./mvnw clean verify
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d
./mvnw spring-boot:run -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=local
You can run TestOrderServiceApplication.java
from your IDE directly.
You can also run the application using Maven as follows:
./mvnw spotless:apply spring-boot:test-run
- Swagger UI: http://localhost:18282/order-service/swagger-ui.html
- Actuator Endpoint: http://localhost:18282/order-service/actuator
- Catalog Service : http://localhost:18080/catalog-service/swagger-ui.html
- JobRunr Dashboard : http://localhost:28282/dashboard/overview
To run only the Order Service locally with clean logs, you can follow these steps:
- start the Kafka and Postgres servers by using below command(You should be inside appropriate directory and docker setup should be done :- ) :
docker compose up kafka postgres
- In IntelIj Open Modify Run Configuration from Main class:
Set the Environment variable value to
- In case local profile doesn't due to any issues possible not able to connect to postgresDB Modify the Environment Variable Value as below this brings application up by connecting to H2 database.
- KafkaStream DeadLetter is configured in