diff --git a/man/dbWriteTable.Rd b/man/dbWriteTable.Rd index f232618b6..d7a4428fa 100644 --- a/man/dbWriteTable.Rd +++ b/man/dbWriteTable.Rd @@ -32,17 +32,19 @@ \arguments{ \item{conn}{DBIObject} -\item{name}{ - character vector of names (table names, fields, keywords). -} +\item{name}{The table name, passed on to \code{\link[DBI:dbQuoteIdentifier]{dbQuoteIdentifier()}}. Options are: +\itemize{ +\item a character string with the unquoted DBMS table name, +e.g. \code{"table_name"}, +\item a call to \code{\link[DBI:Id]{Id()}} with components to the fully qualified table name, +e.g. \code{Id(schema = "my_schema", table = "table_name")} +\item a call to \code{\link[DBI:SQL]{SQL()}} with the quoted and fully qualified table name +given verbatim, e.g. \code{SQL('"my_schema"."table_name"')} +}} -\item{value}{ - a data.frame. -} +\item{value}{a \link{data.frame} (or coercible to data.frame).} -\item{...}{ - placeholder for future use. -} +\item{...}{Other parameters passed on to methods.} \item{row.names}{Add a \code{row.name} column, or a vector of length \code{nrow(obj)} containing row.names; default \code{FALSE}.}