'''bash gcloud auth application-default login '''
## This section allows you to grab your current oAuth token
data "google_client_config" "clent_config" {
## This section interacts with the GCP API
data "http" "http_serviceusage_googleapis_com" {
url = "https://serviceusage.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${var.project_id}/services?alt=json&filter=state%3AENABLED"
request_headers = {
accept = "application/json"
authorization = "Bearer ${data.google_client_config.clent_config.access_token}"
## This section converts the response into a useable format for other resources to use
locals {
enabled_apis = [ for api in jsondecode(data.http.http_serviceusage_googleapis_com.body).services: {
name = api.config.name
state = api.state