking changes from consolidated channel

There are a few breaking changes however automated migration is possible for migrations from the consolidated channel implementation to the new implementation.

Distributed channel users need to migrate manually.

Channel config

New implementation uses a new configmap called kafka-channel-config. It has a different structure as well.

The consolidated channel config looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: config-kafka
  namespace: knative-eventing
  version: 1.0.0
  sarama: |
    enableLogging: false
    config: |
      Version: 2.0.0 # Kafka Version Compatibility From Sarama's Supported List (Major.Minor.Patch)
        Timeout: 10000000000  # 10 seconds
        KeepAlive: 30000000000  # 30 seconds
        MaxOpenRequests: 1 # Set to 1 for use with Idempotent Producer
          Enable: true
          Enable: true
          Version: 1
        RefreshFrequency: 300000000000  # 5 minutes
            Interval: 5000000000  # 5 seconds
          Retention: 604800000000000  # 1 week
        Idempotent: true  # Must be false for Azure EventHubs
        RequiredAcks: -1  # -1 = WaitForAll, Most stringent option for "at-least-once" delivery.
  eventing-kafka: |
      maxIdleConns: 1000
      maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
      authSecretName: kafka-cluster
      authSecretNamespace: knative-eventing
      brokers: my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka:9092
      adminType: kafka # One of "kafka", "azure", "custom"
        cpuRequest: 100m
        memoryRequest: 50Mi
        cpuRequest: 100m
        memoryRequest: 50Mi

However, new channel implementation's config looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: kafka-channel-config
  namespace: knative-eventing
  bootstrap.servers: "my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka:9092" kafka-cluster
  auth.secret.ref.namespace: knative-eventing

Most of the options are not available in the new channel implementation because we are not using Sarama in the new dataplane anymore. Some of the other options are not available because they are set to sensible defaults at this moment.

Dataplane can be configured by adjusting the values in a different configmap called config-kafka-channel-data-plane. See configuring dataplane section for more details.


The new channel implementation requires the secret to have

  • A new key in the secret called protocol
  • Key called sasl.mechanism instead of saslType

New channel implementation still supports the old secret format by inferring the protocol and sasl.mechanism from the values in the old secret. However, this fallback will be deprecated and it is advised that you manually adjust your secrets to have these new keys.

In the consolidated channel implementation, protocol was inferred from the available information in the secret. However, in the new channel, we will ask users to explicitly define the protocol.

Also the key saslType is changed to sasl.mechanism with the same possible values.

Using SASL authentication with SSL encryption looks like this in the previous secret format:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: strimzi-sasl-secret
  namespace: knative-eventing
type: Opaque
  # SSL encryption
  ca.crt: ...
  user.crt: ...
  user.key: ...
  # SASL authentication
  user: ...
  password: ...
  saslType: ...

New implementation requires specifying the protocol explicitly:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: strimzi-sasl-secret
  namespace: knative-eventing
type: Opaque
  # SSL encryption
  ca.crt: ...
  user.crt: ...
  user.key: ...
  # SASL authentication
  user: ...
  password: ...
  sasl.mechanism: ...   # RENAMED from saslType
  # Protocol
  protocol: ...   # NEW

Possible values for the protocol are:

  • PLAINTEXT: No SASL and SSL are used
  • SSL: Only SSL is used
  • SASL_PLAINTEXT: Only SASL is used
  • SASL_SSL: Both SASL and SSL are used

New channel implementation can use the existing secrets as is. However, the old secret format will be deprecated soon, and it is advised to modify your secret.


Consolidated channel controller creates a service per channel resource. This channel service is used as the address of the channel itself, and it will forward the events to the dispatcher. As each channel resource has its own service, they will also have a separate host name and the dispatcher will be able to identify the channel by looking at its hostname.

In the new KafkaChannel implementation, this is preserved. However, in the future versions, we will switch from host-based-routing to path-based-routing. We will use a single hostname for the channel ingress and identify channels by the URL paths.

Controller leases

The new channel implementation's controllers use the same lease name as the previous controllers. This provides a nice and smooth transition to new controllers with a roll-out.

Auto migration from consolidated channel

Starting with the 1.4 version of the new channel implementation, there is an automated migration post-install job available for the migration from the consolidated channel.

This job:

  • Deletes unnecessary resources (old webhook, old hpa, old serviceAccount, old roles)
  • Copies over relevant parts of old configmap (config-kafka) to new configmap (kafka-channel-config)
  • Adjusts the channel services (the services that are created per channel instance) to use new channel ingress
  • Eventually, deletes the old configmap (config-kafka) and the old deployments

All configuration options in the previous configmap are ignored, except these:

  • eventing-kafka.kafka.brokers: Copied over to bootstrap.servers in new configmap
  • eventing-kafka.kafka.authSecretName: Copied over to in new configmap
  • eventing-kafka.kafka.authSecretNamespace: Copied over to auth.secret.ref.namespace in new configmap

Secret is not modified and the protocol information is inferred from what's available in the secret and the previous configmap. However, this inferring will be deprecated and removed soon.

To migrate from the consolidated channel, apply eventing-kafka-post-install.yaml artifact after you apply KafkaChannel artifacts (eventing-kafka-controller.yaml, eventing-kafka-channel.yaml, eventing-kafka-channel-prometheus-operator.yaml) or the whole Knative Kafka suite (eventing-kafka.yaml).

Auto migration - example run

You may find an example run of the automated migration below.

Please note that the commands are run on a cluster that has Knative eventing and consolidated KafkaChannel already installed.

❯ k get pods -n knative-eventing                                                                                                             ─╯
NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
eventing-controller-5ff747b589-7994j   1/1     Running   0          13m
eventing-webhook-b9c6cb4f-hfm7p        1/1     Running   0          13m
eventing-webhook-b9c6cb4f-thjk4        1/1     Running   0          13m
eventing-webhook-b9c6cb4f-zgbh5        1/1     Running   0          13m
kafka-ch-controller-77cb8cf758-pv5sn   1/1     Running   0          91s
kafka-webhook-9c549589b-ghmkb          1/1     Running   0          91s

Create a channel, subscription, a logger pod (event-display) and an event source (ping-source):

# Create a channel
❯ cat <<-EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: KafkaChannel
  name: kafka-channel
spec: {}

# Create an event-display service, which will write the events it receives to its console
❯ cat <<-EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: event-display
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 8080
    run: event-display
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    run: event-display
  name: event-display
  - image:
    name: event-display
    - containerPort: 8080
    resources: {}
  dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
  restartPolicy: Always

# Create a subscription for the channel
❯ cat <<-EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Subscription
  name: subscription
    kind: KafkaChannel
    name: kafka-channel
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Service
      name: event-display

# Create an event source (ping source) that sends events to the channel
❯ cat <<-EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: PingSource
  name: test-ping-source
  schedule: "*/1 * * * *"
  contentType: "application/json"
  data: '{"message": "Hello world!"}'
      kind: KafkaChannel
      name: kafka-channel

# Watch the logs of the event-display pod
❯ kubectl logs event-display --follow
2022/06/03 09:30:48 Failed to read tracing config, using the no-op default: empty json tracing config
☁️  cloudevents.Event
Context Attributes,
  specversion: 1.0
  source: /apis/v1/namespaces/default/pingsources/test-ping-source
  id: 2adc0860-c4dc-43ac-88b5-c15e1eaebb91
  time: 2022-06-03T09:34:00.060054762Z
  datacontenttype: application/json
    "message": "Hello world!"

Apply new channel manifest (applying the whole Knative Kafka suite with broker, sink, source and channel):

❯ kubectl apply -f

Apply post-install manifest:

❯ kubectl apply -f

Watch the logs of the post-install job:

❯ kubectl logs -n knative-eventing kafka-controller-post-install-5ds4v --follow
{"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2022-06-03T11:10:46.640412574Z","caller":"logging/config.go:116","message":"Successfully created the logger."}
{"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2022-06-03T11:10:46.640508022Z","caller":"logging/config.go:117","message":"Logging level set to: info"}
{"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2022-06-03T11:10:46.640548813Z","caller":"logging/config.go:79","message":"Fetch GitHub commit ID from kodata failed","error":"open /var/run/ko/HEAD: no such file or directory"}
{"level":"info","ts":1654254646.771741,"logger":"fallback","caller":"post-install/kafka_channel_migrator.go:68","msg":"Waiting 10m0s for the new data plane to become ready before the migration."}
{"level":"info","ts":1654254646.7808318,"logger":"fallback","caller":"post-install/kafka_channel_migrator.go:76","msg":"New data plane is ready, progressing with the migration"}
{"level":"info","ts":1654254646.7809098,"logger":"fallback","caller":"post-install/kafka_channel_migrator.go:93","msg":"Starting migration of channel services to new dispatcher service: kafka-channel-ingress.knative-eventing.svc.cluster.local."}
{"level":"info","ts":1654254646.7837079,"logger":"fallback","caller":"post-install/kafka_channel_migrator.go:138","msg":"Patching service default/kafka-channel-kn-channel with the patch: [{\"op\":\"replace\", \"path\": \"/spec/externalName\", \"value\": \"kafka-channel-ingress.knative-eventing.svc.cluster.local\"}]."}
{"level":"info","ts":1654254646.7915254,"logger":"fallback","caller":"post-install/kafka_channel_migrator.go:193","msg":"Migrating configmap."}
{"level":"info","ts":1654254646.794911,"logger":"fallback","caller":"post-install/kafka_channel_migrator.go:225","msg":"Patching configmap kafka-channel-config with patch [{\"op\":\"replace\", \"path\": \"/data/bootstrap.servers\", \"value\": \"my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka:9092\"} {\"op\":\"replace\", \"path\": \"/data/auth.secret.ref.namespace\", \"value\": \"\"} {\"op\":\"replace\", \"path\": \"/data/\", \"value\": \"\"}]"}
{"level":"info","ts":1654254646.8132904,"logger":"fallback","caller":"post-install/kafka_channel_post_migration_deleter.go:54","msg":"Waiting 10m0s for the new control plane to become ready before the migration."}
{"level":"info","ts":1654254646.859228,"logger":"fallback","caller":"post-install/kafka_channel_post_migration_deleter.go:62","msg":"New control plane is ready, waiting 10m0s before deleting old data plane"}
{"level":"info","ts":1654255246.859558,"logger":"fallback","caller":"post-install/kafka_channel_post_migration_deleter.go:64","msg":"Done waiting 10m0s. Deleting old data plane..."}

Configuring dataplane

Configmap config-kafka-channel-data-plane contains 4 different keys to configure dataplane defaults.

  • Passed to underlying Vert.x Kafka Client when creating a Kafka producer
  • Passed to underlying Vert.x Kafka Client when creating a Kafka consumer
  • Passed to underlying Vert.x Web Client when creating a web client that does the http requests to subscribers
  • Passed to Vert.x core when creating an HTTP server for the ingress

Values of these keys are in .properties format.

You may find the default value of this configmap in the repository.

Best practices

If you are using Knative MTChannelBasedBroker Broker backed by a KafkaChannel, it is strongly recommended to use KafkaBroker instead. This will save you additional HTTP hops, from channel to broker and broker to channel.

Discontinued features