- 2-D Matrix Sorting
- Array Right Rotation Naive Approach
- Check Anagrams
- Check for Subsequence
- Container with most water
- Contiguous Sub Array with Given Sum
- Count of string P in string S
- Elements Occurrence using Binary Search
- Find number of digits in an integer
- Find leftmost non repeating character in string
- Infix to Postfix
- Intersection of Y-shaped linked list
- Kadane's Algorithm for max sum subArray
- Knuth–Morris–Pratt_algorithm
- Longest Common Prefix
- Maximum in Array
- Reverse words in Given String
- Spiral Matrix
- String to Integer
- Sub-array with given sum
- Target Sum triplets
- Rain Water Harvesting
- Painter Partition
- ActivitySelection
- Print All Subsequences using Recursion
- Search Insert Position
- Factorial of Very Large Numbers
- Minimum Spanning Tree
- All Possible Sum Using FFT
- Z Algorithm
- ArraySub
- Suduko Solver
- Josephus Problem
- NQueens
- Longest Subarray with Zero Sum
- Next Largest Permutation
- Binary Search Tree
- Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
- Binary Tree
- Circular Linkedlist
- Singly Linked List
- Doubly Linked List
- Hashtable with separate chaining
- Heap Sort
- Linked List
- Max and Min heap Implementation
- Nodes At A Distance K From A Given Target Node In A Binary Tree
- Priority Queue
- Queue
- Queue Linked List
- Red Black Tree
- Reverse Linked List
- Singly Linked List
- Stack using Array
- Stack using Linked List
- Tim Sort
- Trie Implementation
- Add Post-Order Tree Traversal
- Vector
- Breadth First Search Tree Traversal
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Flood fill
- In-order (LNR) Tree Traversal
- Kosaraju Algorithm
- Kruskal's Algorithm
- Post-order (LRN) Tree Traversal
- Pre-order (NLR) Tree Traversal
- Prim's Algorithm
- Cycle Detection in Graph
- Cycle Detection in a Directed Graph
- Check for bipartite graph
- Toplogical Sort in Diredted Acyclic Graph (DAG)
- Detect Negative Cycle in Graph
- Bellman Ford's Algorithm
- Binary Search
- Jump Search
- Interpolation Search
- Linear Search
- Manacher's Algorithm
- Randomized Select Search
- Bilinear Search
- Tenary Search
- Staircase Search
- Bubble Sort
- Count Sort
- Heap Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Randomized Quick Sort
- Selection Sort
- Shell Sort
- Topological Sort
- Radix Sort
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- Ackermann Function
- Armstrong Number
- Binary Exponentiation
- Catalan number
- Double factorial
- Euler's_Totient_Function
- Extended Euclidean Algorithm
- Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Ugly Numbers
- Palindrome Number
- Pythagorean Triples Generator
- Coin Change Problem
- Edit distance
- Fibonacci bottom to top
- Fibonacci top to bottom
- Longest common sub sequence
- Longest increasing subsequence
- Maximum Sum Rectangle
- Maximum Square Matrix With All 1s
- String permutations
- Minimum Sum Partition
- Implement Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
- Maximum Subarray Sum
- Rectangle Cutting Problem
- Wild Card Pattern Matching
- Matrix Chain Multiplication
- Zero One Knapsack
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- Fast Fibonacci Last digit
- Count of distinct elements in a window
- Print all codes of a string using recursion
- Find the Numbers
- First Missing Positive Number
- Merging two sorted arrays without extra space
- Remove Outermost Parantheses
- Sudoku Solver
- Russian Peasant Algorithm
- String Rotation based on Queries
- Swap Two Nibbles
- Unique_Number_III
- Least Common Multiple
- Kth largest element
- Kth smallest element
- Generate all Subsets
- Stock Span Problem