Remove Stopped containers
docker rm $( docker ps -a -f status=exited -q)
Shows only ContainerID, Image, Status and names of running containers
docker ps --format " table {{.ID}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}"
Using strace to debug container process
ps -axfo pid,ppid,uname,cmd | less
# # Start the NGINX docker container
docker run -itd --name nginxDebug nginx:latest
# # Extract the PID from the container
parentPID=` docker inspect -f ' {{.State.Pid}}' datapath000`
# ## Example output
# ## docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' nginxDebug
# ## 7645
# # Find the NGINX PID that was forked from the parent PID
childPID=` pgrep -P ${parentPID} -f controller-agent`
# ## Example output
# ## pgrep -aP 7645 -f nginx
# ## 7699 nginx: worker process
# ##
# ## pgrep -P 7645 -f nginx
# ## 7699
# # Find all worker PIDs that belong to the NGINX PID
workerPID=` pgrep -d ' ' -P ${childPID} `
# ## Example output
parentPID=` docker inspect -f ' {{.State.Pid}}' datapath000`
controllerAgentPID=` pgrep -P ${parentPID} -f controller-agent`
AVRdPID=` pgrep -P ${controllerAgentPID} `
workerPID=` pgrep -P ${AVRdPID} `
sudo strace -e trace=network,read,write -f $( echo ${workerPID} | sed ' s/\([0-9]*\)/\-p \1/g' )