Create new pgp key. See
sudo zypper -y install gpg
gpg --version
gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.22
This is a new enough version according to the apache site.
Generate a new key via
gpg --gen-key --s2k-digest-algo sha512
Answer 4096 bits, no expiration time.
Uploaded key to It now appears as
Get the pgp key signed by others.
Add the new pgp key to the KEYS file
From hadoop HowToRelease at : Bulk update Jira to unassign from this release all issues that are open non-blockers.
Update the versions in Maven.
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=4.0.0
or do it manually by editing the pom.xml files. Commit the new versions.
Add a settings.xml in ~/.m2/settings.xml
with the appropriate logins.
Create the release branch:
git checkout -b 4.0
Create an annotated (signed) release tag via git.
git tag -s 4.0.0RC0 -m '4.0.0 release candidate 0'
For some reason, I get a message about needing a password. But no password is actually asked for. Perhaps it is supplied by the window manager via its keyring-like program.
Push branch-X.Y.Z and the newly created tag to the remote repo.
git push apache 4.0 4.0.0RC0
Upload the build to Sonatype's servers.
git clean -fdqx .
mvn clean deploy -Pdist -DskipTests
The above referenced profiles are not in the htrace profile but in the parent apache profile. Here is a pointer to the parent profile: Apache-18.pom
This will take a while because it needs to upload to the servers. It will ask you for your key password unless you set up a gpg-agent for your local session.
Log into and go to Select the repo you uploaded earlier. You can browse the files here to verify it looks right. When you are satisfied, click "Close".
Generate the source tarball via:
mvn clean install -DskipTests assembly:single -Pdist
Generate the side files.
cd target
gpg --print-mds htrace-4.0.0-incubating-src.tar.gz htrace-4.0.0-incubating-src.tar.gz.mds
gpg --armor --output htrace-4.0.0-incubating-src.tar.gz.asc \
--detach-sign htrace-4.0.0-incubating-src.tar.gz
sftp up to your public_html directory in
cd target
echo 'put htrace-4.0.0-incubating-src.tar.gz*' | \
Generate release notes via JIRA at by clicking on the release and then clicking the grey "release notes" button in the top right.
Propose a new release on the mailing list. Wait 1 day for responses.
Post a message with the form:
> I've posted the first release candidate here:
> The jars have been staged here:
> There's a lot of great stuff in this release [description]
> The vote will run for 5 days.
> cheers,
> Colin
> [release notes]
Checkout the current website. It is in svn (that's right, subversion).
The website is in a distinct location such that when its' content is svn
committed, the commit is published as
Here is how you'd check out the current site into a directory named
in the current directory:
$ svn checkout
Next, run the site publishing script at ${HTRACE_CHECKOUT_DIR}/bin/
It will dump out usage information that looks like this:
$ ./bin/
Usage: ./bin/ [-i | -a] [-g <dir>] [-s <dir>]
-h Show this message
-i Prompts the user for input
-a Does not prompt the user. Potentially dangerous.
-g The local location of the HTrace git repository
-s The local location of the HTrace website svn checkout
Either -i or -a is required.
Edit the script to set default Git and SVN directories.
To run the publish site script interactively, here is an example where
the git checkout is at ~/checkouts/incubator-htrace
and the svn checkout
is at ~/checkouts/
$ ./bin/ -i -g ~/checkouts/incubator-htrace -s ~/checkouts/